""" Copyright 2023 Google LLC Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ # pylint: disable=consider-using-with """ Script to run a command in a multislice/multihost environment The "runner" host (the one which runs this script) and the "worker" hosts (the TPUS found by --TPU_PREFIX and where the --COMMAND is run) should be different. You can use either a TPUVM or a non-TPUVM runner host, but in the former case this host needs to be in the same project as the worker hosts, but not be one of the workers. Example usages: Assuming runner.sh lives in directory path/to/dir: python3 multihost_runner.py --TPU_PREFIX=mytpu-name --COMMAND="bash runner.sh" --SCRIPT_DIR=path/to/dir This will recursively copy all of the files in path/to/dir to each tpu and run runner.sh Common issues: Make sure your gcloud zone in set with e.g. gcloud config set compute/zone us-central2-b gcloud config set project before running this script. You may have to create/authorize ssh-keys when first sshing into the TPUs. For this purpose you may need to first run: ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine """ import argparse import sys from collections import namedtuple import subprocess import time from datetime import datetime import os import re ##### Define flags ##### def get_project(): completed_command = subprocess.run(["gcloud", "config", "get", "project"], check=True, capture_output=True) project_outputs = completed_command.stdout.decode().strip().split('\n') if len(project_outputs) < 1 or project_outputs[-1]=='': sys.exit("You must specify the project in the PROJECT flag or set it with 'gcloud config set project '") return project_outputs[-1] # The project name lives on the last line of the output def get_zone(): completed_command = subprocess.run(["gcloud", "config", "get", "compute/zone"], check=True, capture_output=True) zone_outputs = completed_command.stdout.decode().strip().split('\n') if len(zone_outputs) < 1 or zone_outputs[-1]=='': sys.exit("You must specify the zone in the ZONE flag or set it with 'gcloud config set compute/zone '") return zone_outputs[-1] # The zone name lives on the last line of the output def default_run_name(): now = datetime.now() return now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='TPU configuration options') parser.add_argument('--TPU_PREFIX', type=str, default=None, required=True, help="Prefix of worker TPU's. E.g. if TPU's are named user-0 and user-1, \ TPU_PREFIX should be set as user") parser.add_argument('--PROJECT', type=str, default=None, help='GCE project name, defaults to gcloud config project') parser.add_argument('--ZONE', type=str, default=None, help='GCE zone, e.g. us-central2-b, defaults to gcloud config compute/zone') parser.add_argument('--SCRIPT_DIR', type=str, default=os.getcwd(), help="The local location of the directory to copy to the TPUs and run the main command from. \ Defaults to current working directory.") parser.add_argument('--COMMAND', type=str, default=None, required=True, help="Main command to run on each TPU. \ This command is run from a copied version of SCRIPT_DIR on each TPU worker.") parser.add_argument('--RUN_NAME', type=str, default=default_run_name(), help="Name for the code directory on the TPU") parser.add_argument('--USE_EXISTING_FOLDER', type=str, default="False", help='If true, use the existing code directory on the TPU') parser.add_argument('--INTERNAL_IP', type=str, default="False", help="Set true if running script locally from a TPU or GCE instance, false otherwise.") args = parser.parse_args() args.USE_EXISTING_FOLDER = args.USE_EXISTING_FOLDER.lower() == "true" args.INTERNAL_IP = args.INTERNAL_IP.lower() == "true" if not args.TPU_PREFIX: raise ValueError("--TPU_PREFIX must be a non-empty string specifying your TPU slice names.") if args.USE_EXISTING_FOLDER is True and not args.RUN_NAME: raise ValueError("When USE_EXISTING_FOLDER is true, RUN_NAME must be specified.") Slice = namedtuple('Slice', ['name', 'slice_num', 'num_workers', 'version']) def get_slices(): """ Returns a list of slices matching TPU_PREFIX """ command = [ "gcloud", "alpha", "compute", "tpus", "tpu-vm", "list", f"--filter=name~{args.TPU_PREFIX}", "--format=csv(name,accelerator_type)", f"--project={args.PROJECT}", f"--zone={args.ZONE}" ] try: completed_command = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error occurred trying to find TPU slices named {args.TPU_PREFIX} or matching regex \n {args.TPU_PREFIX}-[0-9]+ " f"in project {args.PROJECT} zone {args.ZONE}") print(f"Error is:\n {e.stderr}") return [] instances = completed_command.stdout.decode() instance_list = instances.strip().split('\n') instance_list = filter_instances(instance_list[1:], args.TPU_PREFIX) # First row is headers num_slices = len(instance_list) slices = [None for _ in range(num_slices)] if num_slices > 0: print(f"{num_slices} slices found.", flush=True) else: print(f"No TPUs found with name {args.TPU_PREFIX} or matching regex {args.TPU_PREFIX}-[0-9]+ " "in project {args.PROJECT} and zone {args.ZONE}.") return [] slice_names = [instance.split(',')[0] for instance in instance_list] slice_versions = [instance.split(',')[1] for instance in instance_list] # Get number of workers in any slice (assume same worker count for all slices.) command = [ "gcloud", "compute", "tpus", "describe", slice_names[0], "--flatten=networkEndpoints[]", "--format=csv[no-heading](networkEndpoints.ipAddress)", f"--project={args.PROJECT}", f"--zone={args.ZONE}" ] completed_command = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, check=True) num_workers = len(completed_command.stdout.decode().strip().split('\n')) for slice_name, version in zip(slice_names, slice_versions): if num_slices > 1: slice_num = int(slice_name.split('-')[-1]) else: slice_num = 0 slices[slice_num] = Slice(slice_name, slice_num, num_workers, version) return slices def filter_instances(instance_list, tpu_prefix): # First look for exact match with tpu_prefix for instance in instance_list: if instance.split(',')[0] == tpu_prefix: return [instance] # If no exact match, reg-exp full match "-[0-9]+" re_pattern = tpu_prefix + "-[0-9]+" return [instance for instance in instance_list if re.fullmatch(re_pattern, instance.split(',')[0])] def write_kill_script(kill_processes_script_name): kill_processes_script = os.path.join(args.SCRIPT_DIR, kill_processes_script_name) with open(kill_processes_script, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(kill_existing_processes_str()) def kill_existing_processes_str(): return """#!/bin/bash _TPU_VERSION_NAME="${1}" device_name="accel" if [[ "${_TPU_VERSION_NAME}" =~ ^v5.* ]]; then device_name="vfio/" fi echo "Searching for existing processes on device ${device_name}..." pids=$(sudo lsof -t /dev/${device_name}* | sort -u) if [[ -n "${pids}" ]]; then echo "Existing processes found with pid ${pids}" for pid in ${pids}; do echo "Killing process ${pid}..." kill -9 "${pid}" tail --pid="${pid}" -f /dev/null echo "Existing process ${pid} on your TPU was killed successfully!" done echo "All existing processes killed, so your TPU is ready to use!" else echo "No existing processes found, so your TPU is ready to use!" fi sudo rm -f /tmp/libtpu_lockfile""" def scps(slices, run_name_dir, zip_name): """ Zip the script directory, scp it to the TPUs, and unzip it there. """ original_working_directory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(args.SCRIPT_DIR) # To tar script_dir, it is most convenient to cd there. # Zip script directory # Save the zip both to the logging directory, and the script directory. # It will be removed from the script directory after the transfer to the TPUs os.makedirs(run_name_dir, exist_ok=True) zip_path = os.path.join(run_name_dir, zip_name) command = ["tar","--exclude=tmp", "-czf", zip_path, "./"] subprocess.run(command, check=True) # Move zip file to each tpuvm worker commands = [] worker_list = [] for cur_slice in slices: for worker_num in range(cur_slice.num_workers): command = [ "gcloud", "compute", "tpus", "tpu-vm", "scp", f"--worker={worker_num}", zip_path, f"{cur_slice.name}:~/", "--strict-host-key-checking=no", f"--project={args.PROJECT}", f"--zone={args.ZONE}" ] if args.INTERNAL_IP: command.append("--internal-ip") commands.append(command) worker_list.append([cur_slice.slice_num, worker_num]) return_code, _ = run_commands(commands, 0, "SCP", worker_list) if return_code != 0: print("Failed to scp zipped code directory with error code ", return_code) return return_code # Cleanup os.chdir(original_working_directory) return return_code def execute_main_command(main_command, slices, local_log_dir, zip_name): """ Run the main command on each worker, logging each separately. """ kill_script_name = "kill_existing_processes.sh" # File written on worker machines commands = [] output_logs = [] worker_list = [] os.makedirs(local_log_dir, exist_ok=True) for slice_num, cur_slice in enumerate(slices): for worker_num in range(cur_slice.num_workers): output_filename = os.path.join(local_log_dir, f"output_slice_{cur_slice.slice_num:04d}_worker_{worker_num:04d}.txt") output_logs.append(output_filename) mkdir_command = f"mkdir -p {args.RUN_NAME}" mv_zip_command = f"mv {zip_name} {args.RUN_NAME}" cd_command = f"cd {args.RUN_NAME}" unzip_command = f"tar xzf {zip_name}" write_kill_script_command = f"echo '{kill_existing_processes_str()}' > {kill_script_name}" kill_existing_command = f"bash {kill_script_name} {cur_slice.version}" if args.USE_EXISTING_FOLDER is False: remote_command_list = [mkdir_command , mv_zip_command , cd_command , unzip_command , write_kill_script_command , kill_existing_command , main_command] else: remote_command_list = [cd_command, write_kill_script_command , kill_existing_command , main_command] remote_command_list_str = " && ".join(remote_command_list) gcloud_command=[ "gcloud", "alpha", "compute", "tpus", "tpu-vm", "ssh", cur_slice.name, f"--worker={worker_num}", "--command", remote_command_list_str, "--strict-host-key-checking=no", f"--project={args.PROJECT}", f"--zone={args.ZONE}"] if args.INTERNAL_IP: gcloud_command.append("--internal-ip") commands.append(gcloud_command) worker_list.append([slice_num, worker_num]) return_code, return_codes = run_commands(commands, 0, "MAIN COMMAND", worker_list, output_logs=output_logs) if return_code > 0: failure_index = next((i for i, x in enumerate(return_codes) if x), None) print(f"Main command failed on slice {worker_list[failure_index][0]} worker"\ f" {worker_list[failure_index][1]} with error code {return_codes[failure_index]}, see logs for details", flush=True) return return_code def run_commands(commands, id_to_print, jobname, worker_list, is_shell=False, output_logs=None, fail_fast=True): ''' Runs commands in parallel. Inputs: commands: list of n commands, each command is a a list of strings id_to_print: which command is printed to the terminal, typically 0 or None jobname: Useful debugging name for the group of commands, such as SCP worker_list: list of n pairs of (slice_id, worker_id) is_shell: Boolean directly passed as shell argument to subprocess.Popen output_logs: list of n log paths, each command will output to each log. fail_fast: If true, when one command fails immediately terminate others ''' children = [] start_time = datetime.now() for i, command in enumerate(commands): if output_logs and i == id_to_print: persistent_log = open(output_logs[i], "w", encoding="utf-8") output_log = Tee(sys.stdout, persistent_log) elif output_logs: output_log = open(output_logs[i], "w", encoding="utf-8") elif i == id_to_print: output_log = None else: output_log = subprocess.DEVNULL children.append(subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=output_log, stderr=output_log, shell=is_shell)) while True: returncodes = [child.poll() for child in children] max_returncode = max([0]+[r for r in returncodes if r is not None]) completed = len([r for r in returncodes if r is not None]) total = len(returncodes) seconds_elapsed = (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds() if completed < total: slow_worker_index = returncodes.index(None) slow_worker = worker_list[slow_worker_index] slow_str = f", slice {slow_worker[0]} worker {slow_worker[1]} still working" else: slow_str = "" print(f"[t={seconds_elapsed:.2f}, {jobname}] Completed {completed}/{total}{slow_str}...") if seconds_elapsed >= 60 and not 0 in returncodes and jobname == "SCP": print("SCP operation timed out - terminating all processes."\ " Please check that --INTERNAL_IP flag is set correctly.") for child in children: child.terminate() max_returncode = 255 break if fail_fast and max_returncode > 0: print(f"Terminating all {jobname} processes since at least one failed.") for child in children: child.terminate() break if completed == total: break time.sleep(1) return max_returncode, returncodes def assert_script_dir_exists(script_dir): if not os.path.isdir(script_dir): sys.exit(f"No directory named {script_dir} found.") class Tee: """ Helper class to print subprocess to both stdout and a log file. """ def __init__(self, *files, bufsize=1): files = [x.fileno() if hasattr(x, 'fileno') else x for x in files] read_fd, write_fd = os.pipe() pid = os.fork() if pid: os.close(read_fd) self._fileno = write_fd self.child_pid = pid return os.close(write_fd) while buf := os.read(read_fd, bufsize): for f in files: os.write(f, buf) os._exit(0) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def fileno(self): return self._fileno def close(self): os.close(self._fileno) os.waitpid(self.child_pid, 0) ################### Main ################### def main() -> None: print("Starting multihost runner...", flush=True) ##### Validate arguments ##### if not args.PROJECT: args.PROJECT = get_project() if not args.ZONE: args.ZONE = get_zone() assert_script_dir_exists(args.SCRIPT_DIR) ##### Step 1: Get the workers ##### slices = get_slices() if not slices: print(f"Failed to retrieve slices {args.TPU_PREFIX} in project {args.PROJECT} zone {args.ZONE}", flush=True) return 1 local_log_dir = os.path.join("/tmp", args.RUN_NAME, "") zip_name = "script_dir_zip_" + args.RUN_NAME + ".tar.gz" if args.USE_EXISTING_FOLDER is False: ##### Step 2 when using a new folder: Zip code and move it to the TPUs ##### return_code = scps(slices, local_log_dir, zip_name) if return_code > 0: print(f"Moving the directory {args.SCRIPT_DIR} to the VMs failed with error code {return_code}") return return_code ##### Step 3: Unzip if using a new folder, kill existing processes, and run ##### print(f"Running main command, logs located in: {local_log_dir}", flush=True) return_code = execute_main_command(args.COMMAND, slices, local_log_dir, zip_name) if return_code == 0: print(f"Main command completed successfully, logs located in: {local_log_dir}", flush=True) print("Multihost runner finished successfully!", flush=True) return 0 else: print(f"Main command finished with errors, check the logs located in: {local_log_dir}", flush=True) return return_code if __name__ == '__main__': main()