List of valid properties by string name : enumeration to query: "timestamp" or NVSMI_TIMESTAMP The timestamp of where the query was made in format "YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.msec". "driver_version" or NVSMI_DRIVER_VERSION The version of the installed NVIDIA display driver. This is an alphanumeric string. "count" or NVSMI_COUNT The number of NVIDIA GPUs in the system. "name" or "gpu_name" or NVSMI_NAME The official product name of the GPU. This is an alphanumeric string. For all products. "serial" or "gpu_serial" or NVSMI_SERIALNUMBER This number matches the serial number physically printed on each board. It is a globally unique immutable alphanumeric value. "uuid" or "gpu_uuid" or NVSMI_UUID This value is the globally unique immutable alphanumeric identifier of the GPU. It does not correspond to any physical label on the board. "pci.bus_id" or "gpu_bus_id" or NVSMI_PCI_BUS_ID PCI bus id as "domain:bus:device.function", in hex. "pci.domain" or NVSMI_PCI_DOMAIN PCI domain number, in hex. "pci.bus" or NVSMI_PCI_BUS PCI bus number, in hex. "pci.device" or NVSMI_PCI_DEVICE PCI device number, in hex. "pci.device_id" or NVSMI_PCI_DEVICE_ID PCI vendor device id, in hex "pci.sub_device_id" or NVSMI_PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID PCI Sub System id, in hex "" or NVSMI_PCI_LINK_GEN_CUR The current PCI-E link generation. These may be reduced when the GPU is not in use. "" or NVSMI_PCI_LINK_GEN_MAX The maximum PCI-E link generation possible with this GPU and system configuration. For example, if the GPU supports a higher PCIe generation than the system supports then this reports the system PCIe generation. "" or NVSMI_PCI_LINK_WIDTH_CUR The current PCI-E link width. These may be reduced when the GPU is not in use. "" or NVSMI_PCI_LINK_WIDTH_MAX The maximum PCI-E link width possible with this GPU and system configuration. For example, if the GPU supports a higher PCIe generation than the system supports then this reports the system PCIe generation. "index" or NVSMI_INDEX Zero based index of the GPU. Can change at each boot. "display_mode" or NVSMI_DISPLAY_MODE A flag that indicates whether a physical display (e.g. monitor) is currently connected to any of the GPU's connectors. "Enabled" indicates an attached display. "Disabled" indicates otherwise. "display_active" or NVSMI_DISPLAY_ACTIVE A flag that indicates whether a display is initialized on the GPU's (e.g. memory is allocated on the device for display). Display can be active even when no monitor is physically attached. "Enabled" indicates an active display. "Disabled" indicates otherwise. "persistence_mode" or NVSMI_PERSISTENCE_MODE A flag that indicates whether persistence mode is enabled for the GPU. Value is either "Enabled" or "Disabled". When persistence mode is enabled the NVIDIA driver remains loaded even when no active clients, such as X11 or nvidia-smi, exist. This minimizes the driver load latency associated with running dependent apps, such as CUDA programs. Linux only. "accounting.mode" or NVSMI_ACCT_MODE A flag that indicates whether accounting mode is enabled for the GPU. Value is either "Enabled" or "Disabled". When accounting is enabled statistics are calculated for each compute process running on the GPU.Statistics can be queried during the lifetime or after termination of the process.The execution time of process is reported as 0 while the process is in running state and updated to actualexecution time after the process has terminated. See --help-query-accounted-apps for more info. "accounting.buffer_size" or NVSMI_ACCT_BUFFER_SIZE The size of the circular buffer that holds list of processes that can be queried for accounting stats. This is the maximum number of processes that accounting information will be stored for before information about oldest processes will get overwritten by information about new processes. Section about driver_model properties On Windows, the TCC and WDDM driver models are supported. The driver model can be changed with the (-dm) or (-fdm) flags. The TCC driver model is optimized for compute applications. I.E. kernel launch times will be quicker with TCC. The WDDM driver model is designed for graphics applications and is not recommended for compute applications. Linux does not support multiple driver models, and will always have the value of "N/A". Only for selected products. Please see feature matrix in NVML documentation. "driver_model.current" or NVSMI_DRIVER_MODEL_CUR The driver model currently in use. Always "N/A" on Linux. "driver_model.pending" or NVSMI_DRIVER_MODEL_PENDING The driver model that will be used on the next reboot. Always "N/A" on Linux. "vbios_version" or NVSMI_VBIOS_VER The BIOS of the GPU board. Section about inforom properties Version numbers for each object in the GPU board's inforom storage. The inforom is a small, persistent store of configuration and state data for the GPU. All inforom version fields are numerical. It can be useful to know these version numbers because some GPU features are only available with inforoms of a certain version or higher. "inforom.img" or "inforom.image" or NVSMI_INFOROM_IMG Global version of the infoROM image. Image version just like VBIOS version uniquely describes the exact version of the infoROM flashed on the board in contrast to infoROM object version which is only an indicator of supported features. "inforom.oem" or NVSMI_INFOROM_OEM Version for the OEM configuration data. "inforom.ecc" or NVSMI_INFOROM_ECC Version for the ECC recording data. "inforom.pwr" or "inforom.power" or NVSMI_INFOROM_PWR Version for the power management data. Section about gom properties GOM allows to reduce power usage and optimize GPU throughput by disabling GPU features. Each GOM is designed to meet specific user needs. In "All On" mode everything is enabled and running at full speed. The "Compute" mode is designed for running only compute tasks. Graphics operations are not allowed. The "Low Double Precision" mode is designed for running graphics applications that don't require high bandwidth double precision. GOM can be changed with the (--gom) flag. "gom.current" or "gpu_operation_mode.current" or NVSMI_GOM_CUR The GOM currently in use. "gom.pending" or "gpu_operation_mode.pending" or NVSMI_GOM_PENDING The GOM that will be used on the next reboot. "fan.speed" or NVSMI_FAN_SPEED The fan speed value is the percent of the product's maximum noise tolerance fan speed that the device's fan is currently intended to run at. This value may exceed 100% in certain cases. Note: The reported speed is the intended fan speed. If the fan is physically blocked and unable to spin, this output will not match the actual fan speed. Many parts do not report fan speeds because they rely on cooling via fans in the surrounding enclosure. "pstate" or NVSMI_PSTATE The current performance state for the GPU. States range from P0 (maximum performance) to P12 (minimum performance). Section about clocks_throttle_reasons properties Retrieves information about factors that are reducing the frequency of clocks. If all throttle reasons are returned as "Not Active" it means that clocks are running as high as possible. "clocks_throttle_reasons.supported" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_SUPPORTED Bitmask of supported clock throttle reasons. See nvml.h for more details. "" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_ACTIVE Bitmask of active clock throttle reasons. See nvml.h for more details. "clocks_throttle_reasons.gpu_idle" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_IDLE Nothing is running on the GPU and the clocks are dropping to Idle state. This limiter may be removed in a later release. "clocks_throttle_reasons.applications_clocks_setting" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_APP_SETTING GPU clocks are limited by applications clocks setting. E.g. can be changed by nvidia-smi --applications-clocks= "clocks_throttle_reasons.sw_power_cap" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_SW_PWR_CAP SW Power Scaling algorithm is reducing the clocks below requested clocks because the GPU is consuming too much power. E.g. SW power cap limit can be changed with nvidia-smi --power-limit= "clocks_throttle_reasons.hw_slowdown" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_HW_SLOWDOWN HW Slowdown (reducing the core clocks by a factor of 2 or more) is engaged. This is an indicator of: HW Thermal Slowdown: temperature being too high HW Power Brake Slowdown: External Power Brake Assertion is triggered (e.g. by the system power supply) * Power draw is too high and Fast Trigger protection is reducing the clocks * May be also reported during PState or clock change * This behavior may be removed in a later release "clocks_throttle_reasons.hw_thermal_slowdown" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_HW_THERMAL_SLOWDOWN HW Thermal Slowdown (reducing the core clocks by a factor of 2 or more) is engaged. This is an indicator of temperature being too high "clocks_throttle_reasons.hw_power_brake_slowdown" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_HW_PWR_BRAKE_SLOWDOWN HW Power Brake Slowdown (reducing the core clocks by a factor of 2 or more) is engaged. This is an indicator of External Power Brake Assertion being triggered (e.g. by the system power supply) "clocks_throttle_reasons.sw_thermal_slowdown" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_SW_THERMAL_SLOWDOWN SW Thermal capping algorithm is reducing clocks below requested clocks because GPU temperature is higher than Max Operating Temp. "clocks_throttle_reasons.sync_boost" or NVSMI_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS_SYNC_BOOST Sync Boost This GPU has been added to a Sync boost group with nvidia-smi or DCGM in * order to maximize performance per watt. All GPUs in the sync boost group * will boost to the minimum possible clocks across the entire group. Look at * the throttle reasons for other GPUs in the system to see why those GPUs are * holding this one at lower clocks. Section about memory properties On-board memory information. Reported total memory is affected by ECC state. If ECC is enabled the total available memory is decreased by several percent, due to the requisite parity bits. The driver may also reserve a small amount of memory for internal use, even without active work on the GPU. "" or NVSMI_MEMORY_TOTAL Total installed GPU memory. "memory.used" or NVSMI_MEMORY_USED Total memory allocated by active contexts. "" or NVSMI_MEMORY_FREE Total free memory. "compute_mode" or NVSMI_COMPUTE_MODE The compute mode flag indicates whether individual or multiple compute applications may run on the GPU. "Default" means multiple contexts are allowed per device. "Exclusive_Process" means only one context is allowed per device, usable from multiple threads at a time. "Prohibited" means no contexts are allowed per device (no compute apps). Section about utilization properties Utilization rates report how busy each GPU is over time, and can be used to determine how much an application is using the GPUs in the system. "utilization.gpu" or NVSMI_UTILIZATION_GPU Percent of time over the past sample period during which one or more kernels was executing on the GPU. The sample period may be between 1 second and 1/6 second depending on the product. "utilization.memory" or NVSMI_UTILIZATION_MEM Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (device) memory was being read or written. The sample period may be between 1 second and 1/6 second depending on the product. Section about encoder.stats properties Encoder stats report number of encoder sessions, average FPS and average latency in ms for given GPUs in the system. "encoder.stats.sessionCount" or NVSMI_ENCODER_STATS_SESSIONCOUNT Number of encoder sessions running on the GPU. "encoder.stats.averageFps" or NVSMI_ENCODER_STATS_AVG_EPS Average FPS of all sessions running on the GPU. "encoder.stats.averageLatency" or NVSMI_ENCODER_STATS_AVG_LATENCY Average latency in microseconds of all sessions running on the GPU. Section about ecc.mode properties A flag that indicates whether ECC support is enabled. May be either "Enabled" or "Disabled". Changes to ECC mode require a reboot. Requires Inforom ECC object version 1.0 or higher. "ecc.mode.current" or NVSMI_ECC_MODE_CUR The ECC mode that the GPU is currently operating under. "ecc.mode.pending" or NVSMI_ECC_MODE_PENDING The ECC mode that the GPU will operate under after the next reboot. Section about ecc.errors properties NVIDIA GPUs can provide error counts for various types of ECC errors. Some ECC errors are either single or double bit, where single bit errors are corrected and double bit errors are uncorrectable. Texture memory errors may be correctable via resend or uncorrectable if the resend fails. These errors are available across two timescales (volatile and aggregate). Single bit ECC errors are automatically corrected by the HW and do not result in data corruption. Double bit errors are detected but not corrected. Please see the ECC documents on the web for information on compute application behavior when double bit errors occur. Volatile error counters track the number of errors detected since the last driver load. Aggregate error counts persist indefinitely and thus act as a lifetime counter. "ecc.errors.corrected.volatile.device_memory" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_VOLATILE_DEV_MEM Errors detected in global device memory. "ecc.errors.corrected.volatile.dram" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_VOLATILE_DRAM Errors detected in global device memory. "ecc.errors.corrected.volatile.register_file" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_VOLATILE_REGFILE Errors detected in register file memory. "ecc.errors.corrected.volatile.l1_cache" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_VOLATILE_L1CACHE Errors detected in the L1 cache. "ecc.errors.corrected.volatile.l2_cache" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_VOLATILE_L2CACHE Errors detected in the L2 cache. "ecc.errors.corrected.volatile.texture_memory" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_VOLATILE_TEXTURE Parity errors detected in texture memory. "ecc.errors.corrected.volatile.cbu" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_VOLATILE_CBU Parity errors detected in CBU. "ecc.errors.corrected.volatile.sram" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_VOLATILE_SRAM Errors detected in global SRAMs. "" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_VOLATILE_TOTAL Total errors detected across entire chip. "ecc.errors.corrected.aggregate.device_memory" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_AGGREGATE_DEV_MEM Errors detected in global device memory. "ecc.errors.corrected.aggregate.dram" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_AGGREGATE_DRAM Errors detected in global device memory. "ecc.errors.corrected.aggregate.register_file" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_AGGREGATE_REGFILE Errors detected in register file memory. "ecc.errors.corrected.aggregate.l1_cache" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_AGGREGATE_L1CACHE Errors detected in the L1 cache. "ecc.errors.corrected.aggregate.l2_cache" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_AGGREGATE_L2CACHE Errors detected in the L2 cache. "ecc.errors.corrected.aggregate.texture_memory" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_AGGREGATE_TEXTURE Parity errors detected in texture memory. "ecc.errors.corrected.aggregate.cbu" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_AGGREGATE_CBU Parity errors detected in CBU. "ecc.errors.corrected.aggregate.sram" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_AGGREGATE_SRAM Errors detected in global SRAMs. "" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_CORRECTED_AGGREGATE_TOTAL Total errors detected across entire chip. Sum of device_memory, register_file, l1_cache, l2_cache and texture_memory. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.volatile.device_memory" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_VOLATILE_DEV_MEM Errors detected in global device memory. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.volatile.dram" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_VOLATILE_DRAM Errors detected in global device memory. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.volatile.register_file" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_VOLATILE_REGFILE Errors detected in register file memory. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.volatile.l1_cache" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_VOLATILE_L1CACHE Errors detected in the L1 cache. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.volatile.l2_cache" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_VOLATILE_L2CACHE Errors detected in the L2 cache. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.volatile.texture_memory" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_VOLATILE_TEXTURE Parity errors detected in texture memory. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.volatile.cbu" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_VOLATILE_CBU Parity errors detected in CBU. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.volatile.sram" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_VOLATILE_SRAM Errors detected in global SRAMs. "" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_VOLATILE_TOTAL Total errors detected across entire chip. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.aggregate.device_memory" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_AGGREGATE_DEV_MEM Errors detected in global device memory. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.aggregate.dram" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_AGGREGATE_DRAM Errors detected in global device memory. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.aggregate.register_file" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_AGGREGATE_REGFILE Errors detected in register file memory. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.aggregate.l1_cache" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_AGGREGATE_L1CACHE Errors detected in the L1 cache. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.aggregate.l2_cache" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_AGGREGATE_L2CACHE Errors detected in the L2 cache. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.aggregate.texture_memory" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_AGGREGATE_TEXTURE Parity errors detected in texture memory. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.aggregate.cbu" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_AGGREGATE_CBU Parity errors detected in CBU. "ecc.errors.uncorrected.aggregate.sram" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_AGGREGATE_SRAM Errors detected in global SRAMs. "" or NVSMI_ECC_ERROR_UNCORRECTED_AGGREGATE_TOTAL Total errors detected across entire chip. Section about retired_pages properties NVIDIA GPUs can retire pages of GPU device memory when they become unreliable. This can happen when multiple single bit ECC errors occur for the same page, or on a double bit ECC error. When a page is retired, the NVIDIA driver will hide it such that no driver, or application memory allocations can access it. "retired_pages.single_bit_ecc.count" or "retired_pages.sbe" or NVSMI_RETIREDPAGES_SINGLE_BIT_ECC_COUNT The number of GPU device memory pages that have been retired due to multiple single bit ECC errors. "retired_pages.double_bit.count" or "retired_pages.dbe" or NVSMI_RETIREDPAGES_DOUBLE_BIT_ECC_COUNT The number of GPU device memory pages that have been retired due to a double bit ECC error. "retired_pages.pending" or NVSMI_RETIREDPAGES_PENDING Checks if any GPU device memory pages are pending retirement on the next reboot. Pages that are pending retirement can still be allocated, and may cause further reliability issues. "temperature.gpu" or NVSMI_TEMPERATURE_GPU Core GPU temperature. in degrees C. "temperature.memory" or NVSMI_TEMPERATURE_MEMORY HBM memory temperature. in degrees C. "" or NVSMI_POWER_MGMT A flag that indicates whether power management is enabled. Either "Supported" or "[Not Supported]". Requires Inforom PWR object version 3.0 or higher or Kepler device. "power.draw" or NVSMI_POWER_DRAW The last measured power draw for the entire board, in watts. Only available if power management is supported. This reading is accurate to within +/- 5 watts. "power.limit" or NVSMI_POWER_LIMIT The software power limit in watts. Set by software like nvidia-smi. On Kepler devices Power Limit can be adjusted using [-pl | --power-limit=] switches. "enforced.power.limit" or NVSMI_POWER_LIMIT_ENFORCED The power management algorithm's power ceiling, in watts. Total board power draw is manipulated by the power management algorithm such that it stays under this value. This value is the minimum of various power limiters. "power.default_limit" or NVSMI_POWER_LIMIT_DEFAULT The default power management algorithm's power ceiling, in watts. Power Limit will be set back to Default Power Limit after driver unload. "power.min_limit" or NVSMI_POWER_LIMIT_MIN The minimum value in watts that power limit can be set to. "power.max_limit" or NVSMI_POWER_LIMIT_MAX The maximum value in watts that power limit can be set to. "" or "" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_GRAPHICS_CUR Current frequency of graphics (shader) clock. "" or "" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_SM_CUR Current frequency of SM (Streaming Multiprocessor) clock. "clocks.current.memory" or "clocks.mem" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_MEMORY_CUR Current frequency of memory clock. "" or "" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_VIDEO_CUR Current frequency of video encoder/decoder clock. Section about clocks.applications properties User specified frequency at which applications will be running at. Can be changed with [-ac | --applications-clocks] switches. "" or "" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_APPL_GRAPHICS User specified frequency of graphics (shader) clock. "clocks.applications.memory" or "clocks.applications.mem" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_APPL_MEMORY User specified frequency of memory clock. Section about clocks.default_applications properties Default frequency at which applications will be running at. Application clocks can be changed with [-ac | --applications-clocks] switches. Application clocks can be set to default using [-rac | --reset-applications-clocks] switches. "" or "" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_APPL_GRAPHICS_DEFAULT Default frequency of applications graphics (shader) clock. "clocks.default_applications.memory" or "clocks.default_applications.mem" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_APPL_MEMORY_DEFAULT Default frequency of applications memory clock. Section about clocks.max properties Maximum frequency at which parts of the GPU are design to run. "" or "" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_GRAPHICS_MAX Maximum frequency of graphics (shader) clock. "" or "" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_SM_MAX Maximum frequency of SM (Streaming Multiprocessor) clock. "clocks.max.memory" or "clocks.max.mem" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_MEMORY_MAX Maximum frequency of memory clock. Section about mig.mode properties A flag that indicates whether MIG mode is enabled. May be either "Enabled" or "Disabled". Changes to MIG mode require a GPU reset. "mig.mode.current" or NVSMI_MIG_MODE_CURRENT The MIG mode that the GPU is currently operating under. "mig.mode.pending" or NVSMI_MIG_MODE_PENDING The MIG mode that the GPU will operate under after reset. Section about commands to return additional properties "supported-clocks" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_SUPPORTED List of supported clocks. "compute-apps" or NVSMI_COMPUTE_APPS List of currently active compute processes. "accounted-apps"or NVSMI_ACCOUNTED_APPS List of accounted compute processes. "clocks" or NVSMI_CLOCKS_POLICY Query clock information.