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WebGL. GPU for browser

WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. WebGL is fully integrated with other web standards, allowing GPU-accelerated usage of physics and image processing and effects as part of the web page canvas.

This repository is based on 2 open source tutorials for beginners:

  1. Mozilla WebGL tutorial
  2. WebGL Fundamentals from the ground up. No magic.

Code is divided into separate independent steps and steadily increases complexity with each step.

Following technologies are used:

  1. Javascript programming language;
  2. basics of HTML and CSS necessary to start examples;
  3. glMatrix high performance vector and matrix math library.

Javascript, HTML and CSS are embedded in each web-browser.

Unfortunately, version 3.0 of glMatrix does not work with Mozilla WebGL tutorials right now. So I had to download previous version 2.8.1 from gl-matrix GitHub.

After download I copied gl-matrix.js file from to webgl/data/ directory of the GitHub repository.

Step 1. Hello WebGL

It is minimal basics to start yellow square on gray background.

Yellow square on gray background

It is not much to show, but requires 200 code lines of low-level programming.

If you don't want to use low-level programming, you can use additional WebGL frameworks to simplify code development: Three.js, Babylon.js, etc.

Also I advise you to visit AlteredQualia website to view some interesting WebGL experiments.

Adding gradient color to the yellow square, which requires 40 additional lines of code.

Gradient color

Rotating the square from the previous example. Only 15 additional lines of code needed.

Apply rotation

Step 4. 3D cube

Converting a rotating 2D square into a rotating 3D cube. Plus 75 lines of code to make it.

3D cube

Step 5. Use texture

Using texture for a 3D cube. Around 114 code lines are needed to add texture for a 3D cube.

Texture for 3D cube

Step 6. Set lighting

Setting the lighting for the cube to make it look more realistic. Lighting is added using 77 lines of code. There are 530 Javascript lines for now.

Set lighting

I'll make further development of WebGL steps soon. Stay in touch and thanks for attention. 👋 :octocat: