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FIND model

This directory contains a Python implementation of the analytical FIND model presented in Section 2 of our NSDI 2021 paper. As illustrated below, the model allows to compute the network discovery latency as a function of several key parameters (e.g., delay distribution, charging times of the nodes). It is also possible to obtain more detailed insights by computing the probability for a node to become active in a slot and the probability for a link to be discovered in a slot.


Install the python package together with the requirements for the examples using either

pip install neslab.find[examples]


pipenv install neslab.find[examples]


Instantiate the model with a uniform distribution with scale parameter 10 and three nodes with charging times of 100, 125 and 200 slots that become active for the first time without an offset:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neslab.find import Model

m = Model(10, "Uniform", [100, 125, 200], offset=0)

Compute for every node the probability of being active in a slot and plot the results:

act = m.activity()

Compute the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the slot in which each of the three links between the three nodes is discovered and plot the results:

cdfs = m.cdf()

Compute the fraction of discovered links and plot the result:

dff = m.disco_frac()

Compute the discovery latency:

lat = m.disco_latency()
print(f"Discovery latency: {lat} slots")


We provide more involved example scripts in the examples directory:

To compare the probability of activity and the cdf of the corresponding discovery latency of two nodes with a charging time of 30 and 60 slots, using a uniform delay distribution, call

python examples/

To compare the discovery latency of two nodes when using different distributions across a range of their scale parameters, run

python examples/

To plot the discovery latency of a clique of nodes over the node density, run

python examples/

To optimize the scale parameter of the geometric distribution to a range of charging times, run

python examples/

Reproduce key results

We used the code provided in this directory to gain the insights presented in Section 2 of our NSDI 2021 paper. We invite you to reproduce our results with the scripts provided in the reproducibility directory. Figures 3 and 4 can be reproduced with the script examples/ The calculations for Figures 5 and 6, and for the lookup table for the online implementation take significant computing resources and require a high performance computing system with a large number of CPUs to complete in a reasonable amount of time. We use ray to run the calculations on a distributed memory computing cluster.

Setup your cluster

Install ray and neslab.find on all nodes in your cluster. The exact installation procedure depends on the specific cluster setup and your access rights. If in doubt, contact the cluster provider.

First, setup the head node responsible for managing the workload across the cluster by starting the head process with:

ray start --block --head --redis-password=yourpassword

Next, start a worker process on each other node in your cluster, providing the IP address of your head node as address:

ray start --block --address=[IP of head node] --redis-password=yourpassword

Comparing distributions

To reproduce the results shown in Figure 5 in our paper, you can compute the neighbor discovery performance of different distributions for a higher number of sampling points than with the example from examples/compare_dists according to the following instructions.

Login to any of the nodes in the cluster, clone the repository and run

python reproducibility/ -a [IP of head node] -p yourpassword -o results_dists.csv

Copy the results_dists.csv to your local machine and generate the plot with

python reproducibility/ -i results_dists.csv

Fit the scale parameter for various scenarios

As a basis for reproducing the results shown in Figure 6 in our paper, and to generate the lookup table for the online implementation, first fit the scale parameter of the geometric distribution for different combinations of charging time and number of nodes with

python reproducibility/ -a [IP of head node] -p yourpassword -o results_scale.csv

This will store the results in a csv file under results_scale.csv.

Discovery latency versus network density

To reproduce Figure 6 in our paper, use the results from the previous step to compute ND performance for different strategies and increasing network densities by running (on the cluster)

python reproducibility/ -a [IP of head node] -p yourpassword -i results_scale.csv -o results_density.csv

Copy the results_density.csv to your local machine and generate the plot with

python reproducibility/ -i results_density.csv