Links: Homepage | Play Store | F-Droid | App Store | Windows Store
Share files to nearby devices. Free, open source, cross-platform.
This app allows you to send files and messages over the local LAN network.
No internet required, no external servers needed.
Devices communicate with each other using a REST API.
Everything is sent securely over HTTPS. The TLS/SSL certificate is generated on the fly on each device.
For more information: LocalSend Protocol v1
After you have installed Flutter, then you can start this app by typing the following commands:
flutter pub get
flutter pub run build_runner build
flutter run
You can help translating this app to other languages!
- Preparation
- Add missing translations in existing languages: assets/i18n/_missing_translations.json
- Fix existing translations in assets/i18n
- Add new languages: locale codes.
- Fork this repository
- Create or update the translation file in assets/i18n (format:
) - Optional: Re-run this app
- Make sure you have run this app once.
- Update translations via
flutter pub run slang
- Run app via
flutter run
- Open a pull request
For convenience, you can use this link:
Any bug fix is welcome! Please describe how and why your fix is needed in the PR.
This app is very simple and should stay that way.
Please create an issue first so we can discuss why this improvement is needed.
These commands are mostly for the maintainers.
Please ensure that flutter pub run build_runner build
has been run. Otherwise, files will be missing.
Traditional APK
flutter build apk
AppBundle for Google Play
flutter build appbundle
flutter build ipa
flutter build macos
flutter build windows
Local MSIX App
flutter pub run msix:create
Store ready
flutter pub run msix:create --store
flutter build linux
appimage-builder --recipe AppImageBuilder.yml
Feel free to open a pull request. There is a snap
branch to play with.