Scripts for the Ghidra software reverse engineering suite.
🎬视频网站项目已实现功能: 首页导航栏,中部轮播图,以及电影列表的展现,底部导航链接 注册页面 视频播放页面 搜索页面 登录页面 用户管理页面 一键安装 电影抓取 等功能。基于NodeJS的Express框架开发的动态网站项目,下面也提供了本程序的相关演示站点。
FSA/FST algorithms, differentiable, with PyTorch compatibility.
kaldi-asr/kaldi is the official location of the Kaldi project.
Investment Research for Everyone, Everywhere.
This is an open source code of rtsp stream player in Android device.
Bitalostable is a KV storage engine. It is used to store bitalostored cold data.
Bitalosdb is a high-performance KV storage engine.
Bitalostored is a high-performance distributed storage system, core engine based on bitalosdb(self-developed), compatible with Redis protocol.
A set of samples to illustrate Vulkan API on Android
The project source code for Hacking with iOS.
A light-weight TDD / BDD framework for Objective-C & Cocoa
A reactive caching and data-binding framework. Riverpod makes working with asynchronous code a breeze.
Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple.
(RPG maker) Create RPG-style or similar games more simply with Flame.
Enable macOS HiDPI and have a native setting.
The official rendering library for PAG (Portable Animated Graphics) files that renders After Effects animations natively across multiple platforms.
The Dart SDK, including the VM, JS and Wasm compilers, analysis, core libraries, and more.
A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
Easy to use CFNetwork wrapper for HTTP requests, Objective-C, Mac OS X and iPhone