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These are assets used by the CI build.

  • testdata - test data used for the integration tests, such as credentials and test bundles.
  • images - source for any docker images that we publish.

Azure Pipelines

See all Porter related pipelines across all repositories.

Our pipeline is broken into a few discrete builds so that we can control how and when they are triggered:

  • porter-release: azure-pipelines.release.yml: Publishes tagged releases. Does not run tests. This can be tested in a pull request using /azp run test-porter-release. View Latest Builds
  • porter-canary: azure-pipelines.canary.yml: Validates canary releases, running the full test suite. View Latest Builds
  • porter-check-install: azure-pipelines.install.yml: Validates our installation scripts against canary and tag releases. View Latest Builds
  • porter: Validates everything we can without a live environment. View Latest Builds
  • porter-integration: azure-pipelines.integration.yml: Runs the full integration test suite. Only runs when requested with /azp run porter-integration because they are slow. View Latest Builds

Documentation Only Builds

The porter and porter-integration builds detect if the build is documentation only and will short circuit the build. They look for changes to the website, markdown files, workshop materials and repository metadata files that do not affect the build.