Want to contribute ? Let us first thank you for your action!! :heart: :tada: :heart: :tada: ``` .___________. __ __ ___ .__ __. __ ___ _______. __ | || | | | / \ | \ | | | |/ / / | | | `---| |----`| |__| | / ^ \ | \| | | ' / | (----` | | | | | __ | / /_\ \ | . ` | | < \ \ | | | | | | | | / _____ \ | |\ | | . \ .----) | |__| |__| |__| |__| /__/ \__\ |__| \__| |__|\__\ |_______/ (__) ``` :heart: :tada: :heart: :tada: There are many ways to contribute here's few way about how to contribute! # Fix typography I'm not an English native speaker so you can help by fixing the typography in Wiki, README.md or even my comments under `funceble` and `tool`! If you plan to fix typography into `funceble` and or `tool` please be sure to read the [:warning: WARNING :warning:](https://github.com/funilrys/funceble/wiki/How-to-contribute%3F/#warning-warning-warning) part first. # Suggest new Features I like to get suggestion about things I didn't think about! So let me know your suggestion if it's possible and once it's implemented your name/nickname will be added in the [Special Thanks and Contributors](https://github.com/funilrys/funceble/wiki/Special-Thanks-and-Contributors) section! :smile: # Hack :smile: The best way to contribute is to hack funceble :smile:. Simply **send a new [Pull Request](https://github.com/funilrys/funceble/compare)** with your modifications after you **[forked](https://github.com/funilrys/funceble/pulls#fork-destination-box)** and edited the repository. Once done, let's talk about your modifications :+1::smile: !!! # :warning: WARNING :warning: - If you plan to **send a new [Pull Request](https://github.com/funilrys/funceble/compare)** all **contributions/modifications** must be done under **the `dev` or a new branch**. ## DO NOT FORGET - Sign your commit(s) with **"Signed-off by: FirstName LastName < email[at]service[dot]com >"** **AND/OR** - Sign your commit(s) with **PGP** _(Please read more [here](https://github.com/blog/2144-gpg-signature-verification))_. - :warning::warning: Every **contributions/modifications** which are under the `master` branch _(exception for minor changes)_ **will not be merged**. :warning::warning: