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Socially aware Hugo blog starter kit, with modular CSS gulp.js workflow

Indiego logo


To get started

Deploy to Netlify

  1. Click the big button above
  2. In a terminal, git clone your new repository to your local machine
  3. Add your details to config.yml
  4. Change directory, run hugo serve
  5. In new terminal, cd themes/starter/
  6. Run npm install
  7. Run gulp. A Browserync window should open.
  8. Add content. Design your theme. The world is your oyster 🐚

Full Hugo documentation at and Indiego documenation at

To add content

  • To create new blog post, from command line in top level directory, run hugo new blog/
  • To create new status post, run hugo new status/
    • So that I can search status posts by date, I add a 6-digit datestamp eg 180803-shorttitle
    • Status posts use the date as the <h1>, they don’t really have a title as such
  • To create a new page, pop a Markdown file in the content directory. Use the page to crib the Frontmatter

Full documentation is on the Hugo website.

To edit the theme

  • The Indiego theme is called starter. As you can see, it is incredibly minimal.
  • The organisation is based on ITCSS (Inverted Triangle CSS). All CSS, JavaScript and images are organised by modules in the starter/src directory, from general to specific:
    1. Variables
    2. Base CSS
    3. Objects (site wide patterns)
    4. Components
    5. Utilities (trumping !important)
    6. Shameful
  • A simple Gulp taskrunner concatenates the individual modules into app.css, app.js and assets in the starter/static directory. These are then copied to public when you run hugo serve
  • Set your own base settings in starter/src/assets/css/settings
  • Create your own modules in starter/src/modules
  • Keep gulp running in one terminal and hugo serve in another to preview changes automatically.

To publish changes

  • If you originally used the Deploy to Netlify button, then every time you git push, your website will be automatically deployed. Magic 🙂

Deploy to Netlify