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Welcome to Gateweaver, the open-source API gateway that seamlessly secures your frontend applications' integration with external APIs. Designed with simplicity and protection in mind, Gateweaver enables developers to utilize APIs requiring sensitive keys and tokens without risking exposure on the frontend. Through a straightforward YAML configuration file, users can define endpoints and apply essential policies like CORS, rate limiting, API key management, and JWT authentication, ensuring robust security measures are in place. Start quickly with the Gateweaver CLI or Docker image to streamline your API usage while safeguarding your application.

Read the full documentation

Getting Started


Install the Gateweaver CLI in your project using npm:

npm install @gateweaver/cli

or with Yarn:

yarn add @gateweaver/cli

or with pnpm:

pnpm add @gateweaver/cli


Create a gateweaver.yml file in the root of your project:

    origin: "*"

  - path: "/todos"
      url: ""
      - cors

You can define policies and endpoints in the configuration file. Policies are reusable configurations that can be applied to multiple endpoints. Visit the Configuration page to learn more.

Environment Variables

To use environment variables in your configuration file, you can use the ${VAR_NAME} syntax:

  - path: "/todos"
      url: "${API_URL}/todos"
      - cors

You can set environment variables in a .env.gateweaver file in the root of your project:


Remember to add the .env.gateweaver file to your .gitignore file to prevent it from being committed to your repository.


Run the following command where your gateweaver.yml file is located to start the Gateweaver server in watch mode. This will automatically reload the server when the configuration file changes:

npx gateweaver start -w

This command will start the Gateweaver server on port 8080 by default. You can specify a different port by setting the PORT environment variable in the .env.gateweaver file.

Visit the CLI Commands reference page to learn more about the available commands.

Usage with Docker

You can also run the Gateweaver server using the docker hub image (gateweaver/server) or github container registry image (

The following command mounts the gateweaver.yml configuration file and uses the environment variables defined in .env.gateweaver to start the Gateweaver server on port 8080.

docker run \
--env-file $(pwd)/.env.gateweaver \
-v $(pwd)/gateweaver.yml:/app/gateweaver.yml \
-p 8080:8080 \