# Important! Never install `astro` even when new version is in registry prefer-workspace-packages=true link-workspace-packages=true save-workspace-protocol=false # This prevents the examples to have the `workspace:` prefix auto-install-peers=false # `github-slugger` is used by `vite-plugin-markdown-legacy`. # Temporarily hoist this until we remove the feature. public-hoist-pattern[]=github-slugger # Vite's esbuild optimizer has trouble optimizing `@astrojs/lit/client-shim.js` # which imports this dependency. public-hoist-pattern[]=@webcomponents/template-shadowroot # On Windows, `svelte-preprocess` can't import `svelte/compiler`. Might be a pnpm bug. public-hoist-pattern[]=svelte # There's a lit dependency duplication somewhere causing multiple Lit versions error. public-hoist-pattern[]=*lit*