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Awesome C# UI library that highly reduced limits of your application looks

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Nearly the same thing as CircularProgressBar just more customisible, has several styles (That determen labels positions and count).


  1. Angle - Determens angle of the arch (360 - Full circle, 180 - Half a circle)
  2. BackLineThikness - Thikness of back line.
  3. ProgressLineThikness - Thikness of line that shows progress.
  4. ProgressBackCollor - Color of a back line (Gray - By default).
  5. ProgressColor - Collor of line that shows progress (Lime - By default).
  6. Style - Styles that changes labels layout (Style1, Style2, Style3, None)
  7. Text1, Text2, Text3 - Text of labels.
  8. Text1Color, Text2Color, Text3Color - Colors of labels.
  9. Font1, Font2, Font3 - Fonts of labels.
  10. IgnoreHeight - If False: "Increase progressBar radius as long as height allows".


For updating labels method "UpdateText" should be used UNLESS there is a need to update only one label.



A way to drag borderless forms. Has double left click functionality to maximise form.


  1. Fixed - True - to drag the form, False - to drag it withing the form. (if that makes sense)
  2. MaximiseOnDoubleClick - If setted to true - maximises form on double-click.
  3. TargetControl - Control that is your grip.
  4. DraggableInnerControls - Makes so you can use conntrols withing pane to drag the form. (tho, it disables buttons)



Really simple DropDown.


  1. ArrowSize - Size of the arrow.
  2. ArrowThikness - Thikness of arrow.
  3. SetLayout - Control that supposed to be Dropped down.
  4. TextDistance - Changes drawn text distance from the left.
  5. PointsDown - sets arrow pointing direction
  6. UpImage, DownImage - Custom image of the arrow



A way to round the conners of something, usualy used for borderless forms.


ConnerRadius - Conner radius... TargetControl - Control that supposed to have rounded conners.



Flat button that works as a tab, usualy used for navigations.


  1. ActiveColor - Color that background changes whenever button is pressed.
  2. ActiveTextColor - Color that text changes to whenever button is pressed.
  3. Image - Image that gets placed to the right of the text.
  4. ImageSize - Size of the image.
  5. OnHoverColor - Color of the background whenever mouse is hovering it.
  6. OnHoverTextColor - Color of the text whenever mouse is hovering it.
  7. Selected - If setted to true - default text and backgroud collor will be set to "active".
  8. TextAligment - Aligment of the text.
  9. ActiveImage - Image that shows whenever button is active
  10. DefaultBack(Fore)Color - needed to be set to default one if button is selected by default
  11. DrawImage - If setted to true - draws Image (if avalible)
  12. DrawText - If setted to true - draws image, if false - then button can be used as basic pictureBox
  13. IsTab - Sets button as a tab
  14. TextOffset - Offsets text by specified amout of pixels
  15. UseActiveImageWhileHovering - Does what is says. (goash its a long name :D)



Panel with gradient drawn on top of it.


  1. Angle - Gradient angle.
  2. StartColor - Color that gradient starts with.
  3. EndColor - color that gradient ends with.

## ListView: ### Description: ListView that accepts UserControls as its childs ### Properties: 1. AutoExpang - If setted to true, ListView changes its Height instead of having scrollbars. 2. Vertical - If setted to true, it adds childs verticly (From top to bottom), if setted to false - adds childs horizoticly - from left to right. ### Methods: 1. Add(); 2. Clear(); 3. Remove();



Basic ProgressBar.


  1. BackLineThikness - Thikness of back line.
  2. FrontLineThikness - Thikness of front line.
  3. ProgressBackColor - Color of back line.
  4. ForeColor - Color of front line.
  5. Rounded - Rounds lines endings.
  6. Smooth - enables anti-alias.
  7. Value - value of the progressBar.



Line that is usually used to seperate components or parts of UI. Recently added animation that is implemented in TextBox_WOC.cs


  1. LineColor - Color of the line.
  2. LineThikness - Thikness of hte line.
  3. AnimationEnabled - If setted to false - animatoin will not be drawn.
  4. Angle - Angle of the line.
  5. AnimationColor - Color of the animation.
  6. Val - Value of the animation.
  7. Vertical - On this parameter depends how line size is calculated.


  1. StartAnimating - Params: interval - How often should animation be drawn(16 for full 60fps), progress - how much should animation be changed each frame, startValue - value from which animation should be started drawn (-1 for current value)


Compatible with Left and right paddings. :)



Slider - aka trakbar.


  1. BackLineThikness - Thikness of back line.
  2. CircleSize - Diameter of a circle.
  3. DrawCircle - if setted to true - draws circle, false othervise.
  4. FrontLineThikness - Thikness of front line.
  5. MaxValue - Slider max value.
  6. Value - Value.



Basic switch.


  1. IsOn - If setted to true - on by default.
  2. OnColor - Color of switch while its on.
  3. OffColor - Same but while off.
  4. OnText - Text that shows while switch is on.
  5. OffText - Same but while Switch is off.
  6. TextEnable - If setted to true, shows text.



Component that helps to manage "tabs" (using UserControls as tabs).


  1. Control - Control that works as "Tab Holder"


  1. addTab()
  2. showTab()



Interface that adds OnShow method IF used with TabsAdapter

Form_WOC.cs (Class):


Class that adds resisible grip to borderless forms edges.

How to use it:

  1. Change forms inharance from "Form" to "Form_WOC".
  2. Add padding of ur choice (Reccomended 2-3).


Grip is drawn on the edges of the form, that means that form needs to have small padding (3-4). To hide that padding - drawLine method was created, view sample code to learn more



Material styled TextBox with animation

How to use it:

  1. TextBoxText - Text of the TextBox.
  2. AnimationColor - Color of animation.
  3. TextBox - Returns TextBox itself.
  4. Underline - Returns underline(that is seperator).



Allows to animate controls. As of right now - it is only able to change size of them


  1. Control - Control that you wish to animate
  2. Delay - Number that determens how often should it be updated. (lower number == higher cpu usage)

How to use it:

  1. Add it
  2. Set animation(s) of your choice (programaticly - by using method). (as of right now - only "changeSize(int speed, int x, int y)" is avalible.
  3. Use "startAnimation()" to start an animation.


  1. onWidthChanged(Control control, int change, bool isExpanding);
  2. onHeightChanged(Control control, int change, bool isExpanding);
  3. onAnimationTick(Control control);