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This directory contains the implementation of CLIP for learning visual models from natural language supervision. The code here uses JAX and Flax and follows the official implementation of CLIP.

Note that the current implementation does not yet support training CLIP from scratch.


This implementation uses the tokenizer from the original implementation. The following command will install the required packages for CLIP, including torch and CLIP to automatically download and convert official checkpoints and use the tokenizer:

$ pip install -r scenic/projects/baselines/clip/requirements.txt

Example usage:

from scenic.projects.baselines.clip import model as clip
from scenic.projects.baselines.clip import tokenizer as clip_tokenizer

model_name = 'resnet_50'

model = clip.MODELS[model_name]()
clip_vars = clip.load_model_vars(model_name)
model_bound = model.bind(clip_vars)

tokenizer = clip_tokenizer.build_tokenizer()
text = tokenizer('This is a cat.')
# Note that different pretrained models run natively on different images
# resolution (See `IMAGE_RESOLUTION` in
image = jnp.zeros((1, 224, 224, 3))
image = clip.normalize_image(image)

encoded_image, encoded_text = model_bound(image, text)

# Or individually:
encoded_text = model_bound.encode_text(text)
encoded_image = model_bound.encode_image(image)

To be loadable, new checkpoints have to be converted from torch:

import torch
import numpy as np
import jax

clip = torch.load('/path/to/')
params = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda p: p.cpu().numpy(), clip.state_dict())
with open('/path/to/clip.npy', 'wb') as f:, params)

Note that these models run natively on images with resolution 224 and normalized using IMAGE_MEAN and IMAGE_STD. The maximum text length is 77.


We would like to thank Ben Poole and Dirk Weissenborn for their contribution to the CLIP implementation in Scenic.