function plotBeamPattern(B,varargin) % PLOTBEAMPATTERN plots an individual measured 3D beam % % Beam is a struct containing the 3-dimensional array of complex beam data, % and indices for each dimension. % % beam.FFT - i x j x k complex matrix azimuth, elevation, and frequency % beam.HSA1 - i x j x k complex matrix azimuth, elevation, and frequency % beam.HSA2 - i x j x k complex matrix azimuth, elevation, and frequency % beam.el - i-element vector of elevation indices % - j-element vector of azimuth indices % beam.f - k-element vector of frequency indices % beam.EL - i x j matrix of elevation for each element in Z % beam.AZ - i x j matrix of azimuth for each element in Z % % To generate X and Y use: % [beam.AZ, beam.EL] = meshgrid(, beam.el); fprintf('\n\n*****************************************\n') fprintf('Plotting beam pattern\n\n') %% set default parameters % data "massaging" parameters smMETH = 'box'; % kernel type for smooth3.m smSIZE = 11; % kernel size for smooth3.m (set to 1 for disable) % volume plotting options %TBD % surface plotting options cMap = 'hot';%flipud(hot); %jet; % colormap dBrange = 35; % colorscale depth dBnorm = false; % normalize to peak? azView = 20; % azimuth angle elView = 20; % elevation angle zRange = [-80 -30]; % contour plotting options contourLev = -3; % dB contour level for each frequency line [dB] colors = {'k','b','g','m','c','r'}; %% optional parameters FREQ = []; PLOTMODE = 'surf'; %'cont' DATAMODE = 'fft'; %'hsa1'; % FH = nan; switch (nargin) case 1 case 2 FREQ = varargin{1}; case 3 FREQ = varargin{1}; PLOTMODE = varargin{2}; case 4 FREQ = varargin{1}; PLOTMODE = varargin{2}; DATAMODE = varargin{3}; case 5 FREQ = varargin{1}; PLOTMODE = varargin{2}; DATAMODE = varargin{3}; FH = varargin{4}; otherwise error('Incorrect number of input arguments') end % use specified data set if strcmp(DATAMODE,'fft') B.Z = B.FFT; elseif strcmp(DATAMODE,'hsa1') B.Z = B.HSA1; elseif strcmp(DATAMODE,'hsa2') B.Z = B.HSA2; else error('Unknown DATAMODE parameter. Should be one of ''fft'', ''hsa1'', or ''hsa2''.') end % get indices of desired frequency points if isempty(FREQ) fIdx = 1:numel(B.f); else fIdx = zeros(1,numel(FREQ)); for i = 1:numel(FREQ) res = find(B.f >= FREQ(i), 1, 'first'); if ~isempty(res) fIdx(i) = res; end end fIdx = unique(fIdx); % remove dups fIdx(fIdx == 0) = []; % remove zeros end % figure handle if ishandle(FH) fh = FH; % get users figure handle %if numel(fh) ~= numel(fIdx) %fh(end+1) = repmat(fh(end),1,numel(fIdx)-numel(fh)); %end else fh = nan;%(1,numel(fIdx)); % create array of figure handles to use end %% smooth out data before plotting B.Z = smoothn(B.Z,1e-4); % interpolate NaN values (especially at missing corners) B.Z = smooth3(B.Z,smMETH,smSIZE); % smooth data in all 3 dimensions %% plot resulting beam patterns switch PLOTMODE % plot volumetric plot case 'vol' % convert to volumetric data %%% use TriScatteredInterp with 3D uniform meshgrid % N = 10; % number of intensity levels % % x = repmat(B.AZ,[1 1 N]); % y = repmat(B.EL,[1 1 N]); % z = zeros(numel(B.el), numel(, N); % for i = 1:numel(B.f) % z(:,:,i) = B.f(i); % end % construct 3D patches for each surface for i = fIdx if ishandle(fh) figure(fh); else fh = figure; end fvc = surf2patch(B.AZ,B.EL,B.FFT(:,:,i),B.FFT(:,:,i)); p{i} = patch(fvc); shading faceted; set(p{i},'FaceColor','r') view(3) drawnow end % see case 'sph' % iterate over each frequency beam for i = fIdx % convert (az,el,rho) data points to cartesian coordinates z = -B.Z(:,:,i) .* cos(B.AZ*pi/180) .* cos(B.EL*pi/180); x = B.Z(:,:,i) .* sin(B.AZ*pi/180) .* cos(B.EL*pi/180); y = B.Z(:,:,i) .* sin(B.EL*pi/180); % find peak value dBpeak = max(max(B.Z(:,:,i))); fprintf('Peak @ %g kHz = %2.1f dB\n', B.f(i)*1e-3, dBpeak) % plot interpolated surface if ishandle(fh) figure(fh); else fh = figure; end surf(x,y,z+dBpeak); % view(azView,elView) shading interp lh = light; lighting phong %lightangle(45,45) %axis equal %set(gca,'ZLim',[dBpeak-55 dBpeak]); colormap(cMap); if dBnorm cRange = [-dBrange 0]; else cRange = [dBpeak-dBrange dBpeak]; end set(gca,'CLim',cRange); colorbar title(sprintf('%g kHz', B.f(i)*1e-3),'fontsize',16) xlabel('az (\circ)','fontsize',16) ylabel('el (\circ)','fontsize',16) zlabel('dB','fontsize',16) set(gca,'fontsize',16); set(gcf,'color','w'); end % plot 3D surface plots for each frequency bin case 'surf' % iterate over each frequency beam for i = fIdx % find peak value dBpeak = max(max(B.Z(:,:,i))); fprintf('Peak @ %g kHz = %2.1f dB\n', B.f(i)*1e-3, dBpeak) % plot interpolated surface if ishandle(fh) figure(fh); else fh = figure; end if dBnorm surfc(B.AZ, B.EL, B.Z(:,:,i)-dBpeak); else surfc(B.AZ, B.EL, B.Z(:,:,i)); end view(azView,elView) shading interp lh = light; lighting phong %lightangle(45,45) %axis equal %set(gca,'ZLim',[dBpeak-55 dBpeak]); colormap(cMap); if dBnorm cRange = [-dBrange 0]; else cRange = zRange; set(gca,'ZLim',zRange); end set(gca,'CLim',cRange); colorbar title(sprintf('%g kHz', B.f(i)*1e-3),'fontsize',16) xlabel('az (\circ)','fontsize',16) ylabel('el (\circ)','fontsize',16) zlabel('dB','fontsize',16) set(gca,'fontsize',16); set(gcf,'color','w'); end % plot contours over all frequencies case 'cont' if ishandle(fh) figure(fh); else fh = figure; end hold on; dBlevels = contourLev * [1 1]; for i = fIdx dBpeak = max(max(B.Z(:,:,i))); fprintf('Peak @ %g kHz = %2.1f dB\n', B.f(i)*1e-3, dBpeak) contour(B.AZ, B.EL, B.Z(:,:,i),dBpeak+dBlevels,colors{mod(i-1,length(colors))+1},'linewidth',2); end grid on; legend(num2str(1e-3*B.f(fIdx)')) % plot horizontal slice case 'horz' k = 28; % select an elevation if ishandle(fh) figure(fh); else fh = figure; end hold on; for i = fIdx % find peak value dBpeak = max(max(B.Z(:,:,i))); fprintf('Peak @ %g kHz = %2.1f dB\n', B.f(i)*1e-3, dBpeak) if dBnorm, zMod = dBpeak; else, zMod = 0; end plot(, B.Z(k,:,i) - zMod, ... colors{mod(i-1,length(colors))+1}, ... 'linewidth',2) end grid on; legend(num2str(1e-3*B.f(fIdx)')) xlabel('Azimuth (deg)') ylabel('Magnitude (dB)') title(sprintf('Horizontal Beam Pattern @ %.1f degrees',B.el(k))) % plot vertical slice case 'vert' k = 16; % select an azimuth if ishandle(fh) figure(fh); else fh = figure; end hold on; for i = fIdx % find peak value dBpeak = max(max(B.Z(:,:,i))); fprintf('Peak @ %g kHz = %2.1f dB\n', B.f(i)*1e-3, dBpeak) if dBnorm, zMod = dBpeak; else, zMod = 0; end plot(B.el, B.Z(:,k,i) - zMod, ... colors{mod(i-1,length(colors))+1}, ... 'linewidth',2) end grid on; legend(num2str(1e-3*B.f(fIdx)')) xlabel('Elevation (deg)') ylabel('Magnitude (dB)') title(sprintf('Horizontal Beam Pattern @ %.1f degrees',B.el(k))) otherwise error('Unknown PLOTMODE parameter. Should be one of ''vol'', ''surf'', or ''cont''.') end