cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) project(Ginkgo LANGUAGES C CXX VERSION 1.0.0 DESCRIPTION "A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures") set(Ginkgo_VERSION_TAG "develop") set(PROJECT_VERSION_TAG ${Ginkgo_VERSION_TAG}) # Ginkgo configuration options option(GINKGO_DEVEL_TOOLS "Add development tools to the build system" ON) option(GINKGO_BUILD_TESTS "Generate build files for unit tests" ON) option(GINKGO_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build Ginkgo's examples" ON) option(GINKGO_BUILD_BENCHMARKS "Build Ginkgo's benchmarks" ON) option(GINKGO_BUILD_REFERENCE "Compile reference CPU kernels" ON) option(GINKGO_BUILD_OMP "Compile OpenMP kernels for CPU" OFF) option(GINKGO_BUILD_CUDA "Compile kernels for NVIDIA GPUs" OFF) option(GINKGO_BUILD_DOC "Generate documentation" OFF) option(GINKGO_SKIP_DEPENDENCY_UPDATE "Do not update dependencies each time the project is rebuilt" ON) option(GINKGO_EXPORT_BUILD_DIR "Make Ginkgo export its build directory to the CMake package registry." OFF) option(GINKGO_WITH_CLANG_TIDY "Make Ginkgo call `clang-tidy` to find programming issues." OFF) option(GINKGO_WITH_IWYU "Make Ginkgo call `iwyu` (Include What You Use) to find include issues." OFF) set(GINKGO_VERBOSE_LEVEL "1" CACHE STRING "Verbosity level. Put 0 to turn off. 1 activates a few important messages.") set(GINKGO_COMPILER_FLAGS "-Wpedantic" CACHE STRING "Set the required CXX compiler flags, mainly used for warnings. Current default is `-Wpedantic`") set(GINKGO_CUDA_COMPILER_FLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Set the required NVCC compiler flags, mainly used for warnings. Current default is an empty string") set(GINKGO_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES "Auto" CACHE STRING "A list of target NVIDIA GPU achitectures. See for more detail.") option(GINKGO_CUDA_DEFAULT_HOST_COMPILER "Tell Ginkgo to not automatically set the CUDA host compiler" OFF) option(GINKGO_JACOBI_FULL_OPTIMIZATIONS "Use all the optimizations for the CUDA Jacobi algorithm" OFF) option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared (.so, .dylib, .dll) libraries" ON) if(GINKGO_BUILD_TESTS AND (GINKGO_BUILD_CUDA OR GINKGO_BUILD_OMP)) message(STATUS "GINKGO_BUILD_TESTS is ON, enabling GINKGO_BUILD_REFERENCE") set(GINKGO_BUILD_REFERENCE ON CACHE BOOL "Compile reference CPU kernels" FORCE) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) message(STATUS "Setting build type to 'Release' as none was specified.") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build." FORCE) endif() # Ensure we have a debug postfix if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX) set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d") endif() if(GINKGO_BUILD_TESTS) # Configure CTest configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake @ONLY) # For testing, we need some special matrices add_subdirectory(matrices) enable_testing() include(CTest) endif() if (GINKGO_WITH_CLANG_TIDY) find_program(GINKGO_CLANG_TIDY_PATH clang-tidy) endif() if (GINKGO_WITH_IWYU) find_program(GINKGO_IWYU_PATH iwyu) endif() # Load CMake helpers and modules include(cmake/build_helpers.cmake) include(cmake/build_type_helpers.cmake) include(cmake/create_test.cmake) include(cmake/install_helpers.cmake) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules/") # Find important header files, store the definitions in include/ginkgo/ # For details, see include(CheckIncludeFileCXX) check_include_file_cxx(cxxabi.h GKO_HAVE_CXXABI_H) # Automatically find PAPI and search for the required 'sde' component set(GINKGO_HAVE_PAPI_SDE 0) find_package(PAPI OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS sde) if (PAPI_sde_FOUND) set(GINKGO_HAVE_PAPI_SDE 1) endif() configure_file(${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ginkgo/ ${Ginkgo_BINARY_DIR}/include/ginkgo/config.hpp @ONLY) # Try to find the third party packages before using our subdirectories include(cmake/package_helpers.cmake) ginkgo_find_package(GTest "GTest::GTest;GTest::Main" FALSE 1.8.1) ginkgo_find_package(gflags gflags FALSE 2.2.2) ginkgo_find_package(RapidJSON rapidjson TRUE 1.1.0) add_subdirectory(third_party) # Third-party tools and libraries # Needs to be first in order for `CMAKE_CUDA_DEVICE_LINK_EXECUTABLE` to be # propagated to the other parts of Ginkgo in case of building as static libraries if(GINKGO_BUILD_CUDA) add_subdirectory(cuda) # High-performance kernels for NVIDIA GPUs endif() # Ginkgo core libraries add_subdirectory(core) # Core Ginkgo types and top-level functions if (GINKGO_BUILD_REFERENCE) add_subdirectory(reference) # Reference kernel implementations endif() if (GINKGO_BUILD_OMP) add_subdirectory(omp) # High-performance omp kernels endif() # Non core directories and targets if(GINKGO_BUILD_EXAMPLES) add_subdirectory(examples) endif() if(GINKGO_BUILD_BENCHMARKS) add_subdirectory(benchmark) endif() if(GINKGO_DEVEL_TOOLS) add_custom_target(add_license COMMAND ${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}/dev_tools/scripts/ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}) add_dependencies(format add_license) endif() # Generate the global `ginkgo/ginkgo.hpp` header with every call of make add_custom_target(generate_ginkgo_header ALL COMMAND ${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}/dev_tools/scripts/ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}) # Installation include(cmake/information_helpers.cmake) ginkgo_interface_information() ginkgo_git_information() if(GINKGO_BUILD_DOC) add_subdirectory(doc) endif() configure_file(${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/ ${Ginkgo_BINARY_DIR}/ginkgo.pc @ONLY) ginkgo_install() add_custom_target(test_install COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -G${CMAKE_GENERATOR} -H${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}/test_install -B${Ginkgo_BINARY_DIR}/test_install -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${GINKGO_INSTALL_CONFIG_DIR} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ${Ginkgo_BINARY_DIR}/test_install COMMAND ${Ginkgo_BINARY_DIR}/test_install/test_install COMMENT "Running a test on the installed binaries. This requires running `(sudo) make install` first.") # Setup CPack set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE "${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}/") set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON "${Ginkgo_SOURCE_DIR}/assets/logo.png") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT "") include(CPack)