//golangcitest:args -Egovet //golangcitest:config_path testdata/govet.yml package testdata import ( "fmt" "io" "os" ) func GovetComposites() error { return &os.PathError{"first", "path", os.ErrNotExist} // want "composites: io/fs\\.PathError struct literal uses unkeyed fields" } func GovetShadow(f io.Reader, buf []byte) (err error) { if f != nil { _, err := f.Read(buf) // want `shadow: declaration of .err. shadows declaration at line \d+` if err != nil { return err } } // Use variable to trigger shadowing error _ = err return } func GovetNolintVet() error { return &os.PathError{"first", "path", os.ErrNotExist} //nolint:vet } func GovetNolintVetShadow() error { return &os.PathError{"first", "path", os.ErrNotExist} //nolint:vetshadow } func GovetPrintf() { x := "dummy" fmt.Printf("%d", x) // want "printf: fmt.Printf format %d has arg x of wrong type string" } func GovetStringIntConv() { i := 42 fmt.Println("i = " + string(i)) // want "stringintconv: conversion from int to string yields a string of one rune, not a string of digits" }