// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`displays general validation errors 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✕ Deployment failed (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ " 1) name is required", ], Array [ "", ], ] `; exports[`displays instructions for a missing mailchimp api key 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✕ Deployment failed (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ " 1) The secret @my-mailchimp-key is not defined yet (actions[0].apiKey)", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ " Here's where to find your API key: • Log in to your Mailchimp account • Open the menu with your avatar in the upper right • Navigate to Profile › Extras › API keys • Under \\"Your API keys\\", click Create A Key Copy the generated key and run the following command: $ statickit secrets add my-mailchimp-key ", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ "", ], ] `; exports[`displays instructions for a missing mailchimp audience 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✕ Deployment failed (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ " 1) The secret @my-mailchimp-audience is not defined yet (actions[0].audience)", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ " Here's how to found your Audience ID: • Log in to your Mailchimp account • Click the Audience tab at the top • Navigate to Manage Audience › Settings • Click Audience name and defaults • Locate the value under the \\"Audience ID\\" heading Copy the ID and run the following command: $ statickit secrets add my-mailchimp-audience ", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ "", ], ] `; exports[`displays instructions when a secret reference is required 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✕ Deployment failed (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ " 1) actions[0].apiKey must reference a secret (e.g. @mailchimp-api-key)", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ " This field must reference a secret instead of a raw value, because it's too sensitive to commit to version control. -- Instructions ---------------------------------------------------------- First, choose a name for this value and run the following command: $ statickit secrets add mailchimp-api-key \\"myinlinekey\\" Then, reference your secret like this (notice the @-symbol prefix): { \\"apiKey\\": \\"@mailchimp-api-key\\" }", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ "", ], Array [ "", ], ] `; exports[`does not install the shim if --no-shim is used 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✔ Deployment succeeded (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], ] `; exports[`does not install the shim if not present in the response 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✔ Deployment succeeded (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], ] `; exports[`installs the shim if present in the response 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✔ Deployment succeeded (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], Array [ "✔ Functions installed (shim-ref)", ], ] `; exports[`outputs shim install errors 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✕ Functions failed to install", ], Array [ [Error: error installing package], ], ] `; exports[`sends a deploy request with the right params 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✔ Deployment succeeded (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], ] `; exports[`skips validating inline secrets with force flag 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✔ Deployment succeeded (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], ] `; exports[`substitutes all referenced environment variables 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✔ Deployment succeeded (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)", ], ] `; exports[`throws an error if apiKey properties do not point to env vars 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✕ The following properties must reference environment variables: apiKey", ], ] `; exports[`throws an error if apiKey properties do not point to env vars 2`] = ` Array [ Array [ "> To override this, use the \`-f\` flag.", ], ] `; exports[`throws an error if apiSecret properties do not point to env vars 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✕ The following properties must reference environment variables: apiSecret", ], ] `; exports[`throws an error if apiSecret properties do not point to env vars 2`] = ` Array [ Array [ "> To override this, use the \`-f\` flag.", ], ] `; exports[`throws an error if secretKey properties do not point to env vars 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✕ The following properties must reference environment variables: secretKey", ], ] `; exports[`throws an error if secretKey properties do not point to env vars 2`] = ` Array [ Array [ "> To override this, use the \`-f\` flag.", ], ] `; exports[`throws an error if undefined env vars are referenced 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "✕ The following environment variables were referenced but are not defined: MY_SECRET_1, API_KEY_1", ], ] `;