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Installation Instructions {#install_ginkgo}


Use the standard cmake build procedure:

mkdir build; cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" [OPTIONS] .. && make

Replace [OPTIONS] with desired cmake options for your build. Ginkgo adds the following additional switches to control what is being built:

  • -DGINKGO_DEVEL_TOOLS={ON, OFF} sets up the build system for development (requires clang-format, will also download git-cmake-format), default is ON

  • -DGINKGO_BUILD_TESTS={ON, OFF} builds Ginkgo's tests (will download googletest), default is ON

  • -DGINKGO_BUILD_BENCHMARKS={ON, OFF} builds Ginkgo's benchmarks (will download gflags and rapidjson), default is ON

  • -DGINKGO_BUILD_EXAMPLES={ON, OFF} builds Ginkgo's examples, default is ON

  • -DGINKGO_BUILD_EXTLIB_EXAMPLE={ON, OFF} builds the interfacing example with deal.II, default is OFF

  • -DGINKGO_BUILD_REFERENCE={ON, OFF} build reference implementations of the kernels, useful for testing, default is ON

  • -DGINKGO_BUILD_OMP={ON, OFF} builds optimized OpenMP versions of the kernels, default is OFF

  • -DGINKGO_BUILD_CUDA={ON, OFF} builds optimized cuda versions of the kernels (requires CUDA), default is OFF

  • -DGINKGO_BUILD_DOC={ON, OFF} creates an HTML version of Ginkgo's documentation from inline comments in the code. The default is OFF.

  • -DGINKGO_DOC_GENERATE_EXAMPLES={ON, OFF} generates the documentation of examples in Ginkgo. The default is ON.

  • -DGINKGO_DOC_GENERATE_PDF={ON, OFF} generates a PDF version of Ginkgo's documentation from inline comments in the code. The default is OFF.

  • -DGINKGO_DOC_GENERATE_DEV={ON, OFF} generates the developer version of Ginkgo's documentation. The default is OFF.

  • -DGINKGO_EXPORT_BUILD_DIR={ON, OFF} adds the Ginkgo build directory to the CMake package registry. The default is OFF.

  • -DGINKGO_WITH_CLANG_TIDY={ON, OFF} makes Ginkgo call clang-tidy to find programming issues. The path can be manually controlled with the CMake variable -DGINKGO_CLANG_TIDY_PATH=<path>.

  • -DGINKGO_WITH_IWYU={ON, OFF} makes Ginkgo call iwyu to find include issues. The path can be manually controlled with the CMake variable -DGINKGO_IWYU_PATH=<path>.

  • -DGINKGO_VERBOSE_LEVEL=integer sets the verbosity of Ginkgo.

    • 0 disables all output in the main libraries,
    • 1 enables a few important messages related to unexpected behavior (default).
  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path sets the installation path for make install. The default value is usually something like /usr/local

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=type specifies which configuration will be used for this build of Ginkgo. The default is RELEASE. Supported values are CMake's standard build types such as DEBUG and RELEASE and the Ginkgo specific COVERAGE, ASAN (AddressSanitizer) and TSAN (ThreadSanitizer) types.

  • -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS={ON, OFF} builds ginkgo as shared libraries (OFF) or as dynamic libraries (ON), default is ON

  • -DGINKGO_JACOBI_FULL_OPTIMIZATIONS={ON, OFF} use all the optimizations for the CUDA Jacobi algorithm. OFF by default. Setting this option to ON may lead to very slow compile time (>20 minutes) for the file and high memory usage.

  • -DCMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER=path instructs the build system to explicitly set CUDA's host compiler to the path given as argument. By default, CUDA uses its toolchain's host compiler. Setting this option may help if you're experiencing linking errors due to ABI incompatibilities. This option is supported since CMake 3.8 but documented starting from 3.10.

  • -DGINKGO_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=<list> where <list> is a semicolon (;) separated list of architectures. Supported values are:

    • Auto
    • Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal, Volta

    Auto will automatically detect the present CUDA-enabled GPU architectures in the system. Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal and Volta will add flags for all architectures of that particular NVIDIA GPU generation. COMPUTE and CODE are placeholders that should be replaced with compute and code numbers (e.g. for compute_70 and sm_70 COMPUTE and CODE should be replaced with 70. Default is Auto. For a more detailed explanation of this option see the ARCHITECTURES specification list section in the documentation of the CudaArchitectureSelector CMake module.

For example, to build everything (in debug mode), use:

cmake  -G "Unix Makefiles" -H. -BDebug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DGINKGO_DEVEL_TOOLS=ON \
cmake --build Debug

NOTE: Ginkgo is known to work with the Unix Makefiles and Ninja based generators. Other CMake generators are untested.

Third party libraries and packages

Ginkgo relies on third party packages in different cases. These third party packages can be turned off by disabling the relevant options.

  • GINKGO_BUILD_CUDA=ON: CudaArchitectureSelector (CAS) is a CMake helper to manage CUDA architecture settings;
  • GINKGO_BUILD_TESTS=ON: Our tests are implemented with Google Test;
  • GINKGO_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON: For argument management we use gflags and for JSON parsing we use RapidJSON;
  • GINKGO_DEVEL_TOOLS=ON: git-cmake-format is our CMake helper for code formatting.

By default, Ginkgo uses the internal version of each package. For each of the packages GTEST, GFLAGS, RAPIDJSON and CAS, it is possible to force Ginkgo to try to use an external version of a package. For this, Ginkgo provides two ways to find packages. To rely on the CMake find_package command, use the CMake option -DGINKGO_USE_EXTERNAL_<package>=ON. Note that, if the external packages were not installed to the default location, the CMake option -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path-list> needs to be set to the semicolon (;) separated list of install paths of these external packages. For more Information, see the CMake documentation for CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for details.

To manually configure the paths Ginkgo relies on the standard xSDK Installation policies for all packages except CAS (as it is neither a library nor a header, it cannot be expressed through the TPL format):

  • -DTPL_ENABLE_<package>=ON
  • -DTPL_<package>_LIBRARIES=/path/to/libraries.{so|a}
  • -DTPL_<package>_INCLUDE_DIRS=/path/to/header/directory

When applicable (e.g. for GTest libraries), a ; separated list can be given to the TPL_<package>_{LIBRARIES|INCLUDE_DIRS} variables.

Installing Ginkgo

To install Ginkgo into the specified folder, execute the following command in the build folder

make install

If the installation prefix (see CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) is not writable for your user, e.g. when installing Ginkgo system-wide, it might be necessary to prefix the call with sudo.

After the installation, CMake can find ginkgo with find_package(Ginkgo). An example can be found in the test_install.