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⚡️ Works with Apollo Client, React Query, Stucco Subscriptions _(\*more coming soon...)_
⚡️ Works with Subscriptions
⚡️ Infer complex response types
⚡️ Create reusable selection sets (like fragments) for use across multiple queries
⚡️ Supports GraphQL Unions, Interfaces, Aliases and Variables
⚡️ Handles **massive** schemas
⚡️ Supports Browsers, Node.js and React Native in Javascript and Typescript
⚡️ Schema downloader
⚡️ JSON schema generation
## Full documentation Our full documentation has all the use cases of: - scalars - selectors and much more... [Full documentation is available here](https://graphqleditor.com/docs/tools/zeus/index/) ## Join the Zeus Community and Spread the Word ⚡️ [Join the Discussion forum on Dicord](https://discord.gg/bHf2cw8e) 📣 ⚡️ Leave a GitHub star ⭐️ 👆 ⚡️ Spread the word on your socials and with your networks! 🗣 ## Contribute For a complete guide to contributing to GraphQL Zeus, see the [Contribution Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md). 1. Fork this repo 2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature-name 3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature' 4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature 5. Submit a pull request ## License [MIT](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) 🕊