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Folders and files

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The gofs command line interface provides access to both the contract and the web api.



> go install

To build with proper version info:

> git clone
> cd gofs && make install

How to Use

Run gofs [command] --help for more details about each command.

> gofs --help
   gofs - GoChain filesystem cli tool

   gofs [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   pin       Pin a new CID or extend the expiry of an existing file.
   wallet    Get the deposit wallet for the CID or create one if none exists.
   rate      Get the current storage rate in attoGO per byte-hour.
   cost      Get the current storage cost for the given size and duration.
   add       Add and pin a file.
   status    Get the current storage status for a CID.
   receipts  Query for receipts.
   help, h   Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --url value       GOFS API URL. (default: "") [$GOFS_API]
   --contract value  Hex contract address. (default: "0x6F7cbcf57762842a4C66F8e7d6135b2e7bcF7b52") [$GOFS_CONTRACT]
   --rpc value       RPC URL. (default: "") [$GOFS_RPC]
   --help, -h        show help
   --version, -v     print the version

Example Session

Here is an example session using the gofs command, after setting WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY.

# Get the current rate from the contract.
> gofs rate
Current storage rate: 2837942 attoGO per byte-hour.

	 1.00KB for 30d: 0.000002043318240000 GO
	 1.00MB for 30d: 0.002043318240000000 GO
	 1.00GB for 30d: 2.043318240000000000 GO
	 1.00KB for 1y: 0.000024860371920000 GO
	 1.00MB for 1y: 0.024860371920000000 GO
	 1.00GB for 1y: 24.860371920000000000 GO

# Calculate the cost of storing a 1.3KB file for 1 year. 
> gofs cost -s 1.3KB -e 1y
  11419200 bytes-hours: 0.000032407027286400 GO

# Upload and pin a file to GOFS.
> gofs add file.txt
File uploaded and pinned.
CID: bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am
Pinned until: 2019-09-04 15:37:42 -0500 CDT
File size: 6B

# Get the current status of the file from GOFS.
> gofs status bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am
File size: 6B
Expires in 58m1s at 2019-09-04 15:37:42 -0500 CDT.

# Pay to pin a file for 1 year, by calling the contract (with WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY).
> gofs pin --extend 1y bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am
Purchased 1237865 byte-hours of storage for bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am.
Tx: 0x2b923b6271a24dcf50eb9efc12627c60876e0b69ea068dd0bda629fcac8e78bc

# Get recent receipts for the file from the contract.
> gofs receipts --from 7400000 --to 7461960 --cids bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am
Block   Tx  Log Removed CID                                               BH   User                                       
7461944 186 0   false   zb2rhcc1wJn2GHDLT2YkmPq5b69cXc2xfRZZmyufbjFUfBkxr 1000 0x7A2772Edb801670450021e0d6Cd35606c9875fA5

# Check for a deposit wallet, and create if none exists (with WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY).
> gofs wallet bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am
No deposit wallet exists for this CID. Create one? Y/N
> y
Created new wallet - Tx: 0xeb33cb8f51278e11d837b411da12a64d0cab8fd6aa2688dd0fdf3ae204f3147d
Deposit wallet: 0x2510e1DD247C37F4cf852bEeCc94A6B9Df05eE50

# Use web3 to send a standard tx to the deposit wallet (with WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY).
> web3 send 0.01 to 0x2510e1DD247C37F4cf852bEeCc94A6B9Df05eE50 --gas
Transaction address: 0x9d889e70f7fed252e6123a8d56fe99a7723c8f18122a43b77efce720aee71b1a

# Get recent receipts for the file from the contract.
> gofs receipts --from 7461000 --to 7462090 --cids bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am
Block   Tx  Log Removed CID                                               BH         User                                       
7461944 186 0   false   zb2rhcc1wJn2GHDLT2YkmPq5b69cXc2xfRZZmyufbjFUfBkxr 1000       0x7A2772Edb801670450021e0d6Cd35606c9875fA5 
7462085 26  0   false   zb2rhcc1wJn2GHDLT2YkmPq5b69cXc2xfRZZmyufbjFUfBkxr 3523680187 0x7A2772Edb801670450021e0d6Cd35606c9875fA5