# Issues pixi # - should be able to read pyproject.toml [project] (name, version, description) # - automatically adds too strict version, bad for Python library # - optional dependencies and dev groups as PDM # - import data from pyproject.toml: [project] and [project.optional-dependencies] [project] name = "fluidsim" channels = ["conda-forge"] platforms = ["linux-64", "win-64"] [tasks] # use as `pixi run install-editable` # install-dependencies = "pixi install && pip install -e ./lib && pip install ../transonic" install-dependencies = "pixi install && pip install -e ./lib && pip install 'transonic>=0.6.0'" install-editable = {cmd = "pip install -e . -v --no-build-isolation --no-deps", depends_on = ["install-dependencies"]} [dependencies] python = ">=3.9,<3.11" numpy = ">=1.26.3" transonic = ">=0.5.3" fluiddyn = ">=0.5.2" fluidsim-core = ">=0.7.4" h5netcdf = ">=1.3.0" h5py = ">=3.10.0" xarray = ">=2023.12.0" matplotlib = ">=3.3" scipy = ">=1.11.4" rich = ">=13.7.0" pip = ">=23.3.2" pytest = ">=7.4.4" ipython = ">=8.20.0" coverage = ">=7.4.0" pytest-cov = ">=4.1.0" pytest-mock = ">=3.12.0" fluidfft = ">=0.2.9" mpi4py = ">=3.1.5" [pypi-dependencies] pymech = "*" pytest-allclose = "*" importlib-metadata = "*" [build-dependencies] meson-python = ">=0.15.0" pythran = ">=0.15.0" transonic = ">=0.5.3"