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RZL-Trainer #127

Ashutoshraj-put opened this issue Apr 20, 2023 · 3 comments

RZL-Trainer #127

Ashutoshraj-put opened this issue Apr 20, 2023 · 3 comments


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The RZL-Trainer is not showing while using vhud even i have tried all of the versions can you please fix it in the next update

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I have the same issue

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amircheg commented Jan 18, 2024

My workaround for this problem is to configure rzl trainer in my vanilla copy of san andreas, save the trainer settings (it will save to RZL-Trainer.ini), and then copy that to my modded san andreas containing vhud. the trainer is actually working it is just that the menu is not showing up.

Below is the default config for RZL-Trainer.ini:

DisableReplayF1&F3          =1
LatestCrash                 =0
Language                    =1
ExternalLanguage            =0

ShowMenu                    =113        # Default 113   F2
ShowMenuJpad1               =6          # Default 6     R1/RB           (For Joypad Controller)
ShowMenuJpad2               =10         # Default 10    DPad Left       (For Joypad Controller)
Accept                      =161        # Default 161   Shift Right
Back                        =8          # Default 8     Backspace
Up                          =38         # Default 38    Arrow Up
Down                        =40         # Default 40    Arrow Down
Left                        =37         # Default 37    Arrow Left
Right                       =39         # Default 39    Arrow Right
PageUp                      =33         # Default 33    Page Up
PageDown                    =34         # Default 34    Page Down
AcceptNum                   =101        # Default 101   Numpad 5        (Numlock must be on)
BackNum                     =96         # Default 96    Numpad 0        (Numlock must be on)
UpNum                       =104        # Default 104   Numpad 8        (Numlock must be on)
DownNum                     =98         # Default 98    Numpad 2        (Numlock must be on)
LeftNum                     =100        # Default 100   Numpad 4        (Numlock must be on)
RightNum                    =102        # Default 102   Numpad 6        (Numlock must be on)
PageUpNum                   =105        # Default 105   Numpad 9        (Numlock must be on)
PageDownNum                 =99         # Default 99    Numpad 3        (Numlock must be on)
AcceptJPad                  =11         # Default 11    DPad Right      (For Joypad Controller)
BackJPad                    =10         # Default 10    DPad Left       (For Joypad Controller)
UpJPad                      =8          # Default 8     DPad Up         (For Joypad Controller)
DownJPad                    =9          # Default 9     DPad Down       (For Joypad Controller) 
LeftJPad                    =10         # Default 10    DPad Left       (For Joypad Controller)
RightJPad                   =11         # Default 11    DPad Right      (For Joypad Controller)
LeftRightJPadEnabler        =4          # Default 4     L1/LB           (For Joypad Controller) 

PlayerOptionsMenu           =1
VehicleOptionsMenu          =1
WantedOptionsMenu           =1
WeaponOptionsMenu           =1
TeleportOptionsMenu         =1
MissionOptionsMenu          =1
TimeOptionsMenu             =1
WeatherOptionsMenu          =1
ObjectOptionsMenu           =1
MiscOptionsMenu             =1
CarInstantSpeedUp           =1
CarInstantStop              =1
TeleportoMarker             =1
TeleportoNearVehicle        =1
TeleportoNearVehicleAsPassenger =1
MoveForward                 =1
EjectFromVehicle            =1
AirBreak                    =1
InputNameVehicleDFF         =1

PlayerGodMode               =0
    BodyguardImmunities         =0
SuperFast                   =0
    SuperFastSpeed              =3
InfiniteSprint              =0
InfiniteOxygen              =0
NeverHungry                 =0
SuperJump                   =0
SuperPunch                  =0
RecruitAnyone               =0
GangWars                    =0
IgnoredByEveryone           =0
WastedNoLostStuff           =0
BustedNoLostStuff           =0
WastedBustedNoLostPosition  =0
HealthRegen                 =0
    HealthRegenSpeed            =2
ArmorRegen                  =0
    ArmorRegenSpeed             =2

VehicleGodMode              =0
VehicleHeavy                =0
VehicleNeverBurn            =0
AutoRepair                  =0
AutoUnflip                  =0
StayOnBike                  =0
TrainCameraFix              =0
SpeedOMeter                 =0
    SpeedOMeterPosX             =0.0
    SpeedOMeterPosY             =0.0
    SpeedOMeterColor1R          =0
    SpeedOMeterColor1G          =0
    SpeedOMeterColor1B          =0
    SpeedOMeterColor1A          =150
    SpeedOMeterColor2R          =255
    SpeedOMeterColor2G          =123
    SpeedOMeterColor2B          =0
    SpeedOMeterColor2A          =180
SuperShield                 =0
DriveBy                     =0
    SpawnMode                   =1
    SpawnInputCloseMenu         =1
    EscapeJetpack               =0
NeonAnyCar                  =0
    NeonFlashingAnyCar          =0
    NeonFlashingSpeedAnyCar     =0.1
    NeonRedValueAnyCar          =0
    NeonGreenValueAnyCar        =0
    NeonBlueValueAnyCar         =255
NitroControl                =0
NitroRecharge               =0
NitroDriving                =0
AllCarsHaveNitro            =0
TrainNoDerailment           =0
TankMode                    =0
CarOnWater                  =0
HitThenFloat                =0
CarCanFly                   =0
BoatCanFly                  =0
InsaneHandling              =0
BicycleHugeJump             =0
DisableMotionBlur           =0
VehicleCameraShake          =0

NeverWanted                 =0

InfiniteAmmo                =0
UnlimitedAmmo               =0
HaveAllWeapon               =0
AutoAim                     =0
RapidFire                   =0
    RapidFireSpeed              =3
NoBulletSpread              =0
FarBulletRange              =0
PistolHack                  =0
SilencedHack                =0
DesertEagleHack             =0
ShotgunHack                 =0
SawnOffHack                 =0
CombatHack                  =0
UziHack                     =0
Tec9Hack                    =0
MP5Hack                     =0
AK47Hack                    =0
M4Hack                      =0

FasterClock                 =0
StopTime                    =0
SyncTimeWithSystem          =0
SyncWeekdayWithSystem       =0

DisableHeat                 =0

MusicVolume                 =1.0
MusicLoop                   =0
MusicNext                   =0
SolidWater                  =0
GroundHack                  =0
FPSCounter                  =0
    FPSMode                     =0
    FPSFont                     =2
    FPSPosX                     =0.0
    FPSPosY                     =0.0
ShowCoord                   =0
    CoordFont                   =2
SystemColorHackAutoLoad     =0
    SysColor1R                  =180
    SysColor1G                  =25
    SysColor1B                  =29
    SysColor1A                  =255
    SysColor2R                  =225
    SysColor2G                  =225
    SysColor2B                  =225
    SysColor2A                  =255
    SysColor3R                  =54
    SysColor3G                  =104
    SysColor3B                  =44
    SysColor3A                  =255
    SysColor4R                  =144
    SysColor4G                  =98
    SysColor4B                  =16
    SysColor4A                  =255
    SysColor5R                  =172
    SysColor5G                  =203
    SysColor5B                  =241
    SysColor5A                  =255
    SysColor6R                  =0
    SysColor6G                  =0
    SysColor6B                  =0
    SysColor6A                  =255
    SysColor7R                  =150
    SysColor7G                  =150
    SysColor7B                  =150
    SysColor7A                  =255
    SysColor8R                  =226
    SysColor8G                  =192
    SysColor8B                  =99
    SysColor8A                  =255
    SysColor9R                  =168
    SysColor9G                  =110
    SysColor9B                  =252
    SysColor9A                  =255
    SysColor10R                 =104
    SysColor10G                 =15
    SysColor10B                 =17
    SysColor10A                 =255
    SysColor11R                 =38
    SysColor11G                 =71
    SysColor11B                 =31
    SysColor11A                 =255
    SysColor12R                 =74
    SysColor12G                 =90
    SysColor12B                 =107
    SysColor12A                 =255
    SysColor13R                 =20
    SysColor13G                 =25
    SysColor13B                 =200
    SysColor13A                 =255
    SysColor14R                 =255
    SysColor14G                 =255
    SysColor14B                 =0
    SysColor14A                 =255

PosX                        =0.0
PosY                        =0.0
ScrollSpeedSet              =0
SoundSelect                 =1131
SoundAcc                    =1131
SoundBack                   =1131
SoundSpecial                =1057
TrainerFrameColorR          =255
TrainerFrameColorG          =123
TrainerFrameColorB          =0
TrainerFrameColorA          =180
TrainerBackgroundColorR     =0
TrainerBackgroundColorG     =0
TrainerBackgroundColorB     =0
TrainerBackgroundColorA     =150
TrainerSelectColorR         =255
TrainerSelectColorG         =255
TrainerSelectColorB         =255
TrainerSelectColorA         =150
TrainerFontColorR           =255
TrainerFontColorG           =255
TrainerFontColorB           =255
TrainerFontColorA           =255
TrainerFontSelectColorR     =0
TrainerFontSelectColorG     =0
TrainerFontSelectColorB     =0
TrainerFontSelectColorA     =255
TrainerTittleOutlineColorR  =0
TrainerTittleOutlineColorG  =0
TrainerTittleOutlineColorB  =0
TrainerTittleOutlineColorA  =255
TrainerOthersOutlineColorR  =0
TrainerOthersOutlineColorG  =0
TrainerOthersOutlineColorB  =0
TrainerOthersOutlineColorA  =255

TitleFont                   =3
MenuFont                    =1
TitleFontWidth              =0.465
MenuFontWidth               =0.27
TrainerFontSelectStyle      =0

And this is the configured config:

DisableReplayF1&F3          =1
LatestCrash                 =0
Language                    =1
ExternalLanguage            =0

ShowMenu                    =0
ShowMenuJpad1               =6
ShowMenuJpad2               =10
Accept                      =161
Back                        =8
Up                          =38
Down                        =40
Left                        =37
Right                       =39
PageUp                      =33
PageDown                    =34
AcceptNum                   =101
BackNum                     =96
UpNum                       =104
DownNum                     =98
LeftNum                     =100
RightNum                    =102
PageUpNum                   =105
PageDownNum                 =99
AcceptJPad                  =11
BackJPad                    =10
UpJPad                      =8
DownJPad                    =9
LeftJPad                    =10
RightJPad                   =11
LeftRightJPadEnabler        =4

PlayerOptionsMenu           =0
VehicleOptionsMenu          =0
WantedOptionsMenu           =0
WeaponOptionsMenu           =0
TeleportOptionsMenu         =0
MissionOptionsMenu          =0
TimeOptionsMenu             =0
WeatherOptionsMenu          =0
ObjectOptionsMenu           =0
MiscOptionsMenu             =0
CarInstantSpeedUp           =1
CarInstantStop              =1
TeleportoMarker             =1
TeleportoNearVehicle        =1
TeleportoNearVehicleAsPassenger =1
MoveForward                 =1
EjectFromVehicle            =1
AirBreak                    =1
InputNameVehicleDFF         =0

PlayerGodMode               =1
    BodyguardImmunities         =0
SuperFast                   =0
    SuperFastSpeed              =2
InfiniteSprint              =1
InfiniteOxygen              =1
NeverHungry                 =1
SuperJump                   =0
SuperPunch                  =1
RecruitAnyone               =0
GangWars                    =0
IgnoredByEveryone           =1
WastedNoLostStuff           =0
BustedNoLostStuff           =0
WastedBustedNoLostPosition  =0
HealthRegen                 =0
    HealthRegenSpeed            =2
ArmorRegen                  =0
    ArmorRegenSpeed             =2

VehicleGodMode              =1
VehicleHeavy                =1
VehicleNeverBurn            =1
AutoRepair                  =1
AutoUnflip                  =1
StayOnBike                  =1
TrainCameraFix              =0
SpeedOMeter                 =0
    SpeedOMeterPosX             =0
    SpeedOMeterPosY             =0
    SpeedOMeterColor1R          =0
    SpeedOMeterColor1G          =0
    SpeedOMeterColor1B          =0
    SpeedOMeterColor1A          =150
    SpeedOMeterColor2R          =255
    SpeedOMeterColor2G          =123
    SpeedOMeterColor2B          =0
    SpeedOMeterColor2A          =180
SuperShield                 =0
DriveBy                     =0
    SpawnMode                   =1
    SpawnInputCloseMenu         =1
    EscapeJetpack               =0
NeonAnyCar                  =0
    NeonFlashingAnyCar          =0
    NeonFlashingSpeedAnyCar     =0.1
    NeonRedValueAnyCar          =0
    NeonGreenValueAnyCar        =0
    NeonBlueValueAnyCar         =255
NitroControl                =0
NitroRecharge               =0
NitroDriving                =0
AllCarsHaveNitro            =0
TrainNoDerailment           =0
TankMode                    =0
CarOnWater                  =0
HitThenFloat                =0
CarCanFly                   =0
BoatCanFly                  =0
InsaneHandling              =0
BicycleHugeJump             =0
DisableMotionBlur           =0
VehicleCameraShake          =0

NeverWanted                 =1

InfiniteAmmo                =1
UnlimitedAmmo               =0
HaveAllWeapon               =0
AutoAim                     =0
RapidFire                   =0
    RapidFireSpeed              =3
NoBulletSpread              =1
FarBulletRange              =1
PistolHack                  =0
SilencedHack                =0
DesertEagleHack             =0
ShotgunHack                 =0
SawnOffHack                 =0
CombatHack                  =0
UziHack                     =0
Tec9Hack                    =0
MP5Hack                     =0
AK47Hack                    =0
M4Hack                      =0

FasterClock                 =0
StopTime                    =0
SyncTimeWithSystem          =0
SyncWeekdayWithSystem       =0

DisableHeat                 =0

MusicVolume                 =1
MusicLoop                   =0
MusicNext                   =0
SolidWater                  =0
GroundHack                  =0
FPSCounter                  =0
    FPSMode                     =0
    FPSFont                     =2
    FPSPosX                     =0
    FPSPosY                     =0
ShowCoord                   =0
    CoordFont                   =2
SystemColorHackAutoLoad     =0
    SysColor1R                  =180
    SysColor1G                  =25
    SysColor1B                  =29
    SysColor1A                  =255
    SysColor2R                  =225
    SysColor2G                  =225
    SysColor2B                  =225
    SysColor2A                  =255
    SysColor3R                  =54
    SysColor3G                  =104
    SysColor3B                  =44
    SysColor3A                  =255
    SysColor4R                  =144
    SysColor4G                  =98
    SysColor4B                  =16
    SysColor4A                  =255
    SysColor5R                  =172
    SysColor5G                  =203
    SysColor5B                  =241
    SysColor5A                  =255
    SysColor6R                  =0
    SysColor6G                  =0
    SysColor6B                  =0
    SysColor6A                  =255
    SysColor7R                  =150
    SysColor7G                  =150
    SysColor7B                  =150
    SysColor7A                  =255
    SysColor8R                  =226
    SysColor8G                  =192
    SysColor8B                  =99
    SysColor8A                  =255
    SysColor9R                  =168
    SysColor9G                  =110
    SysColor9B                  =252
    SysColor9A                  =255
    SysColor10R                 =104
    SysColor10G                 =15
    SysColor10B                 =17
    SysColor10A                 =255
    SysColor11R                 =38
    SysColor11G                 =71
    SysColor11B                 =31
    SysColor11A                 =255
    SysColor12R                 =74
    SysColor12G                 =90
    SysColor12B                 =107
    SysColor12A                 =255
    SysColor13R                 =20
    SysColor13G                 =25
    SysColor13B                 =200
    SysColor13A                 =255
    SysColor14R                 =255
    SysColor14G                 =255
    SysColor14B                 =0
    SysColor14A                 =255

PosX                        =0
PosY                        =0
ScrollSpeedSet              =0
SoundSelect                 =1131
SoundAcc                    =1131
SoundBack                   =1131
SoundSpecial                =1057
TrainerFrameColorR          =255
TrainerFrameColorG          =123
TrainerFrameColorB          =0
TrainerFrameColorA          =180
TrainerBackgroundColorR     =0
TrainerBackgroundColorG     =0
TrainerBackgroundColorB     =0
TrainerBackgroundColorA     =150
TrainerSelectColorR         =255
TrainerSelectColorG         =255
TrainerSelectColorB         =255
TrainerSelectColorA         =150
TrainerFontColorR           =255
TrainerFontColorG           =255
TrainerFontColorB           =255
TrainerFontColorA           =255
TrainerFontSelectColorR     =0
TrainerFontSelectColorG     =0
TrainerFontSelectColorB     =0
TrainerFontSelectColorA     =255
TrainerTittleOutlineColorR  =0
TrainerTittleOutlineColorG  =0
TrainerTittleOutlineColorB  =0
TrainerTittleOutlineColorA  =255
TrainerOthersOutlineColorR  =0
TrainerOthersOutlineColorG  =0
TrainerOthersOutlineColorB  =0
TrainerOthersOutlineColorA  =255

TitleFont                   =3
MenuFont                    =1
TitleFontWidth              =0.465
MenuFontWidth               =0.27
TrainerFontSelectStyle      =0

As you can see i have disabled hotkeys that open menu since it will freeze the game. i have also disabled the showmenu shortcut so that it wont open. The keybindings such as teleport or airbreak still work.

For other options that dont have a hotkey (for example changing weather) i use Cheat Menu.

Oh and btw im using RZL Trainer v4.0.1

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@amircheg so, does the trainer still not appear?

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