# wasm-codecs This monorepo contains different codes compiled into WebAssembly so they can be installed on any system and don't require native binaries. Most of the codecs are improved versions and based on work done by the [Squoosh](https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/squoosh) team. Currently, only Node.js builds are published. Browser builds will be supported as well in the future. ## Packages - **[`@wasm-codecs/mozjpeg`](packages/mozjpeg)** - **[`@wasm-codecs/oxipng`](packages/oxipng)** - **[`@wasm-codecs/gifsicle`](packages/gifsicle)** - `@wasm-codecs/webp` (*coming soon*) ## License Licensed under the [MIT](https://github.com/cyrilwanner/wasm-codecs/blob/master/LICENSE) license. © Copyright Cyril Wanner