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Gravity is a Kubernetes packaging solution that takes the drama out of on-premises deployments.

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Gravity Website: Quick Start : Gravity Source : Blog :


Gravity is an open source toolkit for creating "images" of Kubernetes clusters and the applications running inside the clusters. The resulting images are called cluster or application images and they are just .tar files.

A cluster image can be used to re-create full replicas of the original cluster in any environment where compliance and consistency matters, i.e. in locked-down AWS/GCE/Azure environments or even in air-gapped server rooms. A bundle can run without human supervision, as a "kubernetes appliance".

Gravity has been running in production in major financial institutions, government data centers and enterprises. Gravitational open sourced it in the fall of 2018.


Execute ./ script as root. It will copy tele, gravity and tsh binaries into /usr/local/bin.

What are these binaries?

  • tele is a tool to build cluster and application images.
  • gravity is a tool to install cluster and application images and manage Gravity clusters and installed applications.
  • tsh is a tool to remotely connect to clusters created from the images. tsh supports both SSH and Kubernetes API.

See the quick start to learn how to use these tools:

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