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The stdlib_selection module


Overview of selection

Suppose you wish to find the value of the k-th smallest entry in an array of size N, or the index of that value. While it could be done by sorting the whole array using [[stdlib_sorting(module):sort(interface)]] or [[stdlib_sorting(module):sort_index(interface)]] from [[stdlib_sorting(module)]] and then finding the k-th entry, that would require O(N x LOG(N)) time. However selection of a single entry can be done in O(N) time, which is much faster for large arrays. This is useful, for example, to quickly find the median of an array, or some other percentile.

The Fortran Standard Library therefore provides a module, stdlib_selection, which implements selection algorithms.

Overview of the module

The module stdlib_selection defines two generic subroutines:

  • select is used to find the k-th smallest entry of an array. The input array is also modified in-place, and on return will be partially sorted such that all(array(1:k) <= array(k))) and all(array(k) <= array((k+1):size(array))) is true. The user can optionally specify left and right indices to constrain the search for the k-th smallest value. This can be useful if you have previously called select to find a smaller or larger rank (that will have led to partial sorting of array, thus implying some constraints on the location).

  • arg_select is used to find the index of the k-th smallest entry of an array. In this case the input array is not modified, but the user must provide an input index array with the same size as array, having indices that are a permutation of 1:size(array), which is modified instead. On return the index array is modified such that all(array(index(1:k)) <= array(index(k))) and all(array(k) <= array(k+1:size(array))). The user can optionally specify left and right indices to constrain the search for the k-th smallest value. This can be useful if you have previously called arg_select to find a smaller or larger rank (that will have led to partial sorting of index, thus implying some constraints on the location).

select - find the k-th smallest value in an input array




Returns the k-th smallest value of array(:), and also partially sorts array(:) such that all(array(1:k) <= array(k)) and all(array(k) <= array((k+1):size(array)))


call [[stdlib_selection(module):select(interface)]] ( array, k, kth_smallest [, left, right ] )


Generic subroutine.


array : shall be a rank one array of any of the types: integer(int8), integer(int16), integer(int32), integer(int64), real(sp), real(dp), real(xdp), real(qp). It is an intent(inout) argument.

k: shall be a scalar with any of the types: integer(int8), integer(int16), integer(int32), integer(int64). It is an intent(in) argument. We search for the k-th smallest entry of array(:).

kth_smallest: shall be a scalar with the same type as array. It is an intent(out) argument. On return it contains the k-th smallest entry of array(:).

left (optional): shall be a scalar with the same type as k. It is an intent(in) argument. If specified then we assume the k-th smallest value is definitely contained in array(left:size(array)). If left is not present, the default is 1. This is typically useful if multiple calls to select are made, because the partial sorting of array implies constraints on where we need to search.

right (optional): shall be a scalar with the same type as k. It is an intent(in) argument. If specified then we assume the k-th smallest value is definitely contained in array(1:right). If right is not present, the default is size(array). This is typically useful if multiple calls to select are made, because the partial sorting of array implies constraints on where we need to search.


Selection of a single value should have runtime of O(size(array)), so it is asymptotically faster than sorting array entirely. The test program at the end of this document shows that is the case.

The code does not support NaN elements in array; it will run, but there is no consistent interpretation given to the order of NaN entries of array compared to other entries.

select was derived from code in the Coretran library by Leon Foks, Leon Foks has given permission for the code here to be released under stdlib's MIT license.



arg_select - find the index of the k-th smallest value in an input array




Returns the index of the k-th smallest value of array(:), and also partially sorts the index-array indx(:) such that all(array(indx(1:k)) <= array(indx(k))) and all(array(indx(k)) <= array(indx((k+1):size(array))))


call [[stdlib_selection(module):arg_select(interface)]] ( array, indx, k, kth_smallest [, left, right ] )


Generic subroutine.


array : shall be a rank one array of any of the types: integer(int8), integer(int16), integer(int32), integer(int64), real(sp), real(dp), real(xdp), real(qp). It is an intent(in) argument. On input it is the array in which we search for the k-th smallest entry.

indx: shall be a rank one array with the same size as array, containing all integers from 1:size(array) in any order. It is of any of the types: integer(int8), integer(int16), integer(int32), integer(int64). It is an intent(inout) argument. On return its elements will define a partial sorting of array(:) such that: all( array(indx(1:k-1)) <= array(indx(k)) ) and all(array(indx(k)) <= array(indx(k+1:size(array)))).

k: shall be a scalar with the same type as indx. It is an intent(in) argument. We search for the k-th smallest entry of array(:).

kth_smallest: a scalar with the same type as indx. It is an intent(out) argument, and on return it contains the index of the k-th smallest entry of array(:).

left (optional): shall be a scalar with the same type as k. It is an intent(in) argument. If specified then we assume the k-th smallest value is definitely contained in array(indx(left:size(array))). If left is not present, the default is 1. This is typically useful if multiple calls to arg_select are made, because the partial sorting of indx implies constraints on where we need to search.

right (optional): shall be a scalar with the same type as k. It is an intent(in) argument. If specified then we assume the k-th smallest value is definitely contained in array(indx(1:right)). If right is not present, the default is size(array). This is typically useful if multiple calls to arg_select are made, because the reordering of indx implies constraints on where we need to search.


arg_select does not modify array, unlike select.

The partial sorting of indx is not stable, i.e., indices that map to equal values of array may be reordered.

The code does not support NaN elements in array; it will run, but there is no consistent interpretation given to the order of NaN entries of array compared to other entries.

While it is essential that indx contains a permutation of the integers 1:size(array), the code does not check for this. For example if size(array) == 4, then we could have indx = [4, 2, 1, 3] or indx = [1, 2, 3, 4], but not indx = [2, 1, 2, 4]. It is the user's responsibility to avoid such errors.

Selection of a single value should have runtime of O(size(array)), so it is asymptotically faster than sorting array entirely. The test program at the end of these documents confirms that is the case.

arg_select was derived using code from the Coretran library by Leon Foks, Leon Foks has given permission for the code here to be released under stdlib's MIT license.



Comparison with using sort

The following program compares the timings of select and arg_select for computing the median of an array, vs using sort from stdlib. In theory we should see a speed improvement with the selection routines which grows like LOG(size(array)).


The results seem consistent with expectations when the array is large; the program prints:

 select    ; N=           1 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   1.90928173    
 arg_select; N=           1 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   1.76875830    
 select    ; N=          11 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   1.14835048    
 arg_select; N=          11 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   1.00794709    
 select    ; N=         101 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   2.31012774    
 arg_select; N=         101 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   1.92877376    
 select    ; N=        1001 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   4.24190664    
 arg_select; N=        1001 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   3.54580402    
 select    ; N=       10001 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   5.61573362    
 arg_select; N=       10001 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   4.79348087    
 select    ; N=      100001 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   7.28823519    
 arg_select; N=      100001 ; PASS; Relative-speedup-vs-sort:   6.03007460