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GL Thread Dev Board

Thread Dev Board (TBD) is the end device part of the thread kit developed by GL-iNet. Developers can test thread-related features and develop their own features based on the TBD.

TBD currently implements the following functions:

  • Join a thread network as a Thread Router / Thread End Device / Thread Sleepy End Device.
  • Real-time collection of current environment information and uploading to S200 gateway via thread.
    • Temperature
    • Humidity
    • Air pressure
    • Pyroelectric infrared
    • Rotary encoder status
    • GPIO input
  • Receive command and execute operations in real time via thread
    • RGB LED on/off
    • Change RGB LED color
    • GPIO output
  • Firmware upgrade
    • DFU by UART
    • DFU by thread

HW Info

HW part Info
MCU NRF52840
Temperature and humidity sensor SHTC3
Light sensor HX3203
Air pressure and temperature sensor SPL0601
Pyroelectric infrared sensor XYC-PIR203B-S0
Rotary encoder EC1108
RGB LED (X2) LC8812B
SW define button x2
HW reset button x1
SW define LED x2
HW power LED x1
Power supply Battery base(CR2032) / Type-C



SW Development Environment

1.Download gl-nrf-sdk (branch:v2.0-glinet)

west init -m --mr v2.2.0-glinet gl-nrf-sdk

2.Update download dependency

cd gl-nrf-sdk/
west update


3.1 gl-dev-board-over-thread demo

​ gl-dev-board-over-thread demo is used as an example.

cd glinet/gl-dev-board-over-thread
west build -b gl_nrf52840_dev_board 
(2) Flashing

​ GL Thread DEV Board is connected to ubuntu by J-LINK burner, and flashing the firmware to GL Thread DEV Board.

west flash --erase
(3) test

​ Reference add TDB(GL Thread DEV Board) to the thread network.After successfully joining the network, you can view the collected data such as temperature reported by the OTB to gl-s200 on the web page, or run commands in the background of gl-s200 to control the OTB.

Set LED switch


coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"onoff\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"val\":0}" -m put coap:https://[fd11:22:0:0:240f:8ae:bbca:47c2]/cmd


coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"onoff\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"val\":1}" -m put coap:https://[fd11:22:0:0:240f:8ae:bbca:47c2]/cmd

On and off with delay

coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"onoff\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"val\":1,\"delay\":10}" -m put coap:https://[fd11:22:0:0:240f:8ae:bbca:47c2]/cmd


coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"onoff\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"val\":2}" -m put coap:https://[fd11:22:0:0:45a7:d69c:3f32:614a]/cmd

Set LED color

Note: It is effective only when the LED is on

coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"change_color\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"r\":230,\"g\":230,\"b\":230}" -m put coap:https://[fd11:22:0:0:256:d4d4:98e2:2bf0]/cmd

Set the GPIO level

coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"set_gpio\",\"obj\":\"0.15\",\"val\":false}" -m put coap:https://[fd11:22:0:0:26e6:c63b:4a02:49d6]/cmd
coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"set_gpio\",\"obj\":\"0.15\",\"val\":true}" -m put coap:https://[fd11:22:0:0:26e6:c63b:4a02:49d6]/cmd

Read the GPIO status

root@GL-S200:~# coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"get_gpio_status\"}" -m put coap:https://[fd11:22:0:0:12c7:ca49:90c5:d269]/cmd

Read LED status

root@GL-S200:~# coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"get_led_status\"}" -m put coap:https://[fd11:22:0:0:12c7:ca49:90c5:d269]/cmd
3.2 cli demo

​ cli demo is used as an example.


​ Enter cli demo directory and building

cd gl-nrf-sdk/nrf/samples/openthread/cli
west build -b gl_nrf52840_dev_board

​ The following print appears if the compilation is successful

[664/672] Linking CXX executable zephyr/zephyr.elf
Memory region         Used Size  Region Size  %age Used
           FLASH:      387604 B     495104 B     78.29%
             RAM:      106552 B       256 KB     40.65%
        IDT_LIST:          0 GB         2 KB      0.00%
[667/672] Generating ../../zephyr/app_update.bin
sign the payload
[669/672] Generating ../../zephyr/app_signed.hex
sign the payload
[670/672] Generating ../../zephyr/app_test_update.hex
sign the payload
[672/672] Generating zephyr/merged.hex

(2) Flashing

​ GL Thread DEV Board is connected to ubuntu by J-LINK burner, and flashing the firmware to GL Thread DEV Board.

west flash --erase

​ If the flashing success will appear the following print

[ #################### ]  20.244s | Erase file - Done erasing                                                          
[ #################### ]   5.791s | Program file - Done programming                                                    
[ #################### ]   6.453s | Verify file - Done verifying                                                       
Enabling pin reset.
Applying pin reset.
-- runners.nrfjprog: Board with serial number 59768885 flashed successfully.
(3) test

​ Enter cli command in GL development board terminal to test.

uart:~$ ot channel 11
uart:~$ ot panid 0xabcd
uart:~$ ot networkkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
uart:~$ ot ifconfig up
uart:~$ ot thread start
uart:~$ ot state
uart:~$ ot networkname
uart:~$ ot ipaddr
uart:~$ ot dataset active -x