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Gravity Enterprise

This repository contains the enterprise features of gravity. The rest of this file (below) has been migrated from the old telekube repository and probably needs updating.


Please follow Versioning spec.

Development Quickstart

Install Telekube on Vagrant

Change working directory to vagrant folder and execute:

$ cd vagrant
$ vagrant up

This will bring 3 VMs properly configured for development

Build telekube:

$ make production telekube

Install telekube:

$ cd vagrant
$ make ansible-install

You can read more in Ansible and Vagrant development guide

Ops Center Development Quickstart (Linux)

WARNING: this is hard section, most likely you will get stuck without extra help

# builds and compiles everything
make production
# installs gravity and teleport on your system
make install
# runs an etcd instance for ops center
make etcd
# imports packages into opscenter
make packages
# starts gravity ops center
make start

Quick recompile

If you only need to recompile telekube binaries (tele and gravity):

# goinstall rebuilds binary
# start starts the ops center
make goinstall start

Rebuild dependencies

If you have updated any dependencies, e.g. you want to rebuild with a particular version of teleport or planet:

TELEPORT_TAG=v0.2.0-beta.7 PLANET_TAG=v0.0.27 make production packages

It will update binaries on all hosts and redeploy the daemonset.

Telekube explained

Telekube currently features two modes:

  • Ops Center - where vendors upload packages, and from where you can install apps. When an application is installed, a new remote site is created. The staging version of OpsCenter is always deployed to

  • Cluster - the component that runs on customers infrastructure. It implements the necessary functionality to support the following cluster-local workflows:

    • Update/Uninstall the application
    • Run/Stop the application
    • Enforce cluster-specific access/usage policies
    • Collect events and implement site audit
    • Interact with on-site monitoring

AWS Deployments

Authoring new AWS AMIs

Launching instances on AWS requires a choice of an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) to boot it with. When choosing an AMI, one has to keep in mind that AMIs are bound to certain regions - in order to use the image in another region one can copy it into that region prior to use.

AMIs come in three flavors: marketplace, public and private images. There's a big caveat to a marketplace image which presents a problem to using open source images. If you want another account to use a marketplace image, that account is required to accept a license agreement (EULA) which can only be done by visiting a web page. Obviously this complicates deployments across AWS accounts.

One way to solve this problem is by cloning the official open-source image to remove the marketplace binding.

This link describes a solution (although it disregards an important concern and should not be followed verbatim). The basic idea is to clone a root volume of an instance launched from an official AMI to another volume and use that to bootstrap another instance which can be used for creating an image without marketplace binding.

Here are the steps for creating an AMI:

  • Spin up an instance using a marketplace image
  • Make any necessary changes to the system that you want in the new AMI
  • Stop this instance and detach its root volume
  • Spin up another instance (from an AMI of your choice) and attach the above volume to it (for example, as /dev/xvdf)
  • Create a new EBS volume (no snapshot) with characteristics matching the root volume from above - 8 GiB standard gp2 24/3000 IOPS volumes are used as root volumes by default
  • Attach this new volume to the previously started instance (for example, as /dev/xvdj)
  • It now should have a root volume and two attached volumes: /dev/xvdf and /dev/xvdj (Note, /dev/xvdj is arbitrary - volume mounts might be different in each case)
  • Format the second volume: mkfs -t xfs /dev/xvdj
  • Copy the other (attached previously as a root) volume using dd: dd bs=65536 if=/dev/xvdf of=/dev/xvdj
  • Re-attach the cloned volume to the stopped instance as a root value (i.e. as /dev/sda1)
  • Start the previously stopped instance (this is optional)
  • Create an image from the instance

Currently, the ami-73619113 (based on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS 1602 with no marketplace binding) is the image of choice for deployments in us-west-2.

Please, refrain from using ami-e3da2a83 (CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS 1602_gravitational) - it has been cloned from a running system and suffers from integrity inconsistency.

We have a hardcoded list of AMIs mapped to a region and availability zone:


// Regions defines a map of supported EC2 regions to various attributes
// like machine image and availability zone to use in any specific region.
var Regions = map[RegionName]RegionMapping{
	// TODO: map additional regions and AMIs
	NVirginia: {Image: "ami-366be821", AvailabilityZone: "us-east-1d"},
	Oregon:    {Image: "ami-14b07274", AvailabilityZone: "us-west-2a"},

Anytime you need to make an AMI available for installation in any specific region (by creating a new AMI or copying an existing one to the new region) make sure you update this list to make the AMI available to the installer.

AMIs we have in use

Northern Virginia (us-east-1)

  • ami-366be821 (CentOS 7 (Enhanced Networking / lvm2))
  • ami-15673770 Debian Jessie (Source: 126027368216/Debian Jessie) (Copied ami-e41dfdd7 from us-west-2 Debian Jessie)
  • ami-61bbf104 CentOS 7 (Source: aws-marketplace/CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS 20150928_01-b7ee8a69-ee97-4a49-9e68-afaee216db2e-ami-69327e0c.2)

Oregon (us-west-2)

  • ami-14b07274 (CentOS 7 (Enhanced Networking / lvm2))
  • ami-ff4fbf9f CentOS 7 with Enhanced Networking (Name: CentOS 7 (Enhanced Networking)), based on ami-73619113
  • ami-73619113 CentOS 7 (Name: CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS 1602 28Apr), no marketplace binding
  • ami-2bc92c4b Debian Jessie (Name: debian), no marketplace binding
  • ami-b3332dd2 CentOS (Name: secure-centos)
  • ami-4fd6262f CentOS 7 (Name: CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS 1602-b7ee8a69-ee97-4a49-9e68-afaee216db2e-ami-d7e1d2bd.3)
  • ami-d440a6e7 CentOS 7 (Name: CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS 20150928_01-b7ee8a69-ee97-4a49-9e68-afaee216db2e-ami-69327e0c.2)

Northern California (us-west-1)

  • ami-1f51915b Debian Jessie (Copied ami-e41dfdd7 from us-west-2)
  • ami-f77fbeb3 CentOS 7 (Source: aws-marketplace/CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS 20150928_01-b7ee8a69-ee97-4a49-9e68-afaee216db2e-ami-69327e0c.2)

Installing AWS-integrated applications

In order to install an application with AWS-integration, add kubernetes-deployer policy to your user account if it has not already been added (Our developers group already has this policy attached!). The policy adds another set of permissions that are required to run terraform AWS provisioning scripts.

Upload artifacts to Amazon S3

We want to keep some of the build artifacts accessible and have an experimental support for deploying them to Amazon S3. There's a private bucket used for builds: s3: and makefiles are tailored to pull from that bucket first before doing the build for a particular dependency.

To be able to deploy artifacts from local machine you need to set up aws CLI tools. Download and install:

$ python -m pip install awscli

Then do upload:

$ make upload


Refer to monitoring page for details about application monitoring.


Refer to logging page for details.

Note on build versioning

With the introduction of build artifacts on Amazon S3 it becomes important to consistently name the (git) tags. Since the artifacts deployment uses git describe as a simple artifacts versioning scheme, it is no longer valid to tag a build with a name that would break if used as a directory name. For consistency, name the tags to be semver-complaint.

Discouraged naming:

$ git tag

Better naming:

$ git tag

Telekube OpsCenter

The OpsCenter is the heart of Telekube. It manages user identities, vendors with their applications and installed instances of said applications. Installed applications run on remote sites and they "dial back home" to the OpsCenter who initiated their installation.

In addition to being the centralized hub of many sites, a OpsCenter can also be installed on-site for those use cases when a fully autonomous and disconnected mode is desired.

OpsCenter is a web application but nearly all functions are accessible via CLI as well.

Staging Environment

Currently OpsCenter is deployed on To SSH into it:

> ssh -p 61822 [email protected]

... assuming your SSH key is published in the RSA S3 bucket and added to deploy/provision.yaml.

Development Mode

To start OpsCenter in development mode, we need to have the following

  • go version >= 1.5.4 < 1.6
  • docker version >= 1.8.x
  • gravity itself (use latest master)

Setting up Go and Docker

Check out these docs to install Go and docker:

IMPORTANT: make sure you can run docker without sudo, otherwise it won't work

Setting up dnsmasq

Install dnsmasq and make sure it has the following in its configuration:


You can create /etc/dnsmasq.d/opscenter.conf that contains the line above and include it in the main config file /etc/dnsmasq.conf.

Also, make sure it is configured as your resolver in /etc/resolv.conf:


Building components

make this will build gravity and all dependencies:

make production
sudo make install

Accessing OpsCenter

URL: https://localhost:33009/ Use your Google account to sign in in web UI.

When working with local OpsCenter, use the default admin account (admin/gravity+1) for login:

$ gravity ops connect https://localhost:33009

Local user accounts are configured in assets/local/gravity.yaml.

Development mode

Trust your localhost certs in chrome.Open this in browser and enable mode "Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost."


There is a pair of build targets specifically aimed at development: dev and run.

The dev target does not pull / recompile any dependencies - all it does is build gravity executable. You can place alternative versions of dependencies (applications and other packages) directly inside build to make gravity use them.

For example, simply copying a new version of planet (planet-master.tar.gz and planet-node.tar.gz) will make it available in the next run of make dev run.

The run target starts a local gravity OpsCenter used to control various gravity tasks, including but not limited to installing a new site or deleting an active site.

make dev run

Provisioning new Ops Centers

Check out

Generating installers

There are two ways to create a tarball with a self-sufficient application installer. See "Creating sites" section below to learn how to use installers to install applications.

Via an Ops Center

The command below downloads a generated installer tarball from a remote Ops Center. The application the installer is requested for should be present in the Ops Center.

$ tele pull --ops-url=<opscenter address> <app package> <dir>

For example, to request a "telekube" app installer from the locally running Ops Center and unpack it into "installer" directory:

$ tele login -o https://localhost:33009
$ tele pull --ops-url=https://localhost:33009 telekube

Without an Ops Center

To build an application installer in a standalone mode, all that's required is the application manifest:

$ tele build <path to manifest> -o <tarball name>

For example, to build a Mattermost installer from our Quick Start Guide:

$ tele build mattermost/resources/app.yaml -o installer.tar.gz

Creating clusters

Bare metal install via Ops Center

  1. Start Ops Center
  2. Start Vagrant machines (vagrant up from assets/vagrant/3node)
  3. Log into the Ops Center, pick an app to install and select "Bare metal" mode
  4. When done, destroy Vagrant machines (vagrant destroy)

Hint: It is possible to start only select Vagrant machines instead of all 3 by specifying their names when spinning them up: vagrant up node-1 to start just one, vagrant up node-1 node-2 to start two, etc. This may be useful if you want to install just 1-node cluster and/or short on disk space as each of the machines requires 2 10GB disks.

Using standalone installer

  1. Generate a standalone installer, like described in the "Generating installers" section above
  2. Start Vagrant machines (vagrant up from assets/vagrant/3node)
  3. Upload installer to one of Vagrant machines (vagrant scp plugin may come in handy) and unpack it

Graphical installation

  1. Launch sudo ./install from the unpacked installer directory and follow prompts

CLI installation

  1. From the unpacked installer directory run:
$ ./gravity install --cluster=<cluster name> --advertise-addr=<node's address> --token=<join token>
  1. To later add another node to the cluster, upload/unpack the same installer tarball to another node and run:
token in install>

Installing on Mac

You can deploy a gravity cluster on a Mac using vagrant.


  • Mac - tested with OSX 10.9.5
  • vagrant - tested with 1.8.1
  • virtualbox - whatever version vagrant installs automatically (tested with 5.0.16)
  • Vagrantfile

Any application with an onprem installer can be used for installation.

Install vagrant if necessary, and use the provided Vagrantfile to start a cluster of three nodes:

$ vagrant up

The Vagrantfile assumes the OpsCenter is running locally - if this is not the case, the easiest would be to route to OpsCenter via localhost - i.e. override localhost to the address of the computer running the OpsCenter.

For example, assuming the OpsCenter is running on (where it is running as localhost) - temporarily update /etc/hosts on each node to point to the OpsCenter: localhost

Open the installer on https://localhost:33009/web/login and start the bare metal installation. After the agent link has been generated, use it on each of the instances to download and start an install agent.

Follow the instructions to configure the proper IPs and roles for the nodes and continue the installation through to completion.

Accessing installed clusters


To be able to access remote sites from your laptop, you will need tsh version >=1.2.5 (, kubectl and tele binary from this repo.

Logging into sites

To log into installed site, you can do:

✗ tele --insecure login -o <opscenter> <site>

This will bring up a browser OIDC login form.

If you don't know what sites are available, it is possible to log into OpsCenter first:

✗ tele --insecure login -o opscenter.localhost.localdomain:33009

then inspect available clusters using tsh:

✗ tsh clusters
Cluster Name                        Status
------------                        ------
opscenter.localhost.localdomain     online                         online

and then login into an installed site:

✗ tele --insecure login -o opscenter.localhost.localdomain:33009

After successful login, you should be able to use tsh and kubectl directly from your laptop.

For example, to list servers for the selected site:

✗ tsh ls
Node Name                                        Node ID                                          Address                  Labels
---------                                        -------                                          -------                  ------     advertise-ip=,role=node

To run a command on one of servers:

 tsh ssh [email protected] gravity ls --namespace=kube-system
| #  |         POD         |   CONTAINER   |                             LABELS                              |     HOST IP     |
|  1 | bandwagon           | bandwagon     | app=bandwagon                                                   | |
|  2 | grafana-tju1i       | grafana       | app=grafana                                                     |

Use use kubectl directly:

✗ kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system
NAME                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
bandwagon             1/1       Running   0          12m
grafana-tju1i         1/1       Running   0          11m
gravity-site-gqea9    2/2       Running   0          11m

Note: For this to work, make sure you have dnsmasq installed and configured as described in the "Setting up dnsmasq" section somewhere above, and that it is used as your resolved in /etc/resolv.conf.

Web development

Refer to web/ for instructions on how to build Web UI.


In gravity, a concept of an application is built on top of a package concept with a bit of metadata thrown into the mix. The application metadata is defined inside an application manifest.

While applications are, in fact, packages, the extra information specific to them requires additional handling - therefore, gravity provides an additional layer for managing applications, including a whole CLI subsystem - app:

$ gravity help app
usage: gravity app <command> [<args> ...]

operations on gravity applications
  --help      Show help (also see --help-long and --help-man).
  --debug     Enable debug mode
  --insecure  Skip TLS verification
              directory where gravity stores its state

  app import [<flags>] <src> <pkg>
    Import k8s application into gravity

  app export [<flags>] <pkg>
    export gravity application

  app delete [<flags>] <pkg>
    delete gravity application

  app install [<flags>] <pkg>
    install gravity application

  app list [<flags>] [<repo>]
    list installed applications

  app uninstall [<flags>] <pkg>
    uninstall application

  app status [<flags>] <pkg>
    get app status

  app pull --ops-url=OPS-URL [<flags>] <pkg>
    pull an application package from remote OpsCenter

  app push --ops-url=OPS-URL <pkg>
    push an application package to remote OpsCenter

  app hook <pkg> <hook-name>
    run the specified application hook

Creating a gravity application is a two step process: creating the package (or a package template) and importing it. The format of an application package is described here. After the application package has been created, it can be imported into gravity using the import command:

$ gravity app import package.tar.gz

Please note that the application metadata, like repository name, application name and application version are taken from the application manifest file found inside the package. It is possible, however, to override any of these values, for example:

$ gravity app import package.tar.gz --name=anothername --version=4.5.6

Use help to get details on gravity app import command:

$ gravity help app import

Note, that applications are referenced as any other packages in gravity.

The import operation can either operate on a self-contained packages or vendor from a package template (which can be a directory).

The import operation also checks that all application's dependencies are present in the import destination (e.g. remote OpsCenter) and will fail if any of the dependencies cannot be satisfied.

The self-contained application packages are tarballs with a copy of each (docker) container image referenced in application resources. As such, a self-contained package can be imported offline (without access to docker and internet).

When vendoring, import does the following:

  • Pulls all container references offline (containers will be stored in the project's registry directory)
  • Rewrites all container image references in resource files to point to the private docker registry

In either mode, the package is then imported into gravity using the standard package management layer.

Here's an example of using vendoring mode:

$ gravity app import --vendor --registry-url=apiserver:5000 --glob="**/*.yaml" assets/mattermost --state-dir=/var/lib/gravity

By default, the vendoring mode uses apiserver:5000 as private docker registry address. The **/*.yaml glob pattern is also a default but other patterns can be provided to relax or narrow the resource filter. Note, that app install does not rewrite images anymore - so it is important that the imported applications have their container image references pointing to proper private docker registry. The vendor mode will probably be made default in future.

Vendoring mode rewrites image names in all found application resources, including application manifest.

Rewriting image names

In addition to rewriting image references, vendoring mode can also rewrite images which is useful if you want to use latest tag locally but import with an appropriate version into remote OpsCenter:

$ gravity app import --set-image=postgres:9.3.5 k8s-aws.tar.gz

Setting Dependencies

If your application depends on some package and lists it in the dependencies section, e.g.:


And you want to dynamically set the version during application build, you can use set-dep

$ gravity app import k8s

This command works both for application and package dependencies


When used w/o parameters - import creates a package in the implicitly local context. You can override the context to use for the operation by specifying the state folder to use with --state-dir parameter:

$ gravity app import k8s-aws.tar.gz --state-dir=/var/lib/gravity

Note, that specifying the state directory should be considered an implementation detail and this workflow will be improved in future. This is fine for a development workflow though.

An application can also be imported into remote OpsCenter by providing an --ops-url parameter:

$ gravity app import k8s-aws.tar.gz --ops-url= --vendor

Application Manifest

Every gravity application needs a manifest that describes how to install and configure it.

A manifest starts with an application metadata section (similar to any kubernetes resource definition):

kind: Bundle
  name: app
  resourceVersion: 0.0.1

There are 3 kinds of applications.

Bundles are user applications, the ones that can be installed via Ops Centers or standalone installers:

kind: Bundle

System applications provide essential services to user apps but cannot be installed by themselves and are used as dependencies for user apps (think DNS, NTP, logging, etc.):

kind: SystemApplication

Runtimes are low level backbone applications (think Kubernetes):

kind: Runtime


User applications are based on runtime apps and inherit certain configuration from them. By default, an application has "kubernetes" app of the latest available version as a runtime, but it can be overridden:

    version: "1.4.6"

Inheriting configuration is a simple process of adopting all attributes not explicitly defined in the manifest. If a configuration section is found in both manifests, they are merged.


Providers section describes a set of supported infrastructure providers. The following are supported currently:

  • aws: AWS EC2 provider for automatic provisioning of clusters in AWS EC2
  • generic: For bare metal provisioning

Each provider can be configured with a specific type of networking. Currently following networking types have been defined:

  • aws-vpc: Networking type specific to AWS (flannel CNI with AWS-VPC backend)
  • calico: Networking type using calico (BGP + direct iptables configuration)
  • flannel: Networking type using flannel (flannel with VXLAN backend)

Networking type can be defined either on the provider level:

    network: aws-vpc

Among other useful fields that user apps can specify in their "providers" section are terraform scripts and supported regions:

      script: file:
      instanceScript: file:
      - us-east-1
      - us-west-2

All providers are enabled by default. To disable a provider:

    disabled: true


Installer section allows to customize installer behavior, for example enable EULA and specify flavors:

    source: file:https://eula.txt
    prompt: "How many nodes do you want in your cluster?"
      - name: "3"
        description: ""
          - profile: node
            count: 3

When installing an application, a user will be presented with a choice of one of the defined flavors to install.

Node profiles

This section allows to define specific node profiles and their hardware requirements.

  - name: node
    description: "Worker node"
        min: 4
        min: "8GB"
          - c3.2xlarge

The instanceTypes field lists instance types that satisfy the profile's requirements for each cloud provider. When deploying on the cloud provider's infrastructure, the installer will present a user with a choice of an instance type to provision.


Another facet of application configuration is listing application dependencies

  • packages and other applications this application depends on. The dependency configuration is pretty straight-forward:
  - name:
      role: teleport
  - name:
      role: planet-master
  - name:
      role: planet-node


Docker storage driver can be overriden from the default "devicemapper":

    storageDriver: overlay


The application manifest can also have a licensing section:

  enabled: true

If licensing is enabled (by default it is disabled), the installer will ask a user to provide a valid license before the installation.

Normally, a license is a certificate + private key that can be generated in OpsCenter. This is the default type of license (certificate) and it can be omitted from manifest. Some customers, though, use their own license format as a JSON blob with a signature and in this case the type should be explicitly set to payload. An application that accepts one type of license will not accept another.

Licenses enforce two restrictions: expiration time (mandatory) and maximum amount of servers (optional). If a license has a restriction on a maximum number of servers, operations that will attempt to exceed this number will be rejected. For instance, if a license allows a maximum of 3 servers, then an attempt to install a 4-node cluster will be denied, as well as an attempt to expand a 3-node cluster.

If license installed on site expires, the site goes into degraded state and cannot perform any operations until the license has been updated. Optionally, a license can be generated with "stop app on expiration" setting which will stop the application running on site and start it back up once the license has been updated.

Application Package

The application package format has the following structure:

 │   └─docker
 │      └─registry
 │         └─...


  • registry contains the copies of each (docker) container image referenced by the application; the contents of this directory are in the format expected by the docker registry v2.x and should be considered opaque as far as package format goes
  • resources directory lists any application-specific resources - in files or sub-directories. The only mandatory requirement of this directory is a file named app.yaml - the application manifest. The other part of a configuration convention is that any file with extension .yaml or .json besides the application manifest in this directory is considered a kubernetes resource and is consumed during import. This directory is also mounted inside hook containers (described in the following section) so usually contains installation scripts and resources, etc.


Hooks manifest section is used for defining application-specific hooks that are run on different stages of application (or rather, site) lifecycle. Gravity supports the following hooks:

  • install
  • postInstall
  • preUninstall
  • uninstall
  • update
  • postUpdate
  • rollback
  • postRollback
  • preNodeAdd
  • postNodeAdd
  • preNodeRemove
  • postNodeRemove
  • status
  • info
  • licenseUpdated
  • start
  • stop
  • dump
  • backup
  • restore

Hooks are essentially Kubernetes jobs so in app manifest they are defined as valid Kubernetes job specifications in the following format:

    job: |
      apiVersion: batch/v1
      kind: Job
        name: k8s-install
            name: k8s-install
            restartPolicy: OnFailure
              - name: hook
                command: ["/usr/local/bin/kubectl", "create", "-f", "/var/lib/gravity/resources/e2e.yaml"]

The "resources" folder from the application's tarball gets mounted into all hooks containers under /var/lib/gravity/resources/ directory. In addition to that, the following is also mounted into hooks containers:

  • Planet's kubectl as /usr/local/bin/kubectl
  • Host's /etc/ssl/certs directory

All hooks (= Kubernetes jobs) are run on the cluster's master node.

Backup and Restore

Backup and restore functionality is provided by the two hooks backup and restore. Unlike the other hooks, they can be fired on request with the gravity commands:

  • gravity system backup <package> <archive>
  • gravity system restore <package> <archive>

The implementation of the backup and restore hooks should work against the directory /var/lib/gravity/backup -- when backing up, files put in this directory will be combined into a tarball and given to the end user. When restoring, this directory will contain the already-unzipped contents of the archive (i.e. the files just as they were originally placed there).

Currently, these commands must be run from within planet. To avoid end-users having to fully understand entering planet, the following commands work from the node, outside of planet.

sudo gravity planet enter -- --notty /usr/bin/gravity -- system backup /ext/share/backup.tar.gz

This will leave the backup archive in /var/lib/planet/share/ on the host, outside of planet.

This command will generate an archive of the system state:

sudo gravity planet enter -- --notty /usr/bin/gravity -- system restore /ext/share/restore.tar.gz

This restore command will require the archive being restored from to be placed in /var/lib/planet/share prior to running.

Automatic vs onprem provisioning and state configuration

Recent changes simplified the provisioning of nodes for both automatic and manual (onprem) cases: the state directory (/var/lib/gravity by default) will be created (and mounted) automatically. This is possible due to several changes:

  • we have currently only RHEL (7.x) and CentOS (7.x) images in use (both for local and AWS deployments)
  • as a result of the above, we now install and configure docker with devicemapper storage driver by default
  • agent download URL has been split into several variables for better control (more on this later)

Agent download URL format

The old agent download URL used to be a black box {{.variables.system.instructions}} that contained a CURL command combined with all required attributes and was generated by opscenter for each possible scenario. Obviously this was not too flexible.

The new format exposes more of the parts making up a url and can be extended for use in any script or in the application manifest:

curl --tlsv1.2 {{if .variables.system.devmode}}--insecure{{end}} {{.variables.system.ops_url}}/{{.variables.system.token}}/auto?system_device=vdb&docker_device=vdc&mount=data:/var/lib/app/data&mount=logs:/var/logs/app

Note the devmode variable exposed only to enable the insecure TLS communication in development - this is considered an implementation detail and should only be used for development.

  • ops_url contains the URL prefix with the opscenter address
  • token is the reference to the auto-generated access token. Might be merged with ops_url as it is always required and is not subject to customizations
  • auto defines the node role. In this case (for automatic provisioning), the role is irrelevant (as automatically inferred), so a special placeholder is used. Other possible values are master, node or db - names of server profiles from the manifest.
  • system_device is an optional configuration parameter that defines the name of the (unformatted) device to use with gravity. If specified, it will be formatted as (xfs/ext4) and mounted as /var/lib/gravity
  • docker_device is an optional device name to use for docker devicemapper storage configuration (direct-lvm mode).
  • mount is an optional mount specification in the format mount-name:/path/on/host. Can be specified multiple times. This can be used to override mount configuration from the manifest by providing new values for the Source directory.

Deploying new versions of planet

Planet builds are the most time-consuming step of the gravity build so it makes a lot of sense to have planet build artifacts available to bootstrap it.

Whenever a new version of planet is released - it is tagged and pushed to Amazon S3 build bucket:

$ git tag -a v0.0.215 -m "Added new logging infrastructure and bumped k8s version to 2.3.4"

Drone CI will automatically build and release artifacts when a tag is pushed to the planet repo.

Update the gravity Makefile to use the new planet tag:

PLANET_TAG := v0.0.215

Schema migrations

Refer to migrations section for details.

Publishing Telekube artifacts into the distribution Ops Center

There are two Makefile targets for publishing Telekube artifacts into

  • make publish-telekube <-- builds tele/gravity/tsh binaries for both Linux and Mac and pushes them to the "get"
  • make publish-artifacts <-- builds telekube and opscenter apps and pushes them to the "get" along with all dependencies

These are automated via Drone CI.


If there is a problem, simply wipe out the contents of /var/lib/gravity/opscenter and restart the OpsCenter. If it does not help, ping Sasha in slack.