Django application to graph results of home energy monitor
Build a linux node with firewall, ssh, and fluffy user - see
Build and boot setting up password for user fluffy
set up DNS to point to new server
ssh on to it and set up ssh key for remote login if not done by linnode script
generate ssh key with ssh-keygen -help -t rsa -C "[email protected]" cat ~/.ssh/ put that key in github repo do a ssh [email protected] and verify fingerprint
set up reverse DNS
do a fab deployServer
edit the licence key in newrelic.ini
On the new host do cd src/fluffyhome/energygraph; ../ createsuperuser --username=fluffy --email=[email protected] and set up password for django supersuer
go to and set add user wind then go to and depending on auth model may need to update passowrd
sudo -u postgres psql DROP USER fluffy ; CREATE USER fluffy WITH PASSWORD 'myPassword'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE energygraph to fluffy; \q
Might try sudo -u postgres createdb --owner fluffy energygraph
Can also set password in psql with \password fluffy
You can muck with DB with psql -d energygraph -U fluffy -h localhost SELECT "userID", "userName", "passwd" FROM store_user ORDER BY "userID" ; SELECT "sensorID", "userID", "sensorName" FROM store_sensor ORDER BY "sensorID"; can fix up passwords with UPDATE store_user SET "passwd" = 'newpwd' WHERE "userID" = 5 ; right now am using django auth passwords on one in this DB so that does not matter
ECM1240-5723-aux5 for user 3 (plagd) is sensorID 115 ECM1240-42340-ch2 for user 1 cullen is sensorid 40 aka "Dryer ECM1c2"
mongo use energygraph show collections db.measurements1.find( { sensorID: 40 } , { time: true, value: true } ).sort({ time: -11 } ).limit(5) db.measurements1.find( { sensorID: 115 } , { time: true, value: true,integral:true } ).sort( { time: -1 } ).limit(10)
b.hourly1.find( { sensorID: 40 }, { time: true, value: true,integral:true,hourOfWeek:true } ).sort( { time: -1 } ).limit( 20 )
can monitors task in celery with a web server started with celery flower --broker=redis:https://localhost:6379/0
Set up following environment variables
setenv DATABASE_URL postgres:https://fluffy:pwd@localhost/hero setenv DJANGO_SECRET_KEY junkhere
setenv REDISTOGO_URL redis:https://localhost:6379
setenv AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID "foobar" setenv AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY "barfoo"
On my local devel mac, for the celry cron jobs use ../ celery worker --loglevel=info -E -B
and run main program with ../ runserver
deploy with fab deploy