# JavaRosa Copyright (C) 1999-2009 ## Contributing Organizations * Cell-Life (http://cell-life.org) * Dimagi (http://dimagi.com) ## Contributing Individuals * Alfred Mukudu (Cell-Life) * Brian DeRenzi (University of Washington) * Carl Hartung (University of Washington, Google) * Catherine Dunn (Dimagi) * Clayton Sims (Dimagi) * Cory Zue (Dimagi) * Daniel Kayiwa (Makerere University) * Daniel Myung (Dimagi) * Drew Roos (Dimagi) * Geoffrey Mimano (DataDyne) * Jonathan Jackson (Dimagi) * Juan Marcelo Tondato (Instedd) * Julian Hulme (Cell-Life) * Kieran Sharpey-Schafer (Cell-Life) * Mark Gerard (Makerere University, Business Objects) * Matthais Nuessler (OpenMRS GSoC) * Melissa Loudon (University of Cape Town) * Munier Parker (Cell-Life) * Munaf Sheikh (Cell-Life) * Ndubisi Onuora (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) * Rowena Luk (Dimagi) * Simon Peter Muwanga (Makerere University) * Thomas Routen (Things Prime) * Thomas Smyth (Georgia Institute of Technology) * Teddy Svoronos (Georgetown University) * Vijay Umapathy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) * Yaw Anokwa (University of Washington, Google) ## Linked Libraries * BlueCove (http://bluecove.org) * Fast MD5 (http://twmacinta.com/myjava/fast_md5.php) * J2ME Polish (http://j2mepolish.org) * J2MEUnit (http://j2meunit.sourceforge.net) * java-cup (http://www2.cs.tum.edu/projects/cup) * kXML (http://kobjects.org/kxml) * Mesh4X (http://code.google.com/p/mesh4x) * MicroEmulator (http://microemu.org) * PyAntTasks (http://code.google.com/p/pyanttasks) * regexp-me (http://code.google.com/p/regexp-me) * UmlGraph (http://umlgraph.org) * ZXing (http://code.google.com/p/zxing) ## Other Sources * Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition (http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596006204) * Sun Microsystems, Inc (SnapperMIDlet, FileBrowser, FileBrowseActivity, CameraCanvas) ## Notes If you have contributed to JavaRosa and are not included this list, please issue a pull request.