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JUnit Platform support for GraalVM Native Image

Feature that enables JUnit Platform testing support for GraalVM Native Image


There are two main modes of operation using this feature:

  1. Out of the box (for tests which do not use reflection internally).
  2. With the agent run (for tests with internal reflection).

Either way, artifact produced by building this repository should be included on classpath (either by using build tool plugins - as was done in samples subdirectory, or by adding manual configuration).

If support for your build system is missing at the moment, adding:


to your native-image invocation should be sufficient.

If tests require reflection, then native-image-agent run is necessary. For Gradle users this should be as easy as running tests using:

./gradlew -Pagent testConsoleLauncher
./gradlew -Pagent testNative

For more information refer to project.hasProperty("agent") sections in native-image-testing.gradle.

Important note:

In order for feature to register required tests, you either need to run JUnit Platform test on JVM with this feature on the classpath BEFORE native-image invocation, or run native-image with -DtestDiscovery argument added.


GraalVM with native-image should be present on the system, as well as $GRAALVM_HOME environment variable pointing to its location.

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

This will publish the latest artifact to local maven repository.

You can also take a look at CI workflow here.


Following tasks are present in this project for testing this feature:

./gradlew testConsoleLauncher # runs standard JUnit test using JVM and ConsoleLauncher
./gradlew -Pagent testConsoleLauncher # includes agent and generates required reflection configuration
./gradlew testNative # builds native image using this feature for configuration
./gradlew -Pagent testNative # builds native image using additional configuration from agent run