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Raven-Ruby, the Ruby Client for Sentry

🚧 Migrating To The New SDK 🚧

We've released our new Ruby SDK, sentry-ruby. Here are the benefits of migrating to it:

  • Unified Interfaces With Other SDKs: The design of sentry-raven is outdated compared with our modern Sentry SDKs. If you also use other Sentry SDKs, such as Sentry's JavaScript SDK for your frontend application, you'll notice that their interfaces are quite different from the one provided for sentry-raven. The new sentry-ruby SDK provides a more consistent user experience across all different platforms.

  • Performance Monitoring: The Sentry Ruby SDK includes performance monitoring, which you can enable if you haven't already as (discussed here).

  • Future Support: sentry-raven has entered maintenance mode, which means it won't receive any new feature supports or aggressive bug fixes.

  • Better Extensibility: Unlike sentry-raven, sentry-ruby is built with extensibility in mind and will allow the community to build extensions for different integrations/features.

If you're interested in the migration, please also read our migration guide for more information.

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The official Ruby-language client and integration layer for the Sentry error reporting API.


We test on Ruby 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 at the latest patchlevel/teeny version. We also support JRuby 9.0. Our Rails integration works with Rails 4.2+, including Rails 5 and Rails 6.

Getting Started


gem "sentry-raven"

Raven only runs when Sentry DSN is set

Raven will capture and send exceptions to the Sentry server whenever its DSN is set. This makes environment-based configuration easy - if you don't want to send errors in a certain environment, just don't set the DSN in that environment!

# Set your SENTRY_DSN environment variable.
export SENTRY_DSN=https://[email protected]/project-id
# Or you can configure the client in the code.
Raven.configure do |config|
  config.dsn = 'https://[email protected]/project-id'

Raven doesn't report some kinds of data by default

Raven ignores some exceptions by default - most of these are related to 404s or controller actions not being found. For a complete list, see the IGNORE_DEFAULT constant.

Raven doesn't report POST data or cookies by default. In addition, it will attempt to remove any obviously sensitive data, such as credit card or Social Security numbers. For more information about how Sentry processes your data, check out the documentation on the processors config setting.


If you use Rails, you're already done - no more configuration required! Check Integrations for more details on other gems Sentry integrates with automatically.

Otherwise, Raven supports two methods of capturing exceptions:

Raven.capture do
  # capture any exceptions which happen during execution of this block
  1 / 0

  1 / 0
rescue ZeroDivisionError => exception

More configuration

You're all set - but there's a few more settings you may want to know about too!


When an error or message occurs, the notification is immediately sent to Sentry. Raven can be configured to send asynchronously:

config.async = lambda { |event| { Raven.send_event(event) }

Using a thread to send events will be adequate for truly parallel Ruby platforms such as JRuby, though the benefit on MRI/CRuby will be limited. If the async callback raises an exception, Raven will attempt to send synchronously.

Note that the naive example implementation has a major drawback - it can create an infinite number of threads. We recommend creating a background job, using your background job processor, that will send Sentry notifications in the background.

config.async = lambda { |event| SentryJob.perform_later(event) }

class SentryJob < ActiveJob::Base
  queue_as :default

  def perform(event)


If Raven fails to send an event to Sentry for any reason (either the Sentry server has returned a 4XX or 5XX response), this Proc or lambda will be called.

config.transport_failure_callback = lambda { |event, error|
  AdminMailer.email_admins("Oh god, it's on fire because #{error.message}!", event).deliver_later


Much of the usefulness of Sentry comes from additional context data with the events. Raven makes this very convenient by providing methods to set thread local context data that is then submitted automatically with all events:

Raven.user_context email: '[email protected]'

Raven.tags_context interesting: 'yes'

Raven.extra_context additional_info: 'foo'

You can also use tags_context and extra_context to provide scoped information:

Raven.tags_context(interesting: 'yes') do
  # the `interesting: 'yes'` tag will only present in the requests sent inside the block

Raven.extra_context(additional_info: 'foo') do
  # same as above, the `additional_info` will only present in this request

For more information, see Context.

More Information