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This directory contains GLUT emulation code for fltk.

The demo program "glpuzzle" is almost completely unchanged from the
original glut source code.  Search for "fltk" to find the changes.

The demo program "fractals" shows how a glut program can be imbedded
into a fltk window so that you can add buttons and other controls.
Most of the code is unchanged.  There are reports this program can
crash some OpenGL drivers!

Glut emulation is no longer actively supported in fltk.  However
these files do work and can be used as a starting point for porting
Glut programs.

To compile:

   Make fltk first.  You do not need to install it.

   Type "make" in this directory.

   Try the "glpuzzle" and "fractals" program to test it.

   Type "make install"

To compile Glut source code:

   Modify it so that <glut.h> is replaced with <fltk/glut.h>

   Compile and link with -lfltk2_glut -lfltk2

   You may also need -lglut to get functions like the teapot.  Put
   this *after* -lfltk2.

   You may have to modify the code to get it to compile with C++.

Copyright notice:

   GLUT is Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994, 1995, 1996.
   "This program is freely distributable without licensing fees  and is
   provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or  implied. This
   program is -not- in the public domain."

   Although I have copied the GLUT API, none of my code is based on
   any Glut implementation details.  Therefore the fltk glut emulation
   is covered by the LGPL and may be used in commercial software.