import asyncio import websockets import json import yaml import numpy as np from src.bybit.config import Config from src.bybit.websockets import PublicWs, PrivateWs from src.bybit.orders import Order from src.bybit.client import HTTP_PublicRequests from src.strategy import Inventory, Strategy from src.indicators.simple_range import simple_range from src.utils.rounding import round_step_size # Function that updates configuration every few {sleep_duration} minutes \ async def refresh_parameters(dir: str, sleep_duration: int): global tick_size global lot_size global account_size global quote_offset global size_offset global target_spread global volatility_offset global minimum_order_size global maximum_order_size global inventory_neutral global inventory_extreme while True: # Reload configuration from YAML file \ with open(dir, "r") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) # Update parameters \ tick_size = config['tick_size'] lot_size = config['lot_size'] account_size = config['account_size'] quote_offset = config['quote_offset'] size_offset = config['size_offset'] target_spread = config['target_spread'] volatility_offset = config['volatility_offset'] minimum_order_size = config['minimum_order_size'] maximum_order_size = config['maximum_order_size'] inventory_neutral = config['inventory_neutral'] inventory_extreme = config['inventory_extreme'] # Refresh rate interval \ await asyncio.sleep(sleep_duration*60) # Function that updates inventory delta after order execution \ async def account_stats_feed(symbol: str): global account_size global inventory_delta websocket_stream = 'wss://' async with websockets.connect(websocket_stream) as websocket: req, topics = PrivateWs(Config().api_key(), Config().api_key()).multi_stream_request(['Position', 'Order']) _auth = await websocket.send(PrivateWs(Config().api_key(), Config().api_key()).auth()) print('Successfully authenticated to account private feed...') _sub = await websocket.send(req) print('Subscribed to {} feeds...'.format(topics)) while True: recv = json.loads(await websocket.recv()) if 'success' in recv: pass elif recv['data'][0]['symbol'] == symbol: data = recv['data'] if recv['topic'] == topics[0]: # Generating inventory delta from position feed updates \ # Add inventory control here \ inventory_delta = Inventory(data[-1]).calculate_delta(account_size) if recv['topic'] == topics[1]: pass # Function that updates volatility every few seconds using klines \ async def volatility_feed(symbol: str, interval: str, lookback: int, norm_passes: int): global volatility_value global volatility_offset # Initialize the klines array with close prices \ # Websocket will add onto this list each time a candle is closed \ klines = await HTTP_PublicRequests().klines(symbol, interval) klines_hl = klines[['High', 'Low']].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64) websocket_stream = 'wss://' async with websockets.connect(websocket_stream) as websocket: req, topics = PublicWs(symbol).multi_stream_request(['Kline'], interval=interval) _sub = await websocket.send(req) print('Subscribed to {} feeds...'.format(topics)) while True: recv = json.loads(await websocket.recv()) if 'success' in recv: pass elif recv['topic'] == topics[0]: # This is processing klines updates \ # Used to attain close values and calculate volatility \ # If candle close, shift array -1 and add new value \ # Otherwise, update the most recent candle close value \ klines_data = recv['data'] for candle in klines_data: new_hl = np.array([float(candle['high']), float(candle['low'])], dtype=np.float64) if candle['confirm'] == True: klines_hl = np.append(arr=klines_hl[1:], values=new_hl.reshape(1, 2), axis=0) else: klines_hl[-1] = new_hl volatility_value = simple_range( arr_in = klines_hl, lookback = lookback, norm_passes = norm_passes ) volatility_value += volatility_offset # Function that updates mark price and BBA value after every ticker update \ # Also runs the strategy anytime mark price changes \ async def main(symbol: str): global inventory_delta global volatility_value global tick_size global lot_size global account_size global quote_offset global size_offset global target_spread global minimum_order_size global maximum_order_size global inventory_neutral global inventory_extreme mark_price = 0. best_ask_price = 0. best_bid_price = 0. websocket_stream = 'wss://' async with websockets.connect(websocket_stream) as websocket: req, topics = PublicWs(symbol).multi_stream_request(['Ticker']) _sub = await websocket.send(req) print('Subscribed to {} feeds...'.format(topics)) # Start all async futures, updating all global vars in the background \ _refreshparams = asyncio.create_task(refresh_parameters(param_dir, 0.1)) _accountfeed = asyncio.create_task(account_stats_feed(symbol)) _volatilityfeed = asyncio.create_task(volatility_feed(symbol, '5', 5, 0)) _sleep = await asyncio.sleep(1) # Small timeout to let feeds warm up with data while True: recv = json.loads(await websocket.recv()) if 'success' in recv: pass elif recv['topic'] == topics[0]: # This is processing ticker updates \ # Used to attain spread and mark price \ ticker_data = recv['data'] if 'bid1Price' in ticker_data: best_bid_price = float(ticker_data['bid1Price']) if 'ask1Price' in ticker_data: best_ask_price = float(ticker_data['ask1Price']) if 'markPrice' in ticker_data: new_mark_price = round_step_size(float(ticker_data['markPrice']), tick_size) # Run the strategy and refresh quotes if the mark price has changed \ if new_mark_price == mark_price: pass else: mark_price = new_mark_price _cancel = await Order(Config().api_key(), Config().api_secret(), symbol).cancel_all() _orders = Strategy( tick_size=tick_size, lot_size=lot_size, target_spread=target_spread, minimum_order_size=minimum_order_size, maximum_order_size=maximum_order_size, quote_offset=quote_offset, size_offset=size_offset ).market_maker( mark_price=mark_price, volatility=volatility_value, bba=(best_bid_price, best_ask_price), inventory_delta=inventory_delta, inventory_extreme=inventory_extreme ) _execution = await Order(Config().api_key(), Config().api_secret(), symbol).batch_orders(_orders) if __name__ == "__main__": # Copy the directory of the param .yaml file and paste it below \ param_dir = "" # Load initial configuration \ with open(param_dir, "r") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) # Global parameters \ tick_size = config['tick_size'] lot_size = config['lot_size'] account_size = config['account_size'] quote_offset = config['quote_offset'] size_offset = config['size_offset'] target_spread = config['target_spread'] volatility_offset = config['volatility_offset'] minimum_order_size = config['minimum_order_size'] maximum_order_size = config['maximum_order_size'] inventory_extreme = config['inventory_extreme'] inventory_neutral = config['inventory_neutral'] # Global variables \ inventory_delta = 0.0 volatility_value = 1.0 _run ='BUSDUSDT'))