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Agora catalog ui

Agora catalog ui is a single page front-end application built with react (and create-react-app tool) that displays a catalog of provider and resource information published publicly on an agora api endpoint.


In ./src/config.js there are some basic configuration properties to be set before producing the optimized build. The properties that can be set are as follows:

  • logo: "default" Option to use the default or a custom logo for agora catalog navbar branding
  • brand: "agora service catalog" Option to specify a brand title for the specific agora catalog instance
  • endpoint: "" Option to specify a public agora api to retrieve published results from
  • colorA:"#9c6078" Option to specify a primary color for theme-ing
  • colorB:"#112130" Option to specify a secondary color for theme-ing
  • basePath: "/catalog" Optional parameter to specify a subfolder path where the web app will be hosted. If defined here set also accordingly the homepage parameter at package.json
  • organisationUUID: "<organisationUUID>" Optional parameter to show ONLY resources that the specified organisation provides. In the providers section also affiliated providers are presented.

Build and deploy

Steps to build and deploy the app:

  1. git clone this repo
  2. Issue npm install
  3. Configure parameters in ./src/build
  4. Issue npm run build
  5. Deploy contents of the ./build/ folder to the remote webserver

Deploy on root folder on remote webserver

If the app is meant to be deployed directly in a remote node such as make sure that:

  1. basePath parameter is omitted in ./src/config.js file
  2. homepage parameter is omitted in package.json file
  3. Issue npm run build
  4. Deploy contents of the ./build/ folder to the corresponding document root folder of the remote webserver

Deploy on a specific subfolder - for example under

If the app is meant to be deployed under a subfolder on the remote node make sure that:

  1. basePath parameter (in ./src/config.js) is set to the subfolder value ~ for eg. basePath: "/catalog"
  2. homepage parameter (in package.json) is set to the correct domain/path value ~ for eg. "homepage":""
  3. Issue npm run build
  4. Deploy contents of the ./build/ folder to the correspodning subfolder on the remote webserver

Configure apache to host agora catalog in subfolder ./catalog

Steps to configure apache:

  1. Deploy optimized build to a folder such as /srv/agora/catalog
  2. Use an apache Alias such as the following: Alias /catalog /srv/agora/catalog
  3. Use an apache Directory configuration directive such as
<Directory "/srv/agora/catalog">
     Order deny,allow
     Allow from all
     Require all granted
     RewriteEngine on
     # Don't rewrite files or directories
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
     RewriteRule ^ - [L]
     # Rewrite everything else to index.html to allow html5 state links
     RewriteRule ^ /catalog/index.html [L]