TODO: ----- Current TODO-list in prioritized order here: - Bugs are often reported to Freeciv-web on Github here: - any fixes to these bugs is very welcome. Some of the bugs are also well suited for new developers interested in contributing to Freeciv-web. Basically you can help improve Freeciv-web in any way you like, as long at it actually makes the game better! Other things to improve there: Unimplemented Freeciv client features: - the popup_attack_actions client setting (so attack pop up can be avoided) - global work lists - advanced unit selection - rearranging items in the city production worklist - Maybe allow rearranging items by drag and drop? - the cities tab - the auto generated part of the help texts - the code is big (it also refers to other Freeciv C code) - "just rewrite the code in JavaScript" - would be much work - keeping it updated as the corresponding code changes in Freeciv would be a nightmare - high probability of it ending up telling lies - parts of the freeciv-manual output is now marked. This makes it more machine readable. - have freeciv-manual output more auto generated help texts in a form Freeciv-web can use. - between turns timer count down Unimplemented rule variation support: - The topology server setting The Freeciv-web client can only display the TF_WRAPX and the non wrapping topology. Isometric, hex and WRAP_Y maps are unsupported. Testing: to test new topology support the Freeciv server must be changed. Open server/settings.c. Find topology_callback(). Remove the blocking of the toplogy you are working to support. - The ID of certain extras are hard coded. - EXTRA_NONE isn't from the ruleset. There is no need to do anything about it. - replace the hard coded drawing code with code that draws the extra as specified by the tileset Freeciv-web extracts from and by the extra related packages the server sends. - replace the hard coded control code. Maybe delay this part until unit activities to becomes action enabler controlled? - The graphic tags of certain extras are hard coded. - Wikipedia help is only extracted for items that appear in the classic ruleset. - Freeciv-web has no client side effect evaluation. - Building_Build_Cost_Pct doesn't work. - Unit_Build_Cost_Pct doesn't work. - player Extra placing (infrapoints) Simplify Freeciv server upgrade: - get rid of the worst merge conflict causes - freeciv_web_all_packets_def_changes: