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Contributing to hydronet-gnn

Setting up a development environment

We recommend using the conda package manager as this can automatically enable the Poplar SDK. This is particularly useful in VS Code which can automatically activate the conda environment in a variety of scenarios:

  • visual debugging
  • running quick experiments in an interactive Jupyter window
  • using VS code for Jupyter notebook development.

The following assumes that you have already setup an install of conda and that the conda command is available on your system path. Refer to your preferred conda installer:

  1. Create a new conda environment with the same python version as you OS. For example, on ubuntu 20 use python=3.8.10

    conda create -n hydronet python=3.8.10
  2. Activate the environment and store a persistent environment variable for the location of the downloaded Poplar SDK. This assumes that you have already downloaded the Poplar SDK. The following example uses an environment variable $POPLAR_SDK to store the root folder for the SDK.

    conda activate hydronet
    conda env config vars set POPLAR_SDK=/path/to/poplar/sdk
  3. You have to reactivate the conda environment to use the $POPLAR_SDK variable the environment. So we do this and then use it to install the poptorch wheel.

    conda deactivate
    conda activate hydronet
    pip install $POPLAR_SDK/poptorch*.whl

    This will install the poptorch wheel along with the compatible version of PyTorch.

  4. Setup the conda environment to automatically enable the Poplar SDK whenever the environment is activated.

    mkdir -p $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d
    echo "source $POPLAR_SDK/enable" > $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/
  5. Check that everything is working by printing the poptorch version string.

    python3 -c "import poptorch;print(poptorch.__version__)"
  6. Install requirements and use a local editable install of the project.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -e .
  7. Install the pre-commit hooks

    pre-commit install
  8. Create a feature branch, make changes, and when you commit them the pre-commit hooks will run.

    git checkout -b feature
    git push --set-upstream origin feature

    The last command will prints a link that you can follow to open a PR.


Run all the tests using pytest



We use both:

  • pytest-benchmark to register micro-benchmarks that also run as part of the normal pytest run. We recommend that any benchmarks run in under one minute so that the full unittest suite can be executed in fast develop-debug-update loops.

  • py-spy is a sampling profiling tool that is automatically installed in the docker development environment. This is useful for generating flame graphs to identify performance bottlenecks.

Possible workflow for performance tuning could look like:

  1. Write a micro-benchmark and run it to collect the execution statistics:
pytest -s <test to run> --benchmark-compare --benchmark-autosave

The additional arguments will save an execution report in the .benchmarks folder that will be our baseline execution.

  1. Use py-spy to collect a flamegraph of the benchmark:
py-spy record -o profile.svg -- python -m pytest <test to run>
  1. Scrutinise the flamegraph in a browser.

  2. Make a change to the codebase based on the flamegraph and repeat the above.

  3. The above can go on indefinitely so it would be worth determining some critical performance criteria that needs to be achieved before moving on.