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Serverless Example

Screen Recording

To get started with serverless example, you need to do following steps:

  • Grab a Binance API public and secret key. ( )
  • Set BinanceApiKey and BinanceSecretKey as environment variable on Serverless.FunctionApp. (Right Click on Serverless.FunctionApp project > Properties > Debug > Add BinanceApiKey and BinanceSecretKey with value you just grabbed from binance)
  • You can also get variables from local.settings.json file if you'd prefer. In that case, don'f forget the update Serverless.FunctionApp.Startup class.
  • Install Azure Functions Emulator (if you don't have it) and run in on your machine.
  • Run Serverless.FunctionApp and Serverless.BlazorWASM project at the same time. (Right click on solution > Set Startup projects > Select Multiple startup projects > Set Action to Serverless.FunctionApp and Serverless.BlazorWASM. It would be better if Serverless.FunctionApp project is above to Serverless.BlazorWASM.)


  • Grab the Serverless.FunctionApp api url and update the base address of HttpClient in Serverless.BlazorWASM.Program file.
  • Navigate to /fetchdata by clicking BTC/USD link on the nav menu
  • Wait 5 seconds for Azure Functions to initialize Binance api connection. Then the price refresh itself every 3 seconds. (You can change it )