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2022 JavaScript Journal

My Octocat

"If I waited for perfection... I would never write a word." ~ Margaret Attwood

02 05 2022 ~ Monday

Why is front end development so hard?

Useful answer to the question: quora

13 03 2022 ~ Monday clock

08 03 2022 ~ Tuesday

Proceeding to set up an 11ty site. Started: 14:00 UK winter time. By 18:40 the shiny new site said Hi! Browsersync serving the index.html file and from: _site. Woohoo localhost:8080! The command line instuction to make the html file hadn't worked kept giving '< was unexpected at this time' error, so made the file in VS code in the browser instead. Rest of the evening figuring what to do next.. perused lots of starter projects, reasons for using a styleguide, and a poem.

And then, some Sanity.

29 02 2022 ~ ! Not secure Flora 🇺🇦

22 02 2022 ~ Tuesday

Found an online book and read some reminders of reasons to Learn JavaScript w3docs

" There are at least three perfect things about JavaScript:

  1. It supports complete integration with CSS and HTML.
  2. It provides straightforward ways of doing simple things.
  3. It is supported by almost all the major browsers and is performed by default. "


Frontend Masters Bootcamp

I think when you have a lot of jumbled up ideas they come together slowly over a period of several years ~ Tim Berners-Lee

Welcome to GitHub Pages

How this site works

You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview content for the website in Markdown files.

Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.


Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for

Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

- Bulleted
- List

1. Numbered
2. List

**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text

[Link](url) and ![Image](src)

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Jekyll Themes

Your Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your repository settings. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with Pages? Check out our documentation or contact support and we’ll help you sort it out.

2021 Archive (HTML and CSS)

When I publicly committed to another #100DaysofCode

Where your focus goes your energy flows. 🦋 🐛

My Octocat

From Monday 17th May 2021 to Tuesday 24th August 2021

#100DaysofCode @ka11away's Official Site

#30DaysofHTML Learning with Jen email course

#150DaysofHTML Deep dive with Schalk Neethling email course

Frontend Masters Bootcamp

Udacity Classroom

June 22nd 2021

Day 36 - A bit of Git - #100DaysOfCode

A deeper dive and rummage into Git concepts prompted by this thread ...

The most important GIT CONCEPTS

Stop copy-pasting, start Understanding


— Iren Gataullina (@IrenSayWhen) June 14, 2021
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

June 21st 2021

Day 35 - HTML challenge - #100DaysofCode

Had a second try at this challenge using lots of < abbr> and < dfn> tags.
Rather more than would usually be neccessary as clarified by helpful feedback from Jen Kramer:

< abbr> is for abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms. Let's say we're talking about HTML. All the element tells us is what HTML stands for:

< abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML< /abbr>

< dfn> does the definition. Often that goes beyond the abbreviation (hopefully!):

< p>< dfn id="html">< abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML< /abbr>, the Hypertext Markup Language, describes the structure of web documents, identifying parts of the document like headings, lists, and links.< /p>

< p>However, < a href="#html">HTML< /a> is limited in its appearance and functionality.< /p>

So here we've defined HTML early in the document. Later, if we want to refer to the definition, we link to it.

Should we put a around that second instance of HTML?... it depends. If we were pages into a book and we'd not used HTML in that time, perhaps so. If we're a paragraph later, probably not.

So -- should people be defined? Maybe, but probably not in the sense of a dictionary entry. I love your link to Michelle Obama's Wikipedia entry, for example. If you don't know who she is, you can read about her. But that's just a plain old link. You can't look her up in Webster's dictionary. 😁

This has been a very useful exercise and lesson in how much and how flexibly text can be enriched with HTML.

#30DaysofHTML Day 3: 'Who Said What From Where'

June 20th 2021

Day 34 - Observing - #100DaysofCode

June 19th 2021

Day 33 - Thinking - #100DaysofCode

June 18th 2021

Day 32 - React - #100DaysofCode

Created React App - my-new-app.

React App

Getting comfortable with Create React App

June 17th 2021

Day 31 - npx - #100DaysofCode

Creating React App my-new-app.
Getting "web-vitals" missing error (even though it seems to be there).
Possible missing bits due to slow internet.

Node.js package runner

June 16th 2021

Day 30 -
- #100DaysOfCode

June 15th 2021

Day 29 -
- #100DaysOfCode

June 14th 2021

Day 28 -
- #100DaysOfCode

June 13th 2021

Day 27 -
- #100DaysOfCode

June 12th 2021

Day 26 -
- #100DaysOfCode

June 11th 2021

Day 25 - GitHub - #100DaysOfCode

June 10th 2021

Day 24 - calendar - #100DaysOfCode

June 9th 2021

Day 23 - create-react-app - #100DaysOfCode


Many errors concerning versions.
Some StackOverflow possible solutions

June 8th 2021

Day 22 - < dfn> - #100daysofcode

Defining terms.

#30daysofhtml CodePen challenge Day 4

June 7th 2021

Day 21 -< address>, < blockquote>, < q>, < cite> and cite - #100daysofcode

First the cite challenge: to modify yesterdays blockquote exercise in light of new information about the different rules governing this feature which can be an attribute or an element.

Who said what from where challenge: a practical review of things learnt so far.

#30daysofhtml CodePen challenge 1 Day 3

#30daysofhtml CodePen challenge 2 Day 3

June 6th 2021

Day 20 - Practice! - #100daysofcode

Believing impossible things.

<blockquote> and <q> #30daysofhtml

#30daysofhtml CodePen challenge Day 2

June 5th 2021

Day 19 - Coding Challenges - #100DaysOfCode

Some time today to backtrack and work through the #30daysofhtml challenges on CodePen starting with <address>.

#30daysofhtml CodePen challenge Day 1

June 4th 2021

Day 18 - HTML elements and attributes - #100daysofcode

Link attributes: type, referrerpolicy, as, disabled, imagesrcset, and imagesizes.
Elements:&lt;strong&gt;, &lt;mark&gt;, &lt;cite&gt;, &lt;s&gt;, &lt;del&gt; and &lt;ins&gt;.

Practice pen
Day 11 - #150daysofhtml Wrapping up attributes and link element
Day 11 - #30daysofhtml Marking up edits and drawing attention with elements

June 3rd 2021

Day 17 - <address> quiz - #100DaysofCode

I got 🌟8/8 in the #30DaysofHTML Day 1 quiz yay! 🙌

Day 1 #30DaysofHTML <address> examples pen

June 2nd 2021

Day 16 - <sup> and <sub> - #100daysofcode

A #30daysofhtml challenge!

Day 10 - #30daysofhtml Challenge Pen
Day 10 - #30daysofhtml <sup> and <sub>
Day 10 - #150DaysofHTML The link element integrity attribute

June 1st 2021

Day 15 - Long words, rel and a calendar - #100daysofcode

What to do about sesquipedalianism? <wbr> !
More rel attribute keywords on the link element.

A live calendar for June
Day 9 - #30daysofhtml <wbr>
Day 9 - #150Daysofhtml Concluding rel

May 31

Day 15 <small>, link rel and Resource Hints

The <small> print then ....
link rel and Resource Hints - improving user experience and accessibility through performace.

and ... WIP ... HTML + CSS semantic calendar project.
May Calendar

#30daysofhtml - Day 8 <small>
#150daysofhtml - Day 8 link rel

May 30th 2021

Day 14 <abbr> and <link/>

What does that TLA* mean? 🤔💡🤭

Plus so many more things to learn about </link> element and the magical browsers 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️

#30daysofhtml - Day 7 <abbr>
#150daysofhtml - Day 7 The </link> element part 3

May 29th 2021

Day 13
and the link element part 2.

#30daysofhtml - Day 6 <details> and <summary>
#150daysofhtml - Day 6 The <link href=""> element part 2

May 28th 2021

Day 12 description lists and the link element.

#30daysofhtml - Day 5 <dl><dt><dd>
#150daysofhtml - Day 5 The <link href="style/main.css"/> element

May 27th 2021

Day 11

#30daysofhtml - Day 4 <dfn>
#150daysofhtml - Day 4 The <base> element

May 26th 2021

Day 10

#30daysofhtml - Day 3 <cite>
#150daysofhtml - Day 3 The <title> element

May 25th 2021

Day 9

Getting to know ...
The official HTML5 boilerplate
HTML, accessibility, and CSS layout and architecture expert Manuel Matuzovic's own HTML Boilerplate walkthrough

Day 2
#30daysofhtml - Day 2 - <blockquote> and <q> - not for indentation or conversation.
#150daysofhtml - Day 2 - <head> contains metadata - data about data.

May 24 2021

Day 8

Day 1 - Restart - #100DaysofCode

#30daysofhtml - Day 1 - <address> tag
#150daysofhtml - Day 1 - <html class="no-js" lang="en">

With #30daysofhtml email course
and a subscription to #150daysofhtml

More about the lang attribute on the <html> element
The lang attribute: browsers telling lies, telling sweet little lies blog post by Manuel Matuzovic.

May 23 2021

Day 7 - Web Divelopment - #100DaysOfCode

Learning how to write HTML properly.


22nd May

Day 6 - Googled CSS - #100DaysOfCode

I created a Google Developer Profile!

21st May

Day 5 - CodeLog - #100daysofcode
Getting in the mood to make a new GitHub pages 100 days of code log by making an octocat.

My Octocat

20th May

Day 4 - Front End Focus - #100daysofcode

Learned a bit more about image resizing and DOM events then played a coding fantasy game to practice the flex box and had a look at Google's free CSS course.

Frontend Focus

19th May

Day 3 - Don't Make Me Think - #100daysofcode #UX

Read chapter 4 - Animal, Vegetable or Mineral, a free sample of @skrug's book
and thought about making choices mindless in relation to my current landing page project.

Dont Make Me Think Chapter 4 sample pages
Then played 20 Questions

18th May

Day 2 - Networks - #100daysofcode

Crafting an HTML and CSS landing page

"The self is a cumulative network because its history persists."
~The networked self

17th May

Day 1 - Fonts and favicons - #100DaysOfCode

FontSquirrel helped me make a web font kit. Next a and flex box Holy Grail CSS.

Trying to understand what stuff does ...

Font Squirrel Web font generator
Favicon generator creator
How to Become a Great Front-End Engineervia @philwalton

Tools Resources
JS Bin CodePen
JS Fiddle NotePad++
VS Code Atom
FreeCodeCamp DevDocs browser
Can I Use BrowserStack
Tortoise Git W3C ® Developer Tools
W3C ® Web Accessibility Tutorials List of CSS properties, both proposed and standard
The future of style CSS reference MDN
The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web MDN Web Docs
CSS Mine: Dig into Web UI Development Luminosity Colour Contrast Ratio Analyser
Contrast-ratio DevTools for beginners
Tables Generator html-tables-all-there-is-to-know-about
Test drive Prism displaying-code-in-web-pages
Smashing Magazine FreeCodeCamp News
CSS Tricks Nameboy
Internet Fundamentals Frontend Masters BootCamp
Interneting is hard HTML elements reference
W3 HTML Validator Nu HTML Checker
Frontend developer roadmap Markup World
Frontend masters HTML cheatsheet The Complete Guide to Deep Work
CSS Reference trove Emojipedia
Airtable Softr
Airpets email course fontpair

Welcome to GitHub Pages

"The amateur software engineer is always in search of magic." - Grady Booch via Programming Wisdom @CodeWisdom on Twitter 12:37 PM - 12 Oct 2018

How this site works

You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview content for the website in Markdown files.

Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.


Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for

Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

- Bulleted
- List

1. Numbered
2. List

**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text

[Link](url) and ![Image](src)

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Jekyll Themes

Your Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your repository settings. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with Pages? Check out our documentation or contact support and we’ll help you sort it out.


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