version: "3.4" x-restart-policy: &restart_policy restart: unless-stopped x-healthcheck-defaults: &healthcheck_defaults # Avoid setting the interval too small, as docker uses much more CPU than one would expect. # Related issues: # # # interval: 30s timeout: 5s retries: 3 start_period: 10s x-sentry-defaults: &sentry_defaults <<: *restart_policy image: "$SENTRY_IMAGE" depends_on: - redis - postgres - memcached - smtp - snuba-api - snuba-consumer - snuba-outcomes-consumer - snuba-sessions-consumer - snuba-transactions-consumer - snuba-subscription-consumer-events - snuba-subscription-consumer-transactions - snuba-replacer - symbolicator - kafka entrypoint: "/etc/sentry/" command: ["run", "web"] environment: PYTHONUSERBASE: "/data/custom-packages" SENTRY_CONF: "/etc/sentry" SNUBA: "http://snuba-api:1218" # Leaving the value empty to just pass whatever is set # on the host system (or in the .env file) SENTRY_EVENT_RETENTION_DAYS: volumes: - "sentry-data:/data" - "./sentry:/etc/sentry" - "./geoip:/geoip:ro" x-snuba-defaults: &snuba_defaults <<: *restart_policy depends_on: - redis - clickhouse - kafka image: "$SNUBA_IMAGE" environment: SNUBA_SETTINGS: docker CLICKHOUSE_HOST: clickhouse DEFAULT_BROKERS: "kafka:9092" REDIS_HOST: redis UWSGI_MAX_REQUESTS: "10000" UWSGI_DISABLE_LOGGING: "true" # Leaving the value empty to just pass whatever is set # on the host system (or in the .env file) SENTRY_EVENT_RETENTION_DAYS: services: smtp: <<: *restart_policy image: tianon/exim4 volumes: - "sentry-smtp:/var/spool/exim4" - "sentry-smtp-log:/var/log/exim4" memcached: <<: *restart_policy image: "memcached:1.6.9-alpine" healthcheck: <<: *healthcheck_defaults # From: test: echo stats | nc 11211 redis: <<: *restart_policy image: "redis:6.2.4-alpine" healthcheck: <<: *healthcheck_defaults test: redis-cli ping volumes: - "sentry-redis:/data" ulimits: nofile: soft: 10032 hard: 10032 postgres: <<: *restart_policy image: "postgres:9.6" healthcheck: <<: *healthcheck_defaults # Using default user "postgres" from sentry/ or value of POSTGRES_USER if provided test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER:-postgres}"] command: [ "postgres", "-c", "wal_level=logical", "-c", "max_replication_slots=1", "-c", "max_wal_senders=1", ] environment: POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD: "trust" entrypoint: /opt/sentry/ volumes: - "sentry-postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data" - type: bind read_only: true source: ./postgres/ target: /opt/sentry/ zookeeper: <<: *restart_policy image: "confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:5.5.0" environment: ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT: "2181" CONFLUENT_SUPPORT_METRICS_ENABLE: "false" ZOOKEEPER_LOG4J_ROOT_LOGLEVEL: "WARN" ZOOKEEPER_TOOLS_LOG4J_LOGLEVEL: "WARN" KAFKA_OPTS: "-Dzookeeper.4lw.commands.whitelist=ruok" volumes: - "sentry-zookeeper:/var/lib/zookeeper/data" - "sentry-zookeeper-log:/var/lib/zookeeper/log" - "sentry-secrets:/etc/zookeeper/secrets" healthcheck: <<: *healthcheck_defaults test: ["CMD-SHELL", 'echo "ruok" | nc -w 2 -q 2 localhost 2181 | grep imok'] kafka: <<: *restart_policy depends_on: - zookeeper image: "confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.5.0" environment: KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: "zookeeper:2181" KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS: "PLAINTEXT://kafka:9092" KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR: "1" KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_NUM_PARTITIONS: "1" KAFKA_LOG_RETENTION_HOURS: "24" KAFKA_MESSAGE_MAX_BYTES: "50000000" #50MB or bust KAFKA_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE: "50000000" #50MB on requests apparently too CONFLUENT_SUPPORT_METRICS_ENABLE: "false" KAFKA_LOG4J_LOGGERS: "kafka.cluster=WARN,kafka.controller=WARN,kafka.coordinator=WARN,kafka.log=WARN,kafka.server=WARN,kafka.zookeeper=WARN,state.change.logger=WARN" KAFKA_LOG4J_ROOT_LOGLEVEL: "WARN" KAFKA_TOOLS_LOG4J_LOGLEVEL: "WARN" volumes: - "sentry-kafka:/var/lib/kafka/data" - "sentry-kafka-log:/var/lib/kafka/log" - "sentry-secrets:/etc/kafka/secrets" healthcheck: <<: *healthcheck_defaults test: ["CMD-SHELL", "nc -z localhost 9092"] clickhouse: <<: *restart_policy image: "yandex/clickhouse-server:" ulimits: nofile: soft: 262144 hard: 262144 volumes: - "sentry-clickhouse:/var/lib/clickhouse" - "sentry-clickhouse-log:/var/log/clickhouse-server" - type: bind read_only: true source: ./clickhouse/config.xml target: /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/sentry.xml environment: # This limits Clickhouse's memory to 30% of the host memory # If you have high volume and your search return incomplete results # You might want to change this to a higher value (and ensure your host has enough memory) MAX_MEMORY_USAGE_RATIO: 0.3 geoipupdate: image: "maxmindinc/geoipupdate:v4.7.1" # Override the entrypoint in order to avoid using envvars for config. # Futz with settings so we can keep mmdb and conf in same dir on host # (image looks for them in separate dirs by default). entrypoint: ["/usr/bin/geoipupdate", "-d", "/sentry", "-f", "/sentry/GeoIP.conf"] volumes: - "./geoip:/sentry" snuba-api: <<: *snuba_defaults # Kafka consumer responsible for feeding events into Clickhouse snuba-consumer: <<: *snuba_defaults command: consumer --storage errors --auto-offset-reset=latest --max-batch-time-ms 750 # Kafka consumer responsible for feeding outcomes into Clickhouse # Use --auto-offset-reset=earliest to recover up to 7 days of TSDB data # since we did not do a proper migration snuba-outcomes-consumer: <<: *snuba_defaults command: consumer --storage outcomes_raw --auto-offset-reset=earliest --max-batch-time-ms 750 # Kafka consumer responsible for feeding session data into Clickhouse snuba-sessions-consumer: <<: *snuba_defaults command: consumer --storage sessions_raw --auto-offset-reset=latest --max-batch-time-ms 750 # Kafka consumer responsible for feeding transactions data into Clickhouse snuba-transactions-consumer: <<: *snuba_defaults command: consumer --storage transactions --consumer-group transactions_group --auto-offset-reset=latest --max-batch-time-ms 750 --commit-log-topic=snuba-commit-log snuba-replacer: <<: *snuba_defaults command: replacer --storage errors --auto-offset-reset=latest --max-batch-size 3 snuba-subscription-consumer-events: <<: *snuba_defaults command: subscriptions --auto-offset-reset=latest --consumer-group=snuba-events-subscriptions-consumers --topic=events --result-topic=events-subscription-results --dataset=events --commit-log-topic=snuba-commit-log --commit-log-group=snuba-consumers --delay-seconds=60 --schedule-ttl=60 snuba-subscription-consumer-transactions: <<: *snuba_defaults command: subscriptions --auto-offset-reset=latest --consumer-group=snuba-transactions-subscriptions-consumers --topic=events --result-topic=transactions-subscription-results --dataset=transactions --commit-log-topic=snuba-commit-log --commit-log-group=transactions_group --delay-seconds=60 --schedule-ttl=60 snuba-cleanup: <<: *snuba_defaults image: snuba-cleanup-onpremise-local build: context: ./cron args: BASE_IMAGE: "$SNUBA_IMAGE" command: '"*/5 * * * * gosu snuba snuba cleanup --storage errors --dry-run False"' snuba-transactions-cleanup: <<: *snuba_defaults image: snuba-cleanup-onpremise-local build: context: ./cron args: BASE_IMAGE: "$SNUBA_IMAGE" command: '"*/5 * * * * gosu snuba snuba cleanup --storage transactions --dry-run False"' symbolicator: <<: *restart_policy image: "$SYMBOLICATOR_IMAGE" volumes: - "sentry-symbolicator:/data" - type: bind read_only: true source: ./symbolicator target: /etc/symbolicator command: run -c /etc/symbolicator/config.yml symbolicator-cleanup: <<: *restart_policy image: symbolicator-cleanup-onpremise-local build: context: ./cron args: BASE_IMAGE: "$SYMBOLICATOR_IMAGE" command: '"55 23 * * * gosu symbolicator symbolicator cleanup"' volumes: - "sentry-symbolicator:/data" web: <<: *sentry_defaults cron: <<: *sentry_defaults command: run cron worker: <<: *sentry_defaults command: run worker ingest-consumer: <<: *sentry_defaults command: run ingest-consumer --all-consumer-types post-process-forwarder: <<: *sentry_defaults # Increase `--commit-batch-size 1` below to deal with high-load environments. command: run post-process-forwarder --commit-batch-size 1 subscription-consumer-events: <<: *sentry_defaults command: run query-subscription-consumer --commit-batch-size 1 --topic events-subscription-results subscription-consumer-transactions: <<: *sentry_defaults command: run query-subscription-consumer --commit-batch-size 1 --topic transactions-subscription-results sentry-cleanup: <<: *sentry_defaults image: sentry-cleanup-onpremise-local build: context: ./cron args: BASE_IMAGE: "$SENTRY_IMAGE" entrypoint: "/" command: '"0 0 * * * gosu sentry sentry cleanup --days $SENTRY_EVENT_RETENTION_DAYS"' nginx: <<: *restart_policy ports: - "$SENTRY_BIND:80/tcp" image: "nginx:1.21.0-alpine" volumes: - type: bind read_only: true source: ./nginx target: /etc/nginx depends_on: - web - relay relay: <<: *restart_policy image: "$RELAY_IMAGE" volumes: - type: bind read_only: true source: ./relay target: /work/.relay - type: bind read_only: true source: ./geoip target: /geoip depends_on: - kafka - redis - web volumes: sentry-data: external: true sentry-postgres: external: true sentry-redis: external: true sentry-zookeeper: external: true sentry-kafka: external: true sentry-clickhouse: external: true sentry-symbolicator: external: true sentry-secrets: sentry-smtp: sentry-zookeeper-log: sentry-kafka-log: sentry-smtp-log: sentry-clickhouse-log: