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Meerkat - Android ADS-B In display

This is an Android app to display traffic information received from an ADS-B In device such as a PingUSB The objective is to use this app in an aircraft to detect nearby traffic equipped with ADS-B Out.

Project Status & Functionality

This is very much in the pre-release state. Currently it does

  • Connect to a PingUSB device via WiFi (I believe that it should also work with other devices e.g. ForeFlight Sentry or Stratux but I haven't tested with anything other than my Ping-USB)
  • Receive GDL90 messages from the device, including Traffic and Ownship messages
  • Parse those messages
  • Read Settings from /data/data/com.meerkat/shared_prefs/com.meerkat_preferences.xml
  • Write log files to /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.meerkat/files/meerkat.log
  • Display logs & raw messages in a text window
  • Display nearby traffic as text
  • Display nearby traffic, including past tracks and predicted positions, in a zoomable graphic map window, either Heading-Up, Track-Up, or North-Up
  • Display and edit Preferences via a Settings screen.
  • Display waypoints from .CUP file
  • Warns of Mode C traffic near your altitude
  • Illuminate a "threat alert" button when traffic is very close.
  • A simulator to play back a hard-coded scenario
  • A log replay mode to play back a saved log file

Getting Started

  1. Download and install the app from the Google Play Store as usual.
  2. Power up your Ping-USB device (blue LED on the sticker side of the Ping-USB, green LEDs on the clear side of the Ping-USB)
  3. Shut down your phone's WiFi connection and then turn it on again, telling it to connect to your Ping device. (You may need to prevent your phone from automatically connecting to (e.g.) your home WiFi, because otherwise it may refuse to connect to a non-Internet-providing Wifi like the Ping-USB).
  4. Open Meerkat.
  5. Allow Meerkat to access your phone's location (even if you plan to use your ADS-B location)
  6. Meerkat will display its Settings screen. (If it doesn't, tap "Settings" on the bottom navigation bar)
  7. Tap "Scan"
  8. Tap on your Ping-USB's Wifi network name, typically "Ping-xxxx" (e.g. Ping-12E3)
  9. Tap "Map" on the bottom navigation bar to go to the main Map screen.

Meerkat uses quite a lot of power, so it's best to connect to a charger or powerbank when you're running Meerkat.

Shutting Down

The app uses quite a lot of power, so when you're not using it, it's a good idea to shut it down. To do so, press the "Quit" button at the top of the screen.

Navigation and Status

The bottom navigation bar allows you to select which screen you want to see:

  • Map
  • Aircraft List
  • Log
  • Settings

Across the top of the screen, below the "Quit" button, is a series of indicators:

  • GPS -- blinks when updates are received from the phone's GPS
  • Ping -- blinks each time your phone receives an update from the Ping device
  • Hdg -- blinks each time your phone updates its heading from the internal sensors
  • Mode C -- illuminates when Mode C traffic is detected. Mode C transponders are detected by the Ping device, but only give an altitude, not a position. The colour indicates the relative altitude of the traffic to you, as below.
  • Alert -- Illuminates red if an aircraft is near to you in altitude and distance

Altitude Colours and Alerts

Altitude Colours

Colours are used in several places to represent the relative altitude of another aircraft:

  • Icons and predicted positions on the map
  • The Mode C indicator

If the other aircraft is on the ground, it is shown as black. If the other aircraft is above you, the colour is blue (representing sky). If it is below you, the colour is green (representing the ground). If it is close to your altitude, it is red (representing danger).

The standard heights for these transitions are at +/-1000ft and +/-500ft from your aircraft's altitude. You can alter these values by altering the "gradientMaximumDiff" and "gradientMinimumDiff" settings in the "Settings" panel and/or by changing them in the com.meerkat_preferences.xml file. NB: If you have changed the altitude units to "metres" you will be setting these relative altitudes in metres.

Blue ------------------------------ +1000ft = 304m = +gradientMaximumDiff blue blueish purple purple reddish purple red ------------------------------ +500ft = 152m = +gradientMinimumDiff Red

                              Your altitude

Red ------------------------------ -500ft = -152m = -gradientMinimumDiff red orange yellow brown green ------------------------------ -1000ft = -304m = -gradientMaximumDiff Green

Black On ground


If an aircraft is within the inner "red" altitude range above, and it is within 0.5nm (926m) of your aircraft, the "Alert" indicator will illuminate bright red.

You can adjust the horizontal distance at which alerts may occur by adjusting the "dangerRadius" setting in the "Settings" panel and/or by changing it in the com.meerkat_preferences.xml file. NB: If you have changed the distance units to "metres" you will be setting these relative altitudes in metres, kilometres, or statute miles rather than nautical miles.

In the future:

  • An audio alert will also be played.
  • A haptic alert will be sent to a Smartwatch
  • The alert will also happen if the predicted position of the other aircraft is inside the danger area.
  • The alert will also happen if the predicted path of the other aircraft crosses the danger area.

The Main Map Screen

This is a "moving map", so the the phone is always at the same point on the screen and other objects are shown relative to it. The current GPS position of the phone is located at 25% of the way up the screen and halfway across the screen. You can adjust the 25% value; for example if you have a slow aircraft you might want it to be further up the screen to give more warning of traffic approaching from behind.

The background has some circles and lines to make it easier to estimate distance and direction.

Each aircraft (or ADS-B-equipped ground vehicle or obstacle) is displayed as an icon depending on its GDL90 emitter type. Unknown types (typically when incomplete information has been received from the sender) are shown with a UFO icon.

Each aircraft's icon is coloured to indicate the altitude relative to the phone's GPS position:

  • green if 2000ft or more below, transitioning through brown/yellow/orange to red if less than 1000ft below
  • blue if 2000ft or more above, transitioning through shades of purple to red if less than 1000ft above
  • black if not airborne.
  • The 2000ft and 1000ft limits (and altitude units) are settable via the Settings screen.

Each icon has text alongside, giving

  • The aircraft's callsign (if available)
  • An exclamation mark if the last message was not received correctly
  • If airborne, the altitude of the aircraft relative to the phone's GPS altitude

Each icon can also optionally (controlled by Settings) have associated with it:

  • The aircraft's history track, for the previous 60 seconds
  • A "linear" predicted track, assuming the aircraft continues at the same speed, rate of climb, and track for the next 60 seconds (settable via [predictionSeconds]).
  • A "polynomial" predicted track, based on the previous 5 (settable via [polynomialHistorySeconds]) seconds, so it predicts a turning flight path. These use the same colour coding as the icon, so an aircraft 2,000 feet above and descending will have a blue icon, but red predictions. When an aircraft is being flown straight by autopilot, these predictions coincide. When an aircraft is manoeuvring, these predictions will vary, and the actual path of the aircraft is uncertain.

When other aircraft are detected within 20nm, a yellow "danger" circle is drawn around the phone's GPS location. The nearer any aircraft's position (not predicted or historical) is to your location, the heavier the border is drawn. When it is .

Screen Orientation

At top-right of the screen is the North arrow and screen mode indicator. Tapping on this will cycle through the Heading-Up, North-Up, Track-Up modes.

In Heading-Up mode, the phone's orientation is used to orientate the map display, so that (assuming the phone is orientated in the same direction as the aircraft), the view on the screen should match with the view out the window... i.e. the screen display is oriented with the real world. The downside is that this will be inaccurate in accelerated flight (turns, acceleration/deceleration, changes in climb/descent rate). Rotating the screen while in Heading mode will continue automatically zooming in/out. NB: In auto-zoom mode (and in manual zoom mode), nearer aircraft may be off the side or bottom of the screen.

In Track-Up mode, only the phone's GPS track is used to orientate the map display. In nil-wind and non-sideslip conditions, this will be the same as Heading-Up, and it will not be affected by accelerated flight. However, when not moving, this is not available.

In North-Up mode, the map display is aligned with Grid North.

Screen Zoom

The map screen may be in either Manual or Automatic Zoom mode (Currently only settable via the Settings screen).

In manual zoom mode, the map window is zoomable with a pinch gesture. In "auto-Zoom" mode, it automatically zooms in or out so that the furthest aircraft is at the edge of the screen.

The current zoom level is indicated by a number at the bottom right of the screen... this is the distance in [distance unit]s from the centre to the edge of the screen.

Switching to other screens

Pressing the "back" button (swiping left from the right edge of the screen on some phones) brings up the app's action bar. This has icons for moving to the aircraft list screen and to quit the app. It also has a menu which allows moving to the Log or Settings screen.

This action bar will automatically disappear after 5 seconds if no buttons are pressed, or can be removed by pressing the "back" button again.

Aircraft List Screen

Lists the detected aircraft in a tabular fashion, in increasing distance order, updated once per second.

Use the "back" button to return to the main Map screen.

Log Screen

This is intended for debugging. It displays log entries written by the app, including raw and decoded GDL90 messages (if those have been enabled in the Settings).

Use the "back" button to return to the main Map screen.

Settings Screen

The following settings are saved to the Preferences file at /data/data/com.meerkat/shared_prefs/com.meerkat_preferences.xml, and may be altered via the Settings screen, or by editing the above file. Use the "back" button to return to the main Map screen.

Wifi settings

The Wifi Name needs to be set to the name of your device (e.g. Ping-6C7A for my PingUSB). The easiest way to do that is

  1. Plug your device into a USB power supply.
  2. Start the Meerkat app
  3. If this is your first use, it will automatically open the Settings screen. If you see the Map screen, click the back button and choose Settngs from the action bar menu
  4. Tap on the "Scan" button. Meerkat will scan for nearby Wifi networks, and list them.
  5. Tap on the correct WiFi network (e.g. Ping-6C7A). If your device isn't listed, click on the "Scan Again" button

Alternatively, you can type your device's Wifi name into the WiFi Name text box.

Wifi Settings Usage Default value
wifiName ssId of the Wifi network established by the device (e.g. Ping-6C7A for my PingUSB). null
port UDP port for comms from the device. If in doubt, use the PingUSB value of 4000 4000
Units Settings Usage Default value
distanceUnits User's preferred distance units KM, NM, M NM
altUnits User's preferred altitude units FT, M FT
speedUnits User's preferred speed units KTS, MPH, KPH KPH
vertSpeedUnits User's preferred vertical speed units FPM, MPS FPM
Screen Setting Name Usage Default value
screenYPos Distance of the ownShip position from the bottom of the screen, as a percentage of the screen height 25%
screenWidth Distance that the width of the screen represents in the user's [distance unit]s 10
circleStep Distance apart of the circles on the screen in the user's [distance unit]s 5
dangerRadius Radius of "danger" circle on the screen in the user's [distance unit]s 1
displayOrientation Display orientation... Heading-up, Track-up, or North-up TrackUp
keepScreenOn Keep the display on when in the Map or Aircraft List views true
autoZoom Auto-zoom to the furthest aircraft. NB: This may mean that nearer aircraft are off the side or bottom of the screen. true
gradientMaximumDiff How many [altitude unit]s above/below the phone's GPS altitude an aircraft needs to be to be completely blue or green 1000
gradientMinimumDiff How many [altitude unit]s above/below the phone's GPS altitude an aircraft displays as completely red 1000
countryCode Country prefix -- stripped off when the callsign is displayed. May be blank if all letters of callsigns are to be displayed. ZK
toolbarDelaySecs How long the toolbar stays on the screen when "back" is pressed. 3
initToolbarDelaySecs How long the toolbar stays on the screen when the app is started 10
ownCallsign Callsign to identify your own ship null
ownId ADS-B id of your own ship. Set to 0 to autodetect based on ownCallsign 0
preferAdsbPosition Whether to use your own ship's ADS-B position (if available) instead of the phone's internal GPS true
useCupFile Whether to show waypoints and airfields on the map true
labelText Which text item to display for a waypoint (Code/Name/Description) Code
showFrequency Whether to show the frequencies associated with an airfield true
showRunway Whether to show the runway identifier and direction (only one runway per airfield) true
Sensitivity Setting Name Usage Default value
sensorSmoothingConstant The sensitivity of the display to phone orientation change (1 - 99). Larger values make it more responsive 20
minGpsDistanceChangeMetres Minimum Gps distance between updates in metres 10
minGpsUpdateIntervalSeconds Minimum Gps update interval in seconds 10
magFieldUpdateDistance Minimum distance between calculations of the magnetic field 30nm
History Settings Usage Default value
historySeconds How many seconds of history track to display for each aircraft. 60
purgeSeconds How many seconds to wait before an aircraft is removed from the display 60
Linear prediction Settings Usage Default value
showLinearPredictionTrack Whether to display the "linear" predicted track for each aircraft on the screen. This assumes that the aircraft
will continue at the same speed, rate of climb, and track for the next 60 seconds true
predictionSeconds How many seconds into the future to predict the track of each aircraft. Applies to both linear and polynomial
prediction 60
Polynomial prediction Settings Usage Default value
showPolynomialPredictionTrack Whether to display the "polynomial" predicted track for each aircraft on the screen. This predicts
accelerating, turning, climbing path for the next 60 seconds true
polynomialPredictionStepSeconds How many seconds each step of the polynomial prediction is 6
polynomialHistoryMillis How many milliseconds history should be used by the polynomial predictor. Too large or small a value will seen poor predictions 2500

Debugging settings

Logging of received messages and the app's processing of those messages is intended as an aid in debugging. Log records are sent to Android's system log (aka logcat). They can optionally also be sent to a tab on the screen and/or to a file. Raw messages (in hex) can be sent to the logs, and/or decoded messages.

Setting the [simulate] setting to "true" results in the app processing a series of simulated events from several simulated aircraft, and simulating the Gps position of the phone.

Debug Setting Name Usage Default value
version The version of Meerkat that saved the settings 1.0
showLog Whether to output logs to a window on the screen false
fileLog Whether to output logs to /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.meerkat/files/meerkat.log. false
appendLogFile Whether to append to the existing log file, or erase it and start a new one. false
If this is false, this file is never erased or shortened. If left alone, this will eventually chew up all the storage at the rate of ~100MB/hr!
logLevel Amount of detail to write to logs... Assert, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Verbose I
logRawMessages Whether to write the raw messages, as received from the device, to the logs false
logDecodedMessages Whether to write the decoded messages, as interpreted by the GDL90 parser, to the logs false
simulate Simulate traffic and movement using predefined data instead of real traffic. No Wifi connection is made. false
logReplay Play back logged data in /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.meerkat/files/ instead of real traffic. No Wifi connection is made. false
replaySpeedFactor Speed at which logged events are played back 10

Contributing & Licensing

This software is free (as in beer AND speech). I figure that, although I could maybe sell it for a few hundred dollars total, it is way more valuable to me (as a pilot) if it saves one person from running into me mid-air. And hopefully it will save other people from collisions too. So, it's free.

It is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.

You are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) this software under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

Having said that, I welcome anyone who wishes to contribute to this project. In particular, it would be good to have someone who is really up to speed with Android development. I'd welcome someone porting it to Apple IOS. It would also be helpful to be able to make contact with people who have devices other than the PingUSB.


This list is more-or-less in priority order. At the moment it is shrinking :) slowly :(

  • Allow screen to be used vertically in heading mode
  • Audio / Haptic alerts of collision threats
  • Use a theme to allow black background
  • Digital filtering of path to predict tracks
  • Handling of Float preference values (custom SeekBar?)
  • Improve the code style
  • Improve documentation with screenshots
  • Lots more testing
  • Internationalisation
  • Find someone to test usage with other Wifi-enabled ADS-B In devices (Stratux, Foreflight, etc)
  • Find someone to port it to Apple IOS.