The purpose of this library is to provide a standard interface to interact with the Tiingo api using java. Tiingo4j implements the stock, crypto and news endpoints. A Tiingo account and api key are needed to use Tiingo4j.
Tiingo4j offers several apis for interfacing with Tiingo. The TiingoApi is a consolidated version of the stock,crypto and news apis.
TiingoApi tiingo = new TiingoApi("apikey_here");
// This gets daily stock prices for the T ticker.
// The second parameter is a parameters object for the request.
List<Price> prices = tiingo.getPrices("T",null);
// Using Parameters to get prices from 2020-01-20 to 2020-12-31 using weeks as a unit of time.
PriceParameters parameters = new PriceParameters()
List<Price> prices = tiingo.getPrices("T",parameters);
// Getting news.
// the first parameter is a paramater object.
List<Article> newsArticles = tiingo.getNews(null);
// Using Parameters to get news with specific tickers with a specific time period.
List<String> tickers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("T","VZ","TMUS"));
NewsParameters newsParameters = new NewsParameters()
List<Article> newsArticles = tiingo.getNews(newsParameters);
//Getting crypto prices
//Second parameter is parameter object
List<String> cryptoTickers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("ETHBTC","BTCUSD"));
List<CryptoPrice> cryptoPrices = tiingo.getCryptoPrices(tickers,null);
// Using parameters to specify a range of time and a unit of time.
List<String> cryptoTickers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("ETHBTC","BTCUSD"));
CryptoPriceParameters cryptoParameters = new CryptoPriceParameters()
.setResampleFrequency(3,CRYPTO_RESAMPLE_FREQUENCY.HOUR); // 3 hour candle.
List<CryptoPrice> cryptoPrices = tiingo.getCryptoPrices(cryptoTickers,cryptoParameters);