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Setup data for UDM model on DAFNI. Collects data from previous steps in the modelling flowline (clip outputs, population data), and reads user inputs to generate a final folder of data inputs and parameters which the OpenUDM model can then use.


Generates the input tables required for UDM:

  • attractors.csv
  • constraints.csv
  • parameters.csv

For the attractors and constraints tables the list of inputs are cross-checked with the the datasets found in the data directory, where a dataset file is then linked to the parameter with it's passed value(s) in the csv file generated.


Contains a list layers considered to be attractors to development. The file has 3 fields:

  • layer_name (string: the name of the file)
  • reverse_polarity_flag (integer (0 or 1): if reverse the polarity (1) so layer considers being further away better)
  • layer_weight (float: how important the layer is compared to others. All layers should sum to 1)

A row in the table may look like: roads_proximity_100m_clip.asc,0,0


Contains a list of layers considered to be constraints to where development can happen. The file has 3 fields:

  • layer_name (string: the name of the file)
  • current_development_flag (integer: (0 or 1): 1 to denote the layer is the current development (only one layer should be set as 1))
  • layer_threshold (float: the threshold % (value) at which to no longer permit the cell to be developed for the layer)

A row in the table may look like: developed_coverage_100m_clip.asc,1,0.3


Contains the parameter values for 4 parameters for the UDM model:

  • density_from_raster (integer: set to zero to derive density from current development and initial population - set to one to provide a density raster (density.asc))
  • people_per_dwelling (float: conversion factor from people_per_cell to people_per_cell)
  • coverage_threshold (float: percentage coverage threshold for combined constraint layers - cells above threshold are constrained)
  • minimum_development_area (integer: minimum number of contiguous cells within a zone which constitutes a development area)
  • maximum_plot_size (integer: maximum number of cells developed around most suitable cell in zone in each iteration of development spreading algorithm)


Passing data files

Data files should for the attractors and constraints should be placed in the '/data' directory as the code will search here for the files when matching passed parameters.

Passing parameter values

All parameters should be passed as environmental variables (--env) to te docker container.


A semi-colan seperated list of attractor layers (or string similar in some part) including a polarity value and a weight value.

  • name: attractors
  • e.g: 'road:0.3:1;'


A semi-colan seperated list of constraint layers (or string similar in some part) including a threshold value for the layer at which point the cell is classed occupied/full and not suitable for development. All layers cell values should relate to a 'coverage' value, sucha s genereted by the udm-rasterise-coverage tool/model.

  • name: constraints
  • e.g.: 'developed:0.3;'

current development

A colan seperated list of a file name (or string similar in some part) and a threshold value for % coverage denoting the pint it's considered already occupied/developed.

  • name: current_development
  • e.g.: 'developed:0.3;'

density from raster

Parameter (integer) to identify is new development density is taken from the input data (0) or from an input density raster

  • name: density_from_raster

people per dwelling

Float value for converting between people per cell and people per dwelling

  • name: people_per_dwelling

coverage threshold

Float value for the threshold value at which a cell is considered occupied/full and can't be developed when all constraints have been merged

  • name: coverage_threshold

minimum development area

Integer value for the minimum number of cells which must be clustered together to consider for development

  • name: minimum_development_area

maximum plot size

Integer value for the maximum number of cells developed around most suitable cell in zone in each iteration of development spreading algorithm

  • name: maximum_plot_size

record extra parameters

Allow alternative parameters to be noted, such as those based on the inclusion of weightings of layers.

  • name: extra_parameters