## 1.1.0 * [FIX] Fixes "(node:25116) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: result is not iterable" due error response from icinga * [FIX] Better error handling and catching various uncaught promises * [FIX] Docs fix regaring how to create icinga2 api user * [CHANGE] Upgrade to winston ^3.0.0 stable * [CHANGE] Log format is now in json and includes a timestamp * [FIX] Service protocol is now lower cases which fixes issues like check_command=TCP insteadof check_command=tcp * [FIX] Fixes icinga api username is now correctly read from ICINGA_API_USERNAME as documented (instead ICINGA_API_USER) * [FEATURE] Add support for service/host definitions in kubernetes annotations #1 * [BREAKER!] Removed service.portNameAsCommand option, use kubernetes annotations * [FEATURE] Discover persistent volumes and create icinga services for those #4 * [FIX] Fixed typo Definiton => Definition in default config example ## 1.0.1 **Maintainer**: Raffael Sahli \ **Date**: Fri 01 Jun 2018 01:18:20 PM CEST * [FIX] fixed protocol (service ports.protocol) lowercase * [CHANGE] config logger.level => log.level * [FIX] catch error objects from kube watchers ## 1.0.0 **Maintainer**: Raffael Sahli \ **Date**: Thu May 24 14:52:11 CEST 2018 Initial release