AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
为GPT/GLM等LLM大语言模型提供实用化交互接口,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm3等本地模型。接入通义千问, deepseekcoder, 讯飞星火, 文心一言, llama2, rwkv, claude2, m…
OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.
DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.
基于大模型搭建的聊天机器人,同时支持 微信公众号、企业微信应用、飞书、钉钉 等接入,可选择GPT3.5/GPT-4o/GPT-o1/ Claude/文心一言/讯飞星火/通义千问/ Gemini/GLM-4/Claude/Kimi/LinkAI,能处理文本、语音和图片,访问操作系统和互联网,支持基于自有知识库进行定制企业智能客服。
[NeurIPS 2022] Towards Robust Blind Face Restoration with Codebook Lookup Transformer
Play ChatGPT and other LLM with Xiaomi AI Speaker