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File metadata and controls

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Useful commands

driver related commands

REMINDER: most device files in a Unix-based system are stored at /dev directory

insert a compiled module/driver to the kernel

$ sudo insmod path/to/file.ko

remove a module/driver from the kernel

$ sudo rmmod module_name

obs: usually the 'module name' is the same name as the .ko file inserted

change the permissions of a file or device file

$ sudo chmod 666 /path/to/my_device_file

obs: permission number is a octal number, where 4 = read, 2 = write, 1 = execute. So 7 = 4 + 2 + 1, wich means RWX. 6 = 4 + 2, wich means RW-.

list all running modules/drivers

$ lsmod

list all running modules/drivers and search the output for a matching string

$ lsmod | grep string

watch the kernel output messages

$ sudo dmesg

watch the kernel output messages with more readable timestamp

$ sudo dmesg -wT

file related commands

print out a string to the standard output (usually a terminal)

$ echo "string"

redirect the output of a command to a file using '>'

$ echo "string" > test
$ ls > test2

obs: the '>' operation will empty the content of the file if the file already exists

redirect and append the output of a command to a file using '>>'

$ echo "string" >> test
$ ls >> test2

redirect the output of a command to the input of another using the '|' operator

$ ls | grep Documents

print out the full content of a file

$ cat path/to/file

print out N bytes from the beginning of a file

$ head -c N path/to/file

print out N bytes from the ending of a file

$ tail -c N path/to/file

print out N lines (util the '\n' character) from the beginning of a file

$ head -n N path/to/file

print out N lines (util the '\n' character) from the ending of a file

$ tail -n N path/to/file

info about a given file

$ file path/to/file

list the permission number, major and minor number, and other info about a file

$ ls -la path/to/file