var grader = {}; var adobeAPI = require('adobe-api-helpers'); var union = require('lodash/union'); var keys = require('lodash/keys'); grader.s_code = function(url){ //maybe read in the s_code somehow and analyze that too? //probably this would be server-side, I'd guess with PhantomJS or something in Lambda //this is because of the difficulty of examining the s_code sitting within DTM or similar. //or just examine the s object rather than the code itself //still tells us all we need to know, and can be done trivially in Phantom //see for an example //maybe possible to do with JSHINT on page, getting the s_code dynamically? }; grader.processData = function(){ let evars = adobeAPI.mapToNameValuePairs(evarArray, 'evars'); let props = adobeAPI.mapToNameValuePairs(propArray, 'props'); let events = adobeAPI.mapToNameValuePairs(eventArray, 'events'); } grader.getRSID = function(){ rsids = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('rsids')) || getRsidType(); grader.rsids = rsids; }; grader.getData = function(arr){ //determine how many variables aren't setup for (var i=0; i