########## # This is .travis.yml configuration file specifically for master and develop branch. # The travis job should contains only unit and integration tests. # # To avoid this file from being overwritten by .travis.yml from other branches, # please add the following to your local git config: # git config merge.ours.driver true ########## branches: only: - master - develop language: scala addons: postgresql: "9.3" sudo: false env: global: - PIO_HOME=`pwd` before_script: # Download spark, hbase - mkdir vendors - wget http://d3kbcqa49mib13.cloudfront.net/spark-1.3.0-bin-hadoop2.4.tgz - tar zxfC spark-1.3.0-bin-hadoop2.4.tgz vendors - wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/hbase/hbase-1.0.0/hbase-1.0.0-bin.tar.gz - tar zxfC hbase-1.0.0-bin.tar.gz vendors # Prepare pio environment variables - set -a - source conf/pio-env.sh.travis - set +a # Create postgres database for PredictionIO - psql -c 'create database predictionio;' -U postgres - ./bin/travis/pio-start-travis script: # Run stylecheck - sbt scalastyle # Run all unit tests - sbt test after_script: - ./bin/travis/pio-stop-travis deploy: - provider: s3 access_key_id: secure: "PxUW6LxwsJ2UlakxsPtkgIwbE949QyJbDF31IdjDIVX5H7KLWA0xkpECj+DXW7/lODsuGLxi02w4Y+KE0Ujo27ovnQAu2F1D6NDGn+D/JIu/wqjRJ4OOOg65j/06zyj5jzWMckLh6wYKABMiInsWiXtr4ehLS6pHVyJVXaLuBPE=" secret_access_key: secure: "L3TXxQJZutXrXROf89dTiMuvcnsQ88F+cSqpddhafy4O3agyTMyJcHozizCaKI+VuJVZnUrip/joo4b85PSC8xjU4G7/lOIAoiSyQZU/f4RqUTFyl9ppTHQq2CyZKZy1qhqmBegRcWTy6TLV3JNXzKq+0fgl6/HekUMBuNX98yM=" bucket: install.prediction.io region: us-east-1 skip_cleanup: true acl: public_read endpoint: install.prediction.io.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com local-dir: bin detect_encoding: true on: branch: master