name: Update Local Notice Files # This action can be run on-demand against a branch or scheduled every day. # It updates the checked-in TPN files and creates a PR with the changes. on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: 0 9 * * * jobs: main: name: Update Local Notice Files # has to be windows because of the windows installer project runs-on: windows-latest env: DOTNET_NOLOGO: true DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT: true GenerateNoticeUseLocalFile: false GenerateNoticeUpdateLocalFile: true steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 # avoid shallow clone so nbgv can do its work. - name: Setup .NET Core uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v2 - name: Setup Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: 16 - name: Add msbuild to PATH uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.1 - name: Build Bicep.sln run: dotnet build --configuration Release - name: Pack run: dotnet pack --configuration Release - name: Publish Language Server run: dotnet publish --configuration Release ./src/Bicep.LangServer/Bicep.LangServer.csproj # this command is not correct for releasing the binaries but is sufficient for the purposes of this job - name: Windows Installer prerequisites run: mkdir ./src/installer-win/bicep && copy ./src/Bicep.Cli/obj/project.assets.json ./src/installer-win/bicep/ && copy ./src/Bicep.Cli/bin/Release/net6.0/bicep.* ./src/installer-win/bicep/ - name: Build Windows Installer run: dotnet build --configuration Release ./src/installer-win/installer.proj - name: CLI Package prerequisites run: mkdir ./src/Bicep.Cli.Nuget/tools && copy ./src/Bicep.Cli/obj/project.assets.json ./src/Bicep.Cli.Nuget/tools/ && copy ./src/Bicep.Cli/bin/Release/net6.0/bicep.* ./src/Bicep.Cli.Nuget/tools/ - name: Build CLI Package run: dotnet build --configuration Release /p:RuntimeSuffix=win-x64 ./src/Bicep.Cli.Nuget/nuget.proj - name: VSIX Notice prerequisites run: mkdir ./src/vscode-bicep-notice/inputs && copy ./src/Bicep.LangServer/obj/project.assets.json ./src/vscode-bicep-notice/inputs/ - name: npm ci run: npm ci working-directory: ./src/vscode-bicep - name: npm list -a -json run: npm list -a --json > ../vscode-bicep-notice/inputs/npm-list.json working-directory: ./src/vscode-bicep - name: Generate VSIX notice run: dotnet build --configuration Release ./src/vscode-bicep-notice/vscode-bicep-notice.proj - name: Build BicepInVisualStudio.sln run: msbuild src/vs-bicep/BicepInVisualStudio.sln /restore -property:Configuration=Release /v:m - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v4 with: committer: GitHub author: ${{ }} <${{ }}> signoff: false add-paths: '**/local-tpn.txt' branch: update-local-tpn-files delete-branch: true title: | Update Local TPN Files commit-message: | Update Local TPN Files labels: dependencies draft: false