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Strapi CVE-2023-22893

CVE-2023-22893 is an authentication bypass in strapi when using the AWS cognito provider.

$ docker build -t strapi:vuln -f vulnerable.Dockerfile .
$ docker create --name strapi -p strapi:vuln
$ docker start strapi

$ docker build -t strapi:novuln -f non-vulnerable.Dockerfile .
$ docker create --name strapi -p strapi:novuln
$ docker start strapi

Both images requires post-installation setup:

  • You will need to create an admin account (app running on TCP port 1337)
  • The AWS cognito provider must be enabled:
    • Administration panel > Settings > User & Permissions plugin > Providers
    • Edit button
    • Set enable to TRUE
    • Set random values for Client ID, Client Secret and Host URI
    • If setting up the non-vulnerable instance, don't forget to set a JWKS URL that is different from http:

From this point on, the instance should be ready.