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File metadata and controls

150 lines (108 loc) · 4.96 KB

GOFS - GoChain FileSystem -

GOFS is a pay-to-pin IPFS service built on GoChain. Payments processed on the blockchain fund the storage of files on GoFS to ensure the files are always available on IPFS. There are three ways to interface with GoFS: the web interface, the CLI and the API. You can find information about all 3 below.

How to Use

There are two primary functions that you'll use when interacting with GOFS: adding a file and paying for storage.

1. Add: Upload a file

Add a new file to IPFS by uploading it to GOFS. This can be done through the web interface or the JSON API. New files are initially pinned for a grace period of one hour.

2. Pin: Pay to extend the life of a file

Pay to pin a file on IPFS. Payments are made on the blockchain to the GOFS smart contract. This can be done through the web interface with MetaMask, on the command line with the gofs cli, or programmatically against the contract itself. Each payment purchases storage for a particular CID (measured in byte-hours). The amount of storage credited is calculated based on the contract rate (measured in attoGo/byte-hour) and this value is included on the emitted Pinned event. When GOFS processes these events, the storage amount and the file size determine how much to extend the expiration. The Pinned events emitted by the GOFS contract serve as a public, auditable trail of receipts.

File Wallets

File wallets are addresses which can receive standard txs to extend the life of a particular file. They are mini-contracts which only contain a fallback function to forward payment to the GOFS contract. This removes barriers for users created by complex smart contract interaction, while still utilizing the same underlying mechanisms, so the same kind of Pinned events are emitted when payments come through a wallet.


  • Size Limit: 1GB - Larger files will be rejected.
  • Minimum Pin Duration: 1 month - Unpinned files will not be fetched, unless 1 month has been funded.
  • Recursive Directories: Not yet supported - Coming soon.
  • CID: v0 not allowed, v1 required, base32 encoding preferred - Contract will reject v0.

Web Interface

The web interface is the most user friendly way to use GOFS, and supports MetaMask integration.


The gofs command line interface provides access to both the contract and the web api.

> gofs status bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am
File size: 6B
Expires in 58m1s at 2019-09-04 15:37:42 -0500 CDT.


The JSON API used by the web interface is available at:


GET /info


  "rate": 1,
  "contract_address": "0xded28050fdbf604e12056e516c05e154cb5dd1bc",
  "explorer_url": "https:\/\/\/",
  "rpc_url": "https:\/\/",
  "max_file_size": 1000000000 // in bytes


GET /status/{cid}


  "expiration": 1567619841,
  "size": 6737 // in bytes


PUT /add


  "cid": "bafkreic62jyg5yvckkumrnsqo43wfltlao4khbbf4mtj3if7hrbxbmikya",
  "expiration": 1567619841, // unix timestamp
  "size": 6737 // in bytes

Convert CID

GET /convert-cid/{cid}


  "binary": "0x015512205ed2706ee2a252a8c8b650773762ae6b03b8a38425e3269da0bf3c4370b10ac0",
  "base": "bafkreic62jyg5yvckkumrnsqo43wfltlao4khbbf4mtj3if7hrbxbmikya",
  "hash": "0x60632b18db19d0f6d10a0f7dcf0eea38e8114eb867f34252c1f2c6ff148dc557",
  "version": 1

Contract ABI

If you want to interact with the contract directly, you can do that too. The GOFS contract is at 0xTODO, and implements the contracts/IGOFS.abi interface:

// The IGOFS interface defines the public functions for GOFS.
interface IGOFS {
    // Returns the current rate in attoGO per byte-hour.
    function rate() external view returns (uint);

    // Pin a CID. Value must be greater than 0. CID must not be version 0.
    // Emits Pinned events.
    function pin(bytes calldata cid) external payable;

    // Get the address of the deposit wallet for a cid. Returns 0x0 if none exists.
    function wallet(bytes calldata cid) external view returns (address);

    // Create a deposit wallet for a cid. Returns false if one already exists. CID must not be version 0.
    // Emits CreatedWallet events.
    // Uses <=300000 gas.
    function newWallet(bytes calldata cid) external;

    // Emitted when a cid is pinned.
    event Pinned(address indexed user, bytes indexed cid, uint bh);
    // Emitted when a new wallet is created.
    event CreatedWallet(address indexed user, bytes indexed cid, address wallet);